September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 1,605 total)

  • Hi
    Please can you add me. It’s definitely a non fast day for me today. Not fasted for 3 years. I eat clean but wanting to combine the two. I’m 10 stone 4 at the mo. Hoping to get rid of about 6 pounds. I like running and run about 3 times a week. Let me know if I have missed out any info.

    Thanks for the ‘Welcome Home’ messages @okeydokey and @flourbaby.

    Had a bad few months really. My mother was very ill and in hospital almost all of June, so I spent most of my time back and forth to the hospital. She was given a week to live but we managed to get her out and home with extra care. She then had a fairly great month & recovered some of her strength, seeing everyone she wanted to. She then (fairly deliberately I think) waited until we were on holiday to pass away, which meant an early return, funeral, etc. Very sad, and quite some gap left. I know we all go through such events but when it’s your own…

    All in all dieting seemed less important, although I’ve kept it up to a degree.

    Looking forward to some happy fasting and a bit of fight the flab banter ๐Ÿ™‚ The good old (newish) scales are being dusted and polished tonight. I’m contemplating a swear-box next to them – some charity could make a fortune out of my fight with the next 2 stone (15kg).

    Okay, I’ve never done anything like this before (deep breath): please add me to the list! I did my first ever fast day yesterday, ending with a tough exercise class. All good and feeling positive for the month ahead. Hoping to find the encouragement here to keep me going and to keep that positive feeling of achieving something very worthwhile. Starting at 11 stone 4lbs and hoping to get nearer 10 and a half stone or maybe just see where my body wants to end up. Even though the nights are drawing in I’d like to keep my running going and my fitness levels up. Here’s to a positive September!

    Please can you add me to the list, back after 6 months off the wagon, hasn’t been disastrous but would like to shift a bit before the Christmas madness starts!

    Hello everyone day 0 Co Down NI
    Welcome oldies and newbies and welcome back to some who took a break but missed us and are back with renewed vigour. For any one new to these challenges like @nellynoo dont worry there was always that first step for all of us. My best advice is – Just do it! You may sail along fine but at some point you may have to dig deep and if you feel like quitting think about why you started. Look for other means of measuring your success rather than depend on the numbers on a scale. That number fluctuates for so many reasons and can not be relied on to perform on the day and hour you decide to step on. So find an item of clothing that is tight and use that. Sometimes that number is not budging but clothes are getting looser. If you think of this as a way of life (WOL) and not a quick fix. You will have to change things, if you change nothing, nothing changes but embrace them try them and see. Taking on this challenge may just be the best decision ever and it’s only for 30 days – you can do anything for 30 days.
    If you would always start your post with the day of the challenge (always the day of the month) and where you are from. Thanks

    @johnnyr so sorry about your Mum, never easy. Welcome back

    Day 1 – Japan – FD 83.1kg

    I’m not feeling well so I’m not sure how long I’ll fast.

    @johnnyr – Sounds like you had a really hard summer, I’m sorry for your loss. My mother is only 23 years older than me and I’m pretty shocked by how old and feeble she has become. 23 years isn’t that long.

    Day 1/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Am I the first? It’s 7am on the 1st here in Aus.

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting and continuing these wonderful challenges. For all newbies start the day as I have done. The day is the date wherever you live so we are all on the same page. It really helps if we have an idea of your geographical location- fun too to share with others around the globe.

    My starting weight is 58.1kg. Below my goal weight of 59kg but way above my happy weight of 56kg. My goal for September is to stay on track to lose 500gm per week. Achievable if life events don’t intervene and play havoc with my mental resolve.

    Could you please add my starting weight to the spreadsheet @basyjames? I cannot open it. I think my aging iPad is the reason.

    Good luck to everyone. The FDs (fast days) can be easy, it is the NFDs (non fast days) that are the challenge and for the pocket winos a love of good wine adding to the snack dragon.

    Today is my 3rd anniversary. I started this WOL (way of life) three years ago today. I love this WOE (way of eating). I’ve been below goal since April 2015!

    For those who are interested in BMI thisis a good calculator. It takes into account ethnicity as well as age and sex.

