Seeking healthier food …

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Seeking healthier food …

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  miek 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I have a naturally sweet tooth so find it hard to avoid cakes, biscuits etc. Having said that I am coeliac so my cakes etc all need to be gluten-free and, sadly, gluten-free “treats” are often sweeter than the normal version. However, I’ve been following the 5:2 regime since January and, as the weeks have passed, I’ve found that my tastes are changing in that, when I want / need a snack, I frequently go for fruit rather than a biscuit; and a biscuit with my cup of tea post-work is becoming much more of an occasional treat rather than a “necessity”. I’m also opting for salad (at lunch, with my main meal) far more than I did before. In general I get full quicker, whether that is because I’m not eating the sweet stuff or whether that is because my tum has shrunk due to the regime, I don’t know – probably both. The 5:2 has really worked for me – I’ve hit my target weight today : 14 weeks at 6.5 kg / 14.3 lbs lost, so 1 lb per week which is bang on. And I feel really good – loads of energy. Thank you, Michael and Mimi.

    PS This is the only “diet” book I have ever read from cover-to-cover and returned to …


    About the cravings: what is helping me a lot is FAA – Food Addiction Anonymus. They have a very clear basic plan on what to eat when. It helps me tremendously to stay clear from foods I simply should not eat, because
    1. I am never hungry
    2. I get all the nourishment I need.
    3. It is not necessary anymore to THINK about food – it saves such a lot of decision-making.

    A big help when you are food-addicted (i.e. spending more time then you want on thinking about food, weight, your body and feeling guilty, thinking this is all YOUR fault, which it isn’t) can be found at At the moment Susan is doing a series of 3 video’s, free of charge, giving information that is truely helpful. She is explaining why our brains are wired to do things we actually don’t want to do and gives solutions that stop these processes.

    It may be the end of fasting (I got stuck on a plateau AND was feeling hungry, which gave me a lot of stress and as we all know, stress holds weight), but for me it is the beginning of never, ever having to worry about food again AND getting enough nourishment for a healthy body with a healthy weight, that actually WANTS to (be) move(d). Which in the end is the only thing I want.

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