Saucy and Svelte September!

This topic contains 272 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 2 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 279 total)

  • Day 5 – UK – OMAD
    One thing I forgot to say, whilst Aug was a semi-disaster, I did read Fung’s obesity code during my time away. I’d 100% recommend it, it really helps explain why fasting is helpful and why it works, how it’s safe etc. defo. fired up my mojo for Sep…


    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD (it’s Labor Day, the holiday when we celebrate those who “labor” here in the States…and do so by asking them to work so we can go shopping, to the movie, and out to eat. My boys HATE that, and I’ve quit doing any shopping on Labor Day now 😂🤣😂)

    I had things I needed from Omaha, that I knew weren’t available in the closer town where I shop, so after church and brunch yesterday, DH stayed home (which made him happy) and I drove to Omaha (which made me happy) (it’s a little over half an hour to get to my first store) and did my shopping. Everywhere I went, I “diet parked”–parked farther away than I needed to so that I got extra steps in and out of the store. Plus, because I was shopping and wandering, I didn’t snack on any food, a good thing and VERY unusual for a Sunday afternoon. We grilled steaks for supper, and added in corn on the cob, and so I ended up eating very reasonably. So here’s my vacation weight report:
    Sunday, 8/28: 151.8
    Friday, 9/2, when we got home in the afternoon, fully clothed: 155.8 (GULP!!!)
    Saturday, 9/3: 153.8 and then I fasted and came in at 550 calories or so
    Sunday, 9/4: 152.8
    Monday, 9/5: 152.2

    Part of me is sad that I’m celebrating 152.2, because on the first of May, I was 141.2. On the other hand, I’ve been higher in August, and the vacation weight is almost gone, so that’s all a very good thing.

    Today, we go to some friends’ lake house; it’ll be a gorgeous day and they’re dear friends, and while I won’t eat minimally, I promise not to eat with abandon.

    @daffodil2010 We actually lost the game in Dublin, which was horribly painful, and may be the straw the causes our coach to get fired, but the story of the internet going down so that beer (and food) was free made everyone chuckle on the newscast. And how lovely that you’re down four pounds in August!!

    @linda.b Holy cow. We lose fat through expelled water and through BREATHING????? I’m quite speechless at the thought. Fascinating!

    @funshipfreddie I’m reading the article you posted about chewing our food, and this made me laugh out loud: “He suggested that lots of masticating — even when consuming liquids — would not only make you stronger and fitter, but could cure alcoholism, appendicitis, an inflamed gut and even insanity. None of which is true.” But I loved that intermittent fasting was listed as a way to decrease the likelihood of dementia.

    @penz I’m fascinated at the idea of a knitting project completed by multiple people over a stretch of time. What was the project? An afghan, perhaps?? Cool idea!

    As to allergies to gluten, a couple DH and I became friends with on a trip several years back told us about their daughter’s severe gluten allergy: she went up for communion, and the pastor carefully handed her a GF wafer–but after having been passing out regular wafers. She ended up in the ER an hour later, because just the gluten left on his fingers from other wafers was enough to give her an allergic reaction. That had to have been terrifying, and I’ve been far more aware of the problems of eating GF when there are severe allergies involved!

    OH!!!! @songbirdme!!! Sounds like you’ll be going through Crescent City, California, or at least will be close to it; that’s where I grew up!!!!!!!!!!! A fun place to add to your agenda would be Patrick’s Creek Lodge (in California) and Ashland, Oregon, where it’s the Shakespeare Festival complete with a reproduction Globe Theater. I’m so looking forward to hearing where you end up going and how much fun you have!

    @matpi You lived in Oregon for 21 years? Cool! Where’d you live?

    @linda.b Thank you so much for your amazing hosting job in August, and @matpi thanks so much for taking on September!

    Now I must go make the potato salad and guacamole I’m taking this afternoon…very typical Labor Day food, which is why the calories add up so dramatically. But I WILL be reasonable. 😇

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍒

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD

    Late posting today, but happy to report that I did not see the usual Monday gain, and I am definitely 5lb down in 5 weeks…..slowly goes it, but very happy to see it go.
    Next thing I want to see is the back of the 160’s, and into the 159 and under land.

    FD today. Going to have lentil soup for dinner then another early night.