    Thoughts are with those in Spain, South Asia, Texas and Louisiana and Ireland suffering from the effects of floods.

    Have a great day everyone. Looking forward to reading your new sign off @bert. Onwards and downwards.

    @dykask I see you beat me! Shouldn’t have typed such a long post!


    Welcome @payney79 @nellynoo @jo15. I have added you to the spreadsheet. @onahealthyhigh I think you are the first, It’s still 8/31/17 in Akron Ohio and I have updated your stats on the spreadsheet.

    @snowflake56 try this link

    @nellynoo, It’s ok ๐Ÿ™‚ we all started somewhere, just take it one day at a time. This WOL really works, slow for some and quickly for others; but it works if you keep at it. I am one of those who lost a lot in a short amount of time, 20 pounds in 5 months, gained 10 pounds back during my vacation month and lost it all again last month. I still can’t believe it myself because I have tried every diet out there and this was the easiest means of weight loss I have experienced- it seemed like I melted overnight;I wish I could post my before and after pictures. Regardless of the weight loss results, the other benefits of fasting are tremendous!

    Remember the posting format Day, location and FD or NFD. For example my first post tomorrow will be Day 1 Akron OH NFD. Woo hoo! let’s get this baby started!!

    Day 1 Sydney NFD

    Good luck to everybody this coming month โ˜บ

    @onahealthyhigh – Very cool that the is pushing bananas!

    I started 5:2 last Sept., but I’m think it was towards the end of the month. Still I’ll call it a year. I was looking at my old posts and I was amazed that back in March I was keeping my weight under 80kg most of the time. Time to get back to that. A BMI of 26 isn’t as good as a BMI of 24 and even at 24 I should have plenty of room for muscle. I have less fat than I did six months ago, but I still have plenty I can lose.

    Basyjames, thank you so much for adding me!

    Day 1 nz nfd husband’s 80th this weekend so won’t really start until after the weekend. Starting weight 84kg

    Day 1 – ABQ USA – FD

    Second day of B2B day 1 went really well ๐Ÿ˜€ I even went out for lunch and stayed under!! Yay!!

    Starting Weight: 163 lbs / 73.9 kgs
    Sept. Goal Weight: 157 lbs / 71.2 kgs
    Overall Goal Weight: 135 lbs / 61.2 kgs — Preliminary date to meet goal Dec. 31st

    September Goals:
    – Lose 6 lbs and/or 8 inches overall
    – Do 4:3 to help up weight loss
    – Try to do a liquid FD at least once per week
    – Limit alcohol to one day a week or less
    – Add in HIIT workout 3-4 times/week

    Big Picture Goals:
    – Enter my โ€œNormal Rangeโ€ BMI by the end of the year
    – Regularly do 30 min of exercise 3 times per week
    – Have a healthier lifestyle to keep up with my 1.5 y/o daughter
    – Lower risk for Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes
    – Push risk of a third cardiac incident to the 2nd percentile
    – Be cleared to start trying to conceive baby #2 by the end of the year
    – Have a healthier pregnancy & overall way of life

    Whooo! Let’s get this started!! So excited! September is one of my favorite months since it’s finally the beginning of AUTUMN!!! Thank goodness it’s finally cooling down!!

    Hello @basyjames (and everyone else joining for September), please count me in for the September challenge. Hoping to have a good month after a lot of indulging this summer! My goals are to lose weight, reduce sugar consumption, and pay attention to my fullness cues. It’s tricky for me not to binge on NFDs, and I want to make a concerted effort to be more mindful of my eating starting this month.

    Hi to all the September people. Things have really started to move ( downwards!) since I cut out as much sugar as I could, avoided the white carbs and stopped eating bread, and also try to miss breakfast so I start eating at around 2 and stop around 10 pm ( not continuously of course, that would be silly…). At last I feel like I’m making progress. Still not weighed myself. It’s counterproductive for me.

    I’m here…… I’ll post my information in the am for me. It’s still 8/31 at 9:30pm for me…..

    But, I want to let you know my ending for this month….

