September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Final weigh in was short of my goal, must have been the hamburger and fries last night. πŸ˜• Still down none the less!!

    Thank you Dry Winos for your humor and support during this pesky challenge. It’s Sunday morning here, a bit early to start imbibing, but I have my pinot at the ready. πŸ₯‚

    @awilson, I like the cut of your jib 🍷

    Last day of September 5lb over goal not happy but not too sad either. Off to see how the October challenge is going.

    Day 30 NFD St. Louis USA
    I didn’t check in yesterday. I don’t know if there is an October challenge or not but I don’t think I’m going to participate. I am still maintaining and want to stay connected for support. I’m not sure which forum is best for me. Haven’t been able to catch up on posts for a bit. Hoping all are well.

    All my best to all of you.

    Day 30, Northumberland UK NFD

    So, finished September with a lovely meal out, which somewhat blew TDEE but weighed in for month end below my 73kg maintenance target, so despite the continued quest for maintenance balance that doesn’t keep including junk, this WOL is definitely working. Not managing to check in and keep up as well as I was, but will check into October as it reminds me to be mindful of what i’m eating even as I veer off plan.

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