second fast day

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  simsbury 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • hey all so i started on monday with a fast day,it went fine and i managed to keep going. tuesday i ate a little to much as was mums birthday celebrations so feelinga little gutted with that as i could of had a bit more restraint. however today is a new day and i am fasting again. i know it only 11 am but im feeling even more confident as i am not even really thinking about food. normally im thinking gosh its breakfast time i need to eat or its now lunch and i need to eat regardless of whether or not im hungry. im feeling like i can last till dinner time without food. it also helps that today i am working so that will keep me even more occupied!! hope all are doing well 🙂

    hi Keeleyjs and welcome to the forum!

    good luck on your fast today, sounds like you are doing great anyway!!


    Hi- I can’t find where I posted before..but today is also my 2nd day fasting – Mondays and Thursdays – those are my days and thus being Thursday it’s day 2. I am hoping. this way of controlling my eating will fit better w/my personality- moderation has never been my strong suit so whereas i know I can’t binge on eating days, fasting 2x a week sounds better to me than constant calorie counting every single day forever. I am only going to weigh monthly – all these ideas to avoid getting into obsessive mindstate which restrictive dieting tends to bring on for me. I have done just fine today – just need to consider the kitchen closed!!

    hi simsbury.
    i know what you mean about using it as a means to control weight. i plan on weighing after my first week which will be monday just to see how i have done with non fast days and then like you leave it monthly. i dont want to get into the mind set of dieting even though that is what i am using it for until at desired weight got about 3 stone to lose. hope you day went well my second fast day was loads easier. i just keep saying to my self its one bloody day of self control, i have had to acheive harder stuff than not really eating for a day so fingers crossed this will work for me. thursday is the 4th day in and i have fasted twice , monday and wednesday and today my appetite being a non fast day was smaller than usual. i struggled to eat lunch and felt quite uncomfortable after it was only a wrap with lettuuce and goats cheese so hardly a stuff yoour face meal lol so hopefully this will continue!!my mum started a few months ago and looks great. me and my partner are going away together for the first time to Mauritius in july for two weeks no kids!! i want to look my best 😉 sorry for the essay x

    No need for apologies! Appreciate your comment. I do feel a mental lift from fasting– right now it’s pre- breakfast and I am not hungry the way I was yesterday at times– the fact that hunger is not constant is an important insight and it is a relief to feel a teensy bit of self control. Today my hubby and I are driving 300 mi north to Maine for ski weekend at bro-in-laws’ place– these family reunions tend to be feeding frenzies and I am going to do my best to remember I have my metabolism and not that of the kids! Have a great weekend– my next post will be fasting Monday….

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