    Oh yes, I mentioned on Saturday that I was going to treat myself by curling up with a book. So I found a small volume of Hercule Poirot short stories by Agatha Christie knocking about the house, so I settled in to read as I have never read an Agatha Christie before (I KNOW 😱).
    Wow, the language and descriptions of people, derogatory and racist, would not be tolerated today!!!! Within the first two page both Irish and Chinese had been slandered using very abusive terms, which were common back then I suppose, but a shock to see these days!!! So I had a nap instead!

    Have a lovely evening all.

    Day 6, NFD, Aus

    My September is not starting well. Yesterday’s FD didn’t.

    I hear you re the jeans, @babs_b. My favourite pair are quite snug; this time last year they were almost too loose.

    Day 06 – Tuesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🏘🏘🏘🏘🏘🏘🏘

    Good morning everyone

    Yesterdays FD went well and scales remain steady this morning✅

    Won’t chat long as taking the day off to look at another house 🏘🏘 …… ‘on paper’ doesn’t look like it meets my requirements (other than price) but need to see it anyway. One of my galpals who is also ‘in the market’ is coming along too, so we’ll have lunch at the golf club afterwards. Nothing to lose by checking it out at least. I guess it’s all research and grist for the mill. If I don’t have high expectations, could I be pleasantly surprised? 😎😊😎

    I’ll check in again later with more…

    cheerie dearies

    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Darwin

    Day 5 Ohio, US — FD

    Yesterday was National Eat an Extra Dessert Day and I certainly did the day proud! I found myself berating myself this morning for going off track. Then I realized that feeling guilty was just taking the easy way out. It’s too convenient beating oneself up and then feeling satisfied with having done one’s duty. Really doing one’s duty is actually making changes that will have a positive impact. So now I’m working on developing strategies so that kind of slip-up doesn’t happen so often. Definitely a work in progress!

    @linda.b Hope that “just in case” turned out well. The place I’m living in now was just such a “just in case”. I was in town for a day to look at prospective living places. I called twelve managers and left messages on all their machines to make an appointment to look at their properties. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon no one had called back! So I decided to look at my current place before heading back to my (then) home, just to get some experience with the market. It was exactly what I was looking for and I’ve been tickled pink with living here since then.

    @penz Hang in there! I know you can get back on track!

    @daffodil2010 Congrats on the consistent weight loss! I’m a big fan of the BBC (I think) versions of the Poirot tales with David Suchet. For me, his portrayals have become the quintessential Poirot. And the writers have definitely updated the language!

    @stitchincarol Hope you had a great time at the lake! I lived in Portland and have very fond memories of the place and of friends who live there.

    @anicecupoftea Many of the people here are enthusiastic followers of Fung’s ideas, so you are in good company!

    @northgeorgia From time to time we also get such surprise rains in Ohio. I remember one time I went out to the parking lot to drive home — it was waist high in water and the engineering students were paddling their concrete canoe down the center of the lot! While that memory is now amusing, it wasn’t amusing for the folks who had their houses flooded, and I’m sure there many Georgians are suffering now because of the flooding.

    @funshipfreddie You are quite right that we are stronger together! Glad you’re in the FD crowd today!

    @at What do you call a bruised plum? A damson in distress.

    @brightonbelle It’s easy to tell you’re really excited about your upcoming trip! Hope you have a fab time!

    @babs_b Great snap decision! And those jeans are one step closer!

    @goal10kg What was in your vegan salad? My lunches are always vegan now, but they are sandwiches (with vegan bread).

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍒

    Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, followed by a marathon 9 hour snooze. Boo Boo is furious 😾

    Ah, @penz – sorry your FD didn’t pan out; & I’m kicking myself now because I just saw you weren’t on the list. And you said you hadn’t slept well the night before? So not all your fault. And another – successful – FD is just around the corner.

    @stitchincarol – welcome back! And almost back to your pre-vacation weight! 🎯

    @linda.b – good luck with the viewing. I recently went to look at a townhouse for the second time. I’d felt rushed during the first viewing, so I went again a week later with a different agent. It’s amazing what you can miss during the first viewing. The listing stated that the place was ‘totally renovated’. And I’m sure it was, several decades ago. It was way over-priced.

    @matpi – ‘National Eat an Extra Dessert Day’?! 😂 I thought you were joking at first. I wonder who came up with that? No doubt a big food company 🤔

    “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

    Day 6 – UK – FD
    first FD since holiday – mentally fully prepared for it so here goes…..