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    @basyjames, thank you for hosting the Sept. Challenge. Please count me in

    Day 1, Guildford UK, CD

    Please count me in. Unable to access the sheets from my tablet and don’t use my work laptop for anything but work.

    So can’t be on the spreadsheet.

    Much to my surprise I maintained last month, goal was 1 kg and lost zero, gained zero.

    It’s ok.

    Revenge bod this month.

    Thank you @debster251 for last month
    @at and @coda for support and virtual hugs. I need every one last month….

    For those who don’t know I am in a high conflict divorce.

    So goal this month 2 Kg, 1lb per week seems doable if the creep eating doesn’t get me!


    Day 1 UK FD ๐ŸŒˆ

    Hi @basyjames thank you for hosting please sign me up. I don’t use the spreadsheet I hope that’s ok with you! I do check in daily though in this forum.

    Keep on keeping on. ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป Just do it. ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป

    Day 1, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Welcome September. I started this wol early June 2016 and lost 15 kilos by end October 2016. I maintained but gained two kilos by end July 2017 and then after a 13 day cruise I gained 3.5 kilos that’s around six kilos above target. I have lost two kilos up till now and would like to lose three more kilos this month. My aim is to be 65 kilos by end of September.

    JohnnyR condolences. My mother too got better before she passed away and I still miss her after twelve years of not being with us. Take care and God bless you.

    Have a great Friday everyone, onwards and downwards

    Day 1 – London – NFD

    Back on to the 5:2 after taking a break.
    I’ve put on a bit of weight, not a huge amount but enough that the clothes are feeling the strain a little!

    Starting weight today -10st
    Goal for sept is to lose 5lbs.

    Very doable I think if I put my mind to it.
    My other non weight related goal is to get back into exercising. I know i feel so much better if I’m exercising and also find it really keeps me on my toes as to my diet, no point in slogging it out in the gym if you then eat rubbish!

    Good luck to everyone this month and thank you @basyjames for hosting.


    Day 1 – Cumbria UK – FD

    Thank you @basyjames for leading us into this challenge for September and also to @debster251 for taking care of us in August

    I’m starting this new Challenge month with a FD!

    I’m looking forward to meeting all the newbies and so lovely to see so many familiar names continuing with these monthly challenges!
    The best advice I can give to anyone new to this WOL is to stick to the basic 5:2 for at least the first month. This WOL does work if you follow it and give it time โ€“ It is not a DIET but a permanent change as to how we eat and lead our livesโ€ฆโ€ฆTo lose the weight and keep it off means that we cannot go back to doing what we did before when we gained the weight!!!!

    I am happy to report that September will be my 10th Month in Maintenance ๐Ÿ’ƒ Joining the November Challenge was an amazing experience โ€“ I remain eternally grateful to @coda for setting these challenges up in May 2016 and for @back2thefuture who was leading the November challenge when I first joined up

    โ€œLosing Weight is Hard. Maintaining Weight is Hard. Staying Overweight is Hard. Choose your Hard.โ€

    Day 1 North Wales NFD

    So pleased to be back with old and new.

    A little bit about myself – I am an ex school teacher. I started this way of life the middle of June after watching Michael Mosley’s programme on sleep and avidly reading his book the 5:2 fast diet. I had been worrying for sometime about my increasing weight and the fact I had a wardrobe full of clothes that did not fit. I was really fed up of wearing black stretchy trousers. I hate diets. Did weight watchers years ago with good results but the weight came back with more. My problem was overeating. My diet was pretty healthy but portion sizes were too large. After reading and re-reading the book, I decided to start, despite going on holiday in that first month. My husband thought I would fail as we all thought that I did not do hunger well. To my surprise I have managed my fast days fantastically well. When I feel hungry I remember Mimi saying that the feeling would pass and she was right. I also discovered that for me if I fasted all day and ate my 500 calories in the evening my fast days always went well. When I started this way of life I was 156lb. This morning I am 139lb. I do the 5:2 exactly as suggested in the book fasting Monday and Thursday. I do not do back to back fasts or water fasts. I weigh myself about every couple of weeks.
    I am delighted with my progress so far. I have reduced my wine intake mainly because I do not fancy it as much and do not crave crisps any more. I can now get into most of the clothes in my wardrobe ๐ŸŽ‰. I am going to continue with this way of life for the rest of my life.

