Scalp problems

This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 11 years ago.

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  • I started the 5:2 diet at the end of July and have found it really easy to manage, resulting in a weight loss of 13lbs so far. However, just after starting the diet, my scalp became itchy, scaly, and it’s now so bad that I am losing my hair. I’ve seen 3 doctors, who diagnosed it firstly as dermatitis and then psoriasis (I have no other skin problems on the rest of my body) and I’m now being referred to a dermatologist.
    The only change to my life has been this diet – could it be related, or is it just a coincidence? Have I ‘shocked’ my body into this scalp condition?
    I’m not sure whether to continue with the diet or not – I’m losing weight but I’m also going bald!!!
    Any advice? Any others with similar tales, or is this just a complete coincidence? My GPs are baffled 🙁

    I wonder if you somehow triggered a thyroid problem? If so – it was almost there…ready to pop.

    Have you started eating lots of raw cabbage and broccoli, etc? That works against the the thyroid.

    I started taking and iodine supplement called Iodoral and it helped cure some long-term scalp problems. It also helped my thyroid and I no longer need thyroid meds.

    I have exactly the same symptoms; itchy, flaky scalp and losing my hair! I started the diet at the end of May and have lost around 9kg fairly easily, but am wondering whether to stop the diet.

    ” itchy, flaky scalp and losing my hair! ”

    I have not noticed anything different on my scalp. Occasionally, I will use lotion.

    Is there any other reason for this?

    I started to get an itchy neck and shoulders/ chest ( but not as low as boobs…) and blamed it on a perfume I tried about the same time I started eating proper fresh veg during fast days! I gave the perfume away.
    ( about 3 weeks ago)
    Anyway, after researching it could be pre menopausal …( are you female?) as I found loads of women with itchy scalps just like you on line and a few with itchy skin ( and the odd neck one like me)
    I’m 47

    Just a thought.

    They advise not washing your hair as much, not having hot hot showers, Luke warm, and there are some steroid shampoos, a couple found that helpful.
    They all thought they had lice, but wasn’t and no dandruff signs.
    Most would itch till there was blood, then it got infected etc all cos of their age and ‘ the change’

    Are you itchy anywhere else? Have you checked your hormone levels as lower oestrogen produces thinner skin . Lack of water in skin, so dryness ( drink more water if mid 40’s) and use a moisturiser ..if you can. Hard on your head though.

    All the best, scary..huh

    I have scalp psoriasis and another type of psoriasis on my arms, underarms and legs. I have not started the 5:2 as yet but am wondering whether this diet will improve my condition. I did another diet (7 day juice and smoothie diet) and noticed a marked improvement in my skin. I have read the other posts on this topic and makes the 5:2 more inviting to do.

    My scalp and skin are vastly improved since doing this.

    Hello. I have scalp psoriasis too. I have not started the 5:2 diet but was wondering how you were getting on.

    Hi Annette.

    Thank you for your reply. Will start the 5:2 tomorrow.

    I noticed a steady improvement in a large sore patch on my ankle as the weeks passed and then realized that my scalp was fine too. It took me several weeks to notice that the moisturizing cream that I was using for my skin several times a day, was no-longer needed.

    I stopped the 5:2 for 4 weeks in December…….skin and scalp erupted.

    Hello Annette,
    I also didn’t fast much in Dec and two patches of psoriases reappeared at the back near my hairline.
    This really would be a worthy research project for someone.

    I would love someone to find a cure for alopecia. I have suffered from this for nearly 40 years and had every treatment known to medical science but nothing works. It will be interesting to see what effect, if any, the 5:2 has.

    Hello Mulville,
    That is really very interesting and supports my hunch.

    Sylvestra Fingers crossed there is an effect. Who knows it might?

    I would have an itchy scalp, and have had excessively itchy skin with a sever rash before but this is related to a thyroid imbalance, and not to the 5:2 diet. Since starting this diet, my skin problems have almost cleared and my thyroid is settling really well, so much so that my medication has been reduced dramatically.

    I can only hope that other sufferers find relief with this diet plan too. I’m now coming up to my one year’s anniversary of starting the 5:2, and have lost a substantial amount of weight and a couple of dress sizes.

    On top of that, I feel amazing, and hope that others will find this too. Try it and see what happens, if it doesn’t work out for you, I would be surprised.

    Good luck to all 5:2ers!

    That is fantastic news. I am sure that you do feel amazing. Losing weight makes everything easier doesn’t it?

    Losing weight does of course make my health much better,but I have to say it’s more about my self esteem…..I was never able to stick to anything before, but now I’ve had a year of this and feel so much better in so many ways. Even though it’s been a year, it’s really only been 100 days! And not even that…I had a 4 week break in June, a week again now and then and then of course I enjoyed Christmas. Today is actually my birthday (58), and am at this moment enjoying a couple of G&Ts!! It doesn’t matter….tomorrow’s another day!’s to tomorrow…..and feeling even better about my self!
    Happy fasting…………..

    Happy Birthday!
    You are of course right about the self esteem. I can’t believe how much better I feel about my self now.I had never thought about calculating the days…brilliant idea.

    Enjoy the G & T’s!

    Thanks for the birthday greetings!

    And to all taking part in the 5:2……this time next year……100 fast days……..about 3 months altogether……’s to success! Slainté!

    OK What do you rub into your itchy scalp?

    For me it is exactly the other way around. Starting with my pre-menopause I got it itchy skin I was losing more hair in the shower. Since I fast both of these symptoms have stopped.

    The only shampoo that I have found that stops my scalp from driving me completely insane is called Selsun, which is the trade name (selenium sulphide). It’s one of those that you use twice a week for 2 weeks, then once a week for 2 weeks, then only as necessary.

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