    After reading Fung, have decided to mix up FD and OMAD days – so that should give me some 36hr FDs and some 24hr FDs (OMAD days) – doesn’t sound as daunting to be having OMAD….

    Weirdly one of the difficult things is shopping, and remembering not to buy as much as I would usually…..

    Have a good one 🙂


    Day 6 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Yeah, I enjoyed my feast yesterday lol! Anyway, time to get on track again. I should be able to handle an OMAD lunch today, then another FD tomorrow. The work “cook-out” is on Thursday, so I suppose it may be a maintenance week…

    Day 6 UK CD

    Yesterday’s <500fd went fine , next 2 days I’m aiming to eat sensibly keeping it low carb, scales not moving but I’m feeling good so somethings working

    Looking forward to hearing about the viewing @linda.b

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Oops, the morning has gotten away from me, and I need to hustle to be out the door in fifteen minutes. Yesterday was decent–not good, but decent. Today will be just water, so that will compensate, LOL!

    I’ll talk later with you all!

    Day 6 – UK – TDEE

    Happy to report a successful FD500 yesterday 😇

    First yoga class yesterday evening, back after the summer break, was a great loosener – felt good to be back on the mat – looking forward to tomorrow morning’s one already 🙏

    Out walking today with my regular walking group this morning – we got caught in a real downpour and were rather soggy when we ended up at one of the walker’s house for coffee and cakes – 31 walkers and runners turned up today – must have been nearly a record – everyone seems to come when there is cake 🤣🤣 I had made my Italian Apple Cake as a contribution – came back home with an empty tin and didn’t even get to taste it but enjoyed a Raspberry Coconut Slice made by our hostess and a gluten free almond biscuit made by a runner……

    Stopped at the supermarket for a big shop on the way back home as needed to stock up on several things……amazing how much these shops end up costing……definitely more expensive these days…..

    @anicecupoftea – nice to see you back – I certainly have got health benefits from fasting – lowered my cholesterol levels to just above normal, asthma much better controlled and definitely hoping that it staves off any issues with potential Alzheimers in the future…..
    @linda.b – good luck with the house hunting
    @matpi – National Eat an Extra Dessert Day….realy 🤣 and love the Damson joke too!!

    I came across this and it made me laugh “NUTRITION FACT: If you drink a gallon of water per day, you won’t have time for other people’s drama because you’ll be too busy peeing. Stay hydrated my friends.”

    Day 6, NFD (CD), Scotland

    The Vegan salad is from a supermarket here, im not sure where you are -ASDA Plant Based Harissa, Chickpea & Grain Salad 260g. Its only 239 calories and really quite yummy and filling. And you get 2 of them for £3! Total bargain 🙂 ive got same again for tomorrows lunch.

    I dont work for Asda BTW Ha! But the calorie counted piri piri chicken at 275 cals is also very nice, i just mix through some fresh veg and its again very filling and tasty!

    You are going to get de ja vu as this ^^ is exactly what I am eating tomorrow.

    I broke my fast with a lovely tomato, mozzarella and basil omelette today. Gammon steak for dinner. And Body attack class straight after work.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    DH is back home this evening from his UK visit so I am eagerly awaiting the sound of his motorbike coming up the driveway soon 😀

    I have had a very controlled protein rich day, feel good….but I am planning a nice glass of wine with DH when he gets back. I actually missed him for the 5 days he was away!!! Ha ha, back to normal soon ☺️

    @matpi yes I do enjoy the David Suchet Poirot. Having never actually read an Agatha Christie before I was perturbed by the language, shows how different peoples language to others was not so long ago. I am not easily offended, but it was strange to read these days.

    Hoping everyone doing well. Loving all the catch ups.

    Day 6 Ohio, US — NFD

    The culinary experiment I tried for breakfast has not turned out well, so I’ve been having a reaction to it all day long. That’s not fun, but it may help to stay below my TDEE today(?). This noontime I had my online university class, and this evening another class that will last about three hours. So it’s turning out to be busier than my recent past Tuesdays.

    @daffodil2010 I’ve been surprised at how many “classic” books from the first part of the twentieth century which were made into movies I really enjoyed and which induced me to read the “originals” have shocked me by their language. It’s a rare author from that period who was able to transcend their times. I think maybe Ngaio Marsh is one such author. Her Inspector Alleyn novels seem to me to have weathered the time rather well.