    Thank you @coda @debster251 for leading the July and August challenge. Thank you @basyjames for leading this challenge.

    @johnnyr I am sorry to her about your Mum. A very difficult time. I buried my Mum a year ago today ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    My target for this month is to complete two fast days every month successfully. I would like to lose,in time, another 8 pounds or so. I am in no rush

    We can do this, we are ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช


    Day1 Belfast NFD

    Starting weight : 11 stone 0.5 154.5lbs
    Waist 33.5″
    Goal: to get weight below the 11 stone barrier
    Reduce waist size further
    Improve my exercise routine – I’ve been lazy over the summer!
    Avoid sugar!!
    @johnnyr – good to see you back and I’m sorry to hear your sad news. It’s not easy losing a parent. My mum passed away about 20 months ago. It leaves a big hole in your life.
    @bert – I see you’re keeping up the standard of your endings lol l!
    @rainbowsmile – do you have google sheets? That should enable you to access the spreadsheet.

    I’m going to confess before I start – I’m away for a girlie weekend today. I baked a key lime pie and intend to enjoy some of it (sorry Quebecoise, Losing_it and Laurealice๐Ÿ˜)and pocket winos I’m in charge of the liquid provisions so the gin and wine is packed! I’m letting my hair down a bit and I’m going to climb back on that wagon again on Sunday.

    To everyone starting for the first time – We’ve all been in that scary place. And it’s good to see lots of familiar faces. Good luck to us all!

    Day 1 – France – NFD

    So happy to be with all in this new challenge ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again for hosting @basyjames.

    I’m 58, a teacher and have been in France for almost 40 years. Have always been a foodie but only started having weight problems since menopause. After starting and stopping a load of different diets (weight watchers was the best), finally went on to 5:2 in June and love it. Lost 5 kg then stupidly put on over 2 through a month of holiday pigging (MUST use @at‘s words of wisdom as my motto). Very motivated to dump the unnecessary 16 kg and will bore you all until I get there! September will be sugar-free for me so @pocketwinos I will only drink the unchaptilised stuff!

    @bert Just love the new ending. Better than being an ostrich with your head in the sand eh!

    Bisous to all

    Thank you installed Google sheets @debster251

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    Sorry quick check in today, thank you so much @basyjames for taking the lead. Happy Fasting everyone.

    Day 1, Wales, NFD

    Hi everyone, great to be here at the start of another challenge, thanks for hosting @basyjames.

    I began 5:2 on 26 June this year and I am now 11.25lbs lighter. Newbies, I joined the July and August challenges and it has helped tremendously to keep me focused, plus its terrific to know that you have company when you feel a bit hungry on fast days. I am following Michael Mosley’s Blood Sugar Diet on 5:2, so I’ve cut out refined carbs, sugar and processed foods…..and replaced them with full fat cheese, greek yogurt and nuts (yum). I’m enjoying food much more than on my previous low fat calorie controlled diet and I’m finding it quite liberating to only have to calorie count on fast days. I have a weakness for red wine and wouldn’t be able to stick with any diet that didn’t allow a glass or two…..with the help of the Pocket Winos on these challenges (ie. other people who enjoy alcohol but want to limit intake) I’m drinking guilt free but attempt to restrict it to three evenings a week. During August I lengthened the time between evening dinner and breakfast to a minimum of 14 hours every day and that seems to be working well for me. On fast days I allow up to 800 calories – but try to be close to 500. Feeling good and healthy.

    Looking forward to sharing September with you all x

    Day 1……Florida……NFD

    I love day 1, it’s like starting a new adventure!

    For the old timers this might be a bit boring, but newbies read on!
    My start weight for Sept. is 134lbs, but I sure in the heck didn’t start there. In Nov., I heard my calling, come join a group of wonderful, supportive people not only to lose weight, but to gain more than I ever intended. My original start weight in Nov. was 165lbs. Oh my gerd!

