Self esteem building… encouragement for new fasters

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Self esteem building… encouragement for new fasters

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ferris 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • It is amazing to me that I have done this intermittent fasting (and willingly) for coming up to a year on 13th Jan. Just under a stone lost – knowing that it is protecting my health is my main motivation… I regularly go back to remind myself by watching something from Michael Mosely on Youtube re all the benefits. And the gradual midriff weight-loss is a blessing.

    I am someone who has never fallen in love with exercise, but has been mostly slim and was told, you’re lucky, you don’t have any body issues, but had gained 1.5 stone with menopause/divorce/depression… etc

    This fasting has really been so motivating to me. Self esteem building…knowing the TOFI (thin outside, fat inside) effect is being worked on… Fasted on Christmas Eve, then Sat 2nd, and will do Tues 5th and Thurs 7th I think this week. Happy New Year to us all…we are keeping ourselves well and helping the NHS at the same time . Keep on, keeping on! x

    I can’t say I’m overly fond of exercise either. This year I will attempt to drag myself to the gym, but I can see how that will end up lol.

    I haven’t quite done intermittent fasting for a year, but I started at the beginning of May last year. At 5’6 and 13 stone 4 iirc at the time, I was bordering obese and had very little confidence. Whilst I know some people suit a fuller/ curvy figure, I’m definitely not one of them and both looked and felt terrible. In just over eight months on alternate day fasting I’ve dropped to 9 stone 4, and feel much more confident in myself.

    In just a matter of months or a year, one can pretty much change a lot about themselves. In reality it isn’t such a long time. Grats on your losses Pearl.

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