    @goal10k Thanks for the link — I think that with a few tweaks that’s something I will be able to make at home.

    @at Sounds as though you have a wonderful walking group there! 31 people — that’s impressive! I love that quote. It’s reported that Tom Brady, the famous quarterback, drinks two gallons of water a day. It makes you wonder how he finds time to work out. (But it may explain how his running game is so good!)

    @stitchincarol Hope the day has gone well. Don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before —- my Dad was born in Nebraska.

    @brightonbelle Eating low carb is a great way to keep within the TDEE (as long as you don’t eat a pound of lard along the way! 🙂

    @northgeorgia “maintenance” isn’t so bad. Just keeping the weight from going up is a major achievement in my book!

    @anicecupoftea I find that shopping on FD’s keeps me from a lot of impulse buying. On those days I know that nothing that can ruin the fast can come into the house. I’ve been surprised also at how that helps to keep the grocery bill down.

    @funshipfreddie That’s a great quote from Teddy Roosevelt. I can almost see him in the background encouraging us to keep on progressing with this WOL and then waving his hand and saying, “Bully”!

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was wonderful at 435 calories (and that included a 200 calorie BodyArmor drink for electrolytes). We did quite a bit of yard work – finally had the right weather, not too hot or raining, so with it being a FD, I made sure to keep up my fluids. DH was concerned that I was feeling like I had with that dehydration episode from July, but did my best to keep hydrated.

    So with all that, I lost 3 pounds! That can happen to me on a true good FD.

    @matpi – interesting about Tom Brady. Our youngest daughter was at Michigan with him, and they even had a conversation about “performances” – his on the football field, and hers on the stage. She’s every bit as beautiful as his model wife, if I do say so myself.

    @stitchincarol – I found Crescent City, and it does appear we will drive right through it! We have a night planned in Brookings (Beachfront Inn) before heading back to SFO for our last night before flying home. DH really wanted to do Napa more than Oregon, so we are spending the majority of our time there. I mentioned that we are going there at my fitness center, and one of our Silver Sneakers teachers said she envied us that trip. “I’m a bit of a foodie” she said, so guess I need to investigate good places to eat!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7, FD, Aus

    Thanks for your kind thoughts @funshipfreddie but it IS my fault! I make the decisions about what I put in my mouth (I’m in charge but not always in control). As @matpi put it, beating oneself up is not going to be a long term solution.

    Today is a fast day.

    Day 5 – UK – FD
    Day 6 – NFD
    Day 7 – NFD
    Away from the group for a couple of days – IT problems (dog chewed the power cable for laptop and I didn’t notice for a whole day!)
    Monday’s FD went very well, so tired after volunteering that I went to bed at 8.30 pm after a quick supper of scrambled eggs on rye toast. Quick mid-week weigh in yesterday showed no gain on last week, despite foodie weekend – hurrah!

    @goal10kg – thanks for the tip about the vegan salad, I don’t have an ASDA nearby BUT when I do go past one, I will pop in and get a couple. I guess being fresh they need eating promptly but with 2 x FD per week, an FD is always just around the corner!!

    @at – love the water joke – but it is obvious when I don’t drink enough – always a challenge when you are busy.

    @matpi – I totally agree that David Suchet is the perfect Poirot. We have a load of Agatha Christie books (DH is a fan) and yes, the language and sentiments are very ‘of their time’ but, being a bit of a historian, I get very agitated when people keep ‘rewriting history’ to correct past mistakes. It’s fine to update plays etc – look at how Shakespeare is interpreted but trying to airbrush events out of history or apologising for them is just not on. Sorry, rant over.

    @daffodil2010 – hope you enjoyed your glass of wine with DH – which part of UK was he visiting?

    I have never tried OMAD or a WF – not sure I could manage it. I do find the 500FD quite easy to stick to and they seem to work (so far) so will stick with what works. I feel I am a little like Thomas the Tank Engine this month BUT I will get down to my target before holiday.

    Good luck to anyone on a FD today – keep busy and drink lots of water!