    I live in Fl., it’s hot! I live with my husband of 20 years, my kid who 21, a college grad and a full time worker in his career of choice and my other kid, he just started college and his first job…..All in the same week….. poor thing adulthood I’d hitting him hard!

    In March, I hit a plateau, stayed there for 4 long months. @debster, she got tired of seeing me up there so she gave me a mighty pull and I fell off. I’ve seen steady weight loss since.

    My best advice to anyone, no matter what happens during your day. Stay with us, keep reading. Inthat 4 month plateau, I would have Shirley (get it?) given up if I would not have had the support of my wonderful friends.

    @basyjames….. Thank you…… Do you mind keeping my stats updated. As I can’t access the sheet! Tank you,tank you…..

    Okay, well I’m off, I got to get over to Aug. and do my final weigh in!

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    Hello everyone, from Co Down NI. Day 1, new day, new month, new beginning and with a crispness in the air a new season. A NFD day for me but a controlled one – had a little splurge with my morning coffee and had 2 scones but I feel so heavy now I don’t think I will have any problems keeping it light for the rest of the day.

    Spread sheet completed until 13th when I enter unknown and will have to play it by ear.

    I hereby promise to do my best this month to stick to my fast days and healthy non fast days and will once again be open and honest (rather than pretend it didn’t happen) any indiscretions.

    @bert1802 – they keep getting better and better.

    Day 1, India, NFD

    Hi all, I have lost 3 kgs since 1st August even though I didnt meet my goal for the month. I need to lose another 5kgs for me to reach the normal BMI range.I always seem to get stuck around 7okgs. At this point I am happy to lose just a couple of kgs each month. Good luck to everybody starting out on the challenge.


    Not been here for quite some time but have joined the September challenge.

    Hope its ok to just barge in.


    Update post — I’m 26 hours into the fast, no real problem. In fact I’m starting to feel like the bloating is going away. I’m not well though.

    What is scary that in just over a week I’ll be headed to China. So I hope I get well as I have to meet and talk with a lot of people. It will be a hard and stressful week so I’m not going to fast on the trip. Basically I’ll miss two fast days. However I learned the hard way that travel and fasting don’t mix well for me.

    Day 1 – NFD

    can you please add me in to the challenge? I’ve just lost 9lb on the August challenge, but still have 2 st to go, so I expect I’ll be doing a lot of these!

    I’m going to put 5lb as my goal for September, I’m on holiday for a week so probably won’t do any FD during that week, but it will mean I don’t go overboard on the eating cakes and pastries ๐Ÿ™‚

    Another question, I’m very keen to reduce waist size as this is another health indicator. Losing 9lb has made absolutely no difference :-(, although all my clothes feel loser. Has anyone got any tips/ideas. I know I really need to start generally toning things up so would like to know if there’s any fairly quick things I can do regularly at home.


    Day 1 Lancaster PA USA FD
    I’m off to a good start, I fasted yesterday and I’m fasting today.โœจ I will have a NFD on the 2nd. I Will have to join the Pocket winos ๐Ÿฅ‚โœจ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๐Ÿฅ‚afterwards, because I’ll be having at least 1 Margarita with my cousin when she visits.โœจ๐Ÿ˜Š
    @johnnyr I’m very sorry your mom has passed away. It’s very hard. I’m glad she was able to spend time with you, her family and her friends before she passed.โœจ
    @nellynoo Welcome!โœจ Your off to a great startโœจ
    @coda as always… great advice and very supportive.โœจ๐Ÿ’›
    Welcome to all who are new to fasting and to all who are returning for more NFD’s and FD’s success.โœจ
    @basyjames Thank-you for adding me to the September Spreadsheet and for hosting the Challengeโœจ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’›

    Day 1 Lancaster, PA, USA FD
    I’ve been fasting for the past few days, I always think I’m not going to have enough energy when fasting. But I bring my bottle or glass of water and I’m always surprised that I have more energy to do things while I’m fasting. It’s been pleasant surprises for me.
    @dykask… I have to ask๐Ÿ˜ŠWhat happened that you found out the hard way that fasting and travel don’t mix well? Did your stomach get upset, vomiting? Low energy? Missed your flight?