    Day 07 – Wednesday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🌸🌻🌼🌺

    So, again distracted out of the office today. Had to be in court at 9.00am, meaning out of here at 7.45am through the traffic etc, find the last park in a parking station near the courthouse, electronic scanning entering courthouse and finally to Level 2 at exactly 9.00am to where the action was going to be. What a palaver! No, it wasn’t me as the respondent but rather I was a witness to an alleged assault. I say ‘alleged’ because there wasn’t an assault at all. Never mind, the whole thing collapsed for lack of evidence by the complainant (well, you can’t have evidence if it didn’t actually happen, right?). Good grief, people need to chill out. 🧊🧊🧊

    Finding it hard now to start my workday at 4.00pm! I think today is lost as was yesterday.😖😖

    Yesterday’s house inspection was surprisingly better than I anticipated. It hasn’t actually gone on the market yet so was a pre-market viewing. Hmmm…. thinking about it all night and especially today when I found myself sucked into this neighbourhood dispute!🥴😵🥴

    So how does any of this relate to the job at hand… maintenance and WOL…. well, not one little bit, just thinking aloud for the benefit of no-one really. Incontrovertible evidence that I don’t have much interesting happening in my life at the moment… ha ha🤣

    Well I kind of do… in my Fast Diet profile I’ve said that, apart from regaining my ideal weight (done✅) , I am wanting to move forward with my life in all areas. So, ta da! I have now entered the world on online dating…. as I don’t get out a lot (work and business!) it seems to be the only option left to meet new people. My grand-daughter offered to help put up a profile for me online on TINDER but I told her I didn’t think that was where LOCAs would meet prospective pals! 🤣😂 So RSVP it is for me. Arghhhhhh! I’m of two minds about this….oh dear, what have I done! Anyway, I’ve nothing to lose and, although not a natural risk-taker, I’ve put my toes in the water. 💧🌊 Wish me luck!🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

    cheerie dearies

    Interrupt the patterns of your life (that’s exactly what I’m doing!🎇🎆✨)

    Day 07, FD, Scotland

    Ive never tried a WF or OMAD either. I wonder if results would be even better if I did try this…I think if I did a WF i would have a really great sense of achievement. I might try this sometime, maybe before my holiday as an extra boost or maybe if i hit a plateau.

    Im going to go for a walk around the shops after the gym tonight, anything to kill a bit of time on a fast day 🙂

    Pocket List

    Day 7 – UK – CD

    FD went well yesterday, around dinner time I did feel temptation but kept myself busy and distracted…. it’s morning time now and I don’t feel hungry at all, will break my fast around mid morning I think.

    Funny how hunger just goes away…. (and comes back when you start eating….)

    forgot to feed the dog last night too, guess she had an OMAD day (she did have breakfast) – oops – must remember her in future.

    days are starting at 4.30am now that school is back, such a change from the summer – hoping the “usual routine” is going to help me with FDs etc.

    Have a fabulous day everyone


    Day 7 UK CD
    Day 6 NFD
    Day 5 FD
    Day 4 NFD

    It’s been a packed few days but I’m doing okay! Ive now caught up with posts and will make sure I post daily going forward, even if it’s a one liner

    So far okay, no EFS days in my absence. Sunday I swerved creamy cakes & prosecco but came home to lentil crisps and a bar of chocolate which put me 300 calories over TDEE. Monday was a solid FD – planned a WFD but forgot they give us supper with evening meeting; the gf roll, soup, slice of quorn roast and fresh peach came in at 400 calories. Tuesday I’d forgotten a friend was coming to supper but made a big pot of dal with roast butternut squash, sweet potato & spinach topped with garlic, chilli and lime, followed by a fresh peach – and bonus three portions left for quick healthy lunch/suppers.

    I’m off into town shortly for a lunchtime meeting then afternoon/evening of meetings/community gathering, mostly prep towards next month’s annual conference. The week has flown and been v full but somehow not made a dent in the project list. But I’m getting better at balance, and pleased to have taken this morning off to rest and potter – I’ll be out for 9 hours which is enough of a full day!

    Really good to catch up with posts and follow your ups and downs. Forgive me for not being more engaged, it’s a really full on time for the next 7 weeks, then lovely breathing and thinking space again. But I’m glad to be with you and rooting for you 🙂

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Probably going to have some difficult meetings this morning at work, but as I have to drive to a different site for that event, should be pretty easy to do a FD today. Tomorrow is a work cook-out. Dentist on Friday afternoon, so probably ZBC and possibly TRE.

    Pocket List

    Day 7 UK CD

    Good on you @linda.b I’m sure online is how a lot of people meet these days – good luck and can’t wait to hear more

    Gosh what a busy life you lead @michelinme – hope the 7 weeks go well

    Missing hump day @funshipfreddie so I’ll say it for him

    Happy Hump Day all🐫🐫

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s WF went well and the scale was 150.0 this morning, so the vacation gain is gone. Now to face another vacation! You see, yesterday was my eldest sister’s 80th birthday, so back in May, my three sisters and I agreed to meet in San Antonio, Texas, to celebrate the birthday girl, and we travel there this Thursday, play for three days, and head home next Monday. Sister #2 just turned 79, and has some physical limitations stemming from two severe leg breaks over the years and quite a bit of excess weight, so we won’t be able to walk very far at a time, but hopefully we’ll all be able to move enough to get us where we want to go. Regardless, I’m sure looking forward to it!

    The only days I can reasonably control what and when I eat are today and tomorrow, but a WF tomorrow, on the day we all arrive and want to do supper together, won’t feel reasonable at all, so I’m planning on OMAD, and today I’m planning on a tomato sandwich for lunch, and dirty rice at supper (veggies are cooked into it), with half of the leftover peach crisp from Monday. That’s a lot of carbs, and certainly not low-calorie, but no alcohol is allowed, and the quantity of food won’t be bad. And the leftover dirty rice will be a treat for DH who cooks not at all. That’s the plan!

    @anicecupoftea Welcome back! I thought of you several times during August, and was sad you’d dropped out, so it’s a treat to see you back! And yes, reading Fung’s book was very eye-opening for me as well!! And YUCK: your days start at 4:30am??? You poor thing. (That makes clear what I think of mornings, eh??)

    @matpi As to your dad being born in Nebraska, it’s quite surprising what a huge number of famous people were born here. Example? Johnny Carson. 🤷‍♀️ And what a great observation: “Then I realized that feeling guilty was just taking the easy way out. It’s too convenient beating oneself up and then feeling satisfied with having done one’s duty. Really doing one’s duty is actually making changes that will have a positive impact.” Brilliant, actually. That mindset is where I was a year ago when I schooled myself to be RESOLVED. I clearly am not as RESOLVED as I’d like to be, given I’m up 10-12 pounds, and not losing, and that’s all proof that losing weight is far more about schooling our mind than about schooling our mouth; the mouth cannot be schooled by a mind that’s not paying attention.

    @at Funny “nutrition fact”!

    @songbirdme There’s a Stateline Gift shop in Brookings (on the south side of town, right on Hwy 1010) that has lovely Myrtlewood items; be sure to try and stop there if you can! Although, it’s been DECADES since I’ve been in Brookings, so I suppose it’s possible it’s no longer there… 🤣🤣😂🤣 And as you drive south from Brookings on Hwy 101, you’ll be driving by Easter lily fields; that town is Smith River (the same name as the river…) and it’s the “Easter Lily Capital of the World.” It’s likely your Easter lilies over the years have all come from there.

    Oooo, @penz, another great quote: “I’m in charge but not always in control.” Yeah. What a great challenge, to learn to be in control as well as in charge.

    @linda.b I hope RSVP has some lovely results for you!

    I have laundry to do in prep for packing, some tidying, garden to water, and work at church, so it’s a full day but all peaceful pottering rather than stressful. Off I go!

    Day 7 Second post

    Just read a great quote: Never be defined by your past; it was just a lesson, not a life sentence!

    Love that, @stitchincarol

    I also saw this one: “Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and great days give memories.”

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    Phew! Enjoying the PFDS today. Thank you @funshipfreddie – I remembered my promise to you and had nothing but coffee and a stock-cube drink all day. Feeling very tired this morning, oddly, despite a really solid 7 hours in the rack.

    I admire you 500 cal people. I couldn’t limit myself. Once I eat I want more! (Hence my problem with NFDs and why I find WFDs easy.)

    Yay for you @linda.b. Good luck! Any chap out there would be lucky so snap you up. And go and have another look at the house again. Second viewing is often when you know whether it will be right; the house has to speak to you!

    Great link @songbirdme – I knew all those terms in both England-English and American-english; proof that I am truly multilingual! 🙂

    Day 08 – Thursday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – my FUN DAY (FD) 🍅🍆🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🥕🥦