    Day 1 Akron OH NFD. I originally planned to fast today but after 4 B2B fasts my body needs a break. The elliptical was a struggle this morning and so was my kettle bell session.
    @johnnyr my condolences on the loss of your mom, mine passed away when I was 10 you never get over it, but the ache diminishes with time.
    @berries63 have you tried strength training or planking? that has worked wonders for me in the past. there was a planking challenge in the August challenge, if enough people are interested we can do a September one as well and keep track by pocket planking ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Bert182 love your endings and sure!
    @debster251 enjoy your weekend with the girls
    @molij thanks for sharing, I can’t get over how this WOL just works for me and so many others
    @smart mart @rahul1905 you are welcome and updated on the sheet.

    Day 1, London, UK, NFD,

    Out for lunch today, so a quick check-in from me, I’ll post a bit more later regarding aims and objectives for September and catch up with today’s posts.

    Thanks for hosting this month @basyjames.

    Day 1 USA-WA FD
    Thanks for hosting @basyjames. Please count me in as well. I have been on a plateau for awhile but I’m assessing if perhaps this is just a good maintenance weight for me. Going to ponder this today and decide on my Sept goal!

    Day 1 – ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง- NFD

    So motivational reading everyone’s posts. I’m aiming for 4lb “elimination” of weight this month. For newbies it’s not weight “loss” because we don’t want to find it again!!!

    I joined challenges in May & by end of July I was below 10st 7lbs first time in a decade – pre kids weight……….then came summer!!!! I’m pocket wino too ๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ

    So I know this WOL works so I’m going to just do it!!!!! First fast of Sept will be tomorrow- good luck everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 1 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    Greetings, and welcome newbies!This is a marvelous group of individuals here, extremely supportive, helpful, and friendly. The more you read and join in, the more satisfied you will feel. It is so wonderful to see so many regulars!

    My 5:2 journey began in March 2016, then joined the @coda challenge in May, and I’ve been in all of them since then. I began at 193 pounds, and am now at maintenance of 160 (+/- 3). I’m 69, quite healthy, retired school music teacher – still conduct a community choir, have private piano students, and do music with my church. My real name is Gwynne, I love to read, have 4 grown children, 5 granddaughters, and visit Utahto help single-mom DD with 2 of them.

    People have noticed my weight loss over the months, and I am a huge cheerleader for our WOL. Each season I find more clothes that don’t fit at all, so I have an almost new wardrobe. I have lost 5″ off hips, 4″ waist, and 3″ bust. Even though I am right at the top of acceptable BMI, I am content to stay where I am. At 69, wrinkles need some puffing out to not look too old and gaunt! I am a “pocket wino” who loves to indulge in mostly red but occasional white or white zin.

    @johnnyr – so sorry to hear of your loss. May your memories of your mom help you through your grief.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 1 NJ FD

    Hello Everyone!
    This is my very first post. I’m so excited to be a part of the September challenge. I’ve never done anything like this before. I have struggled with weight my entire life and have lost significant amounts of weight in the past (and gained them back) but it has always been on my own. I’ve never tapped into a support system like this one. I have already become quite dependent on reading these posts to make through my day.
    I am very new to fasting (less than a month). I first learned of intermittent fasting as a form of weight loss by reading a book by Dr. Jason Fung called “The Obesity Code” (highly recommend). Everything he said made so much sense to me that I decided to give it a try for myself. I started intermittent fasting last week (August 24th) and when I weighed myself this morning I was down 8.4 lbs!(3.8 kg) Not only am I losing weight but I am also feeling so much better. For the past few days I haven’t had any knee pain!What I do is basically fast for 24 hours Monday – Friday. I have dinner every night with my family and then don’t eat again until dinner time the next day. I have a desk job so I don’t find it too difficult to have coffee, tea and water throughout the day when I’m in the office. Then I just come home and make dinner for my family and I. Since weekends usually involve visiting friends and family these are my NFDs. I haven’t even mentioned what I’m doing to my family yet as I’m fasting on “my time” and not theirs– if that makes any sense.
    Does any one else do this type of fasting? Will I continue to see the type of results I’ve seen to date? I know that at the beginning a lot of the weight loss is water but pounds lost are pounds lost! I’ll take it!!
    Looking forward to going on this journey with all of you.

    Day 1, Northumberland UK, NFD

    Hi all. Wasn’t sure if I wanted to login to another challenge but missed it last month when I didn’t manage to check in, and need to get some routine and some control back.

    Starting weight 73.5kg. Aiming at maintenance around 73kg which is where I’ve been for the last couple of months. Have to say am still finding the balance of maintenance whereas 5:2 for weight loss came relatively easily.

    Background – having hit 100kg in January, I started towards this WOL with a calorie restricted diet in February, switching to 5:2 at the end of March having hit 90kg which was a fairly stable weight for me through my 20s and pre-kids. I’ve lost more weight, and inches, than I thought I had to lose and dropped 2+ UK clothing sizes. I’m doing more exercise and feel the healthiest I have in a lot of years. I feel better generally with intermittent fasting and just need to find my maintenance balance as too much junk has crept in this month.

    Good luck everyone. This is truly a great place for support and learning around this WOL.

    Day 1, Emden Germany (but being Dutch), NFD

    Starting weight this month: 52,3 kg, 115.3lbs

    Hi everyone, my journey so far:

    I started January 2017 weighing 70,9 kg by cutting out sugar and most carbs. Started 5:2 at the beginning of February. Decided it was a bit lonely so joined the March Challenge. It worked very well, I benefitted a lot from the good advice and support the others gave, there are a lot of carers and motivaters around here. If you have a bad day, someone will help you up.

    Todayโ€™s weight 52,3 kg, so down 18,6 kg, 5th month of maintenance, donโ€™t plan to lose more. Plan to maintain at ~ 54 kg.

    @johnnyr I’m so sorry for your loss

    @basyjames I’m able to go on the spreadsheet to put in everything. Thanks.

    @debster251 have fun!

    Just stick to the basics, this WOL (Way of Living) works. Let’s make it a great month!

    Day 1, UK, FD

    Been away since Sunday and have had a few uncontorolled days. Back in the saddle today, but won’t be able to weigh in until tomorrow morning (which will also be my end of August weight). May the scales be kind to me!

    Day 1, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Thanks again @debster251 for leading us in August and thanks @basyjames for hosting September!โš˜โš˜โš˜

    Wow, the beginning of another month. Good to see so many familiar faces and welcome newbies! This is NOT a diet but a WOL (way of life). And it does work!

    I started in Feb or March this year at about 140 pounds and am now maintaining at 121 pounds or 55 kg for 2 months.

    Getting rid of pounds is good but the health benefits of IF (intermittent fasting) are great. I do 16:8 every day (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating window), often 18:6, do not eat breakfast, exercise (walking, hiking) before breaking fast, break fast around 12:30. I eat a Mediterranean diet, avoid processed food, sugar, refined carbs in general.

    Off for a mini vacation over Labor Day. Involves a lot of hiking. Yeah! ๐ŸŒ„๐Ÿž๐Ÿ˜Š

    Have a great start to a new month everyone! Together we are stronger! Onwards and downwards! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Day 1 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Starting Sept. Weight: 146 lbs; 66.2 kgs
    September Goal Weight: 142 lbs; 64.4 kgs (1 lb per week)
    Overall Goal Weight: 135 lbs; 61.2 kgs โ€” I want to weigh 135 by my 70th birthday which is in March.

    @onahealthyhigh – Thank you for the link to the BMI calculator. I double checked my results with the 5:2 calculator and it came up with the same BMI so thatโ€™s reassuring.

    @debster251 – Enjoy your girls weekendโฃ๏ธ

    Pocket winos unite, we are stronger together. ๐Ÿท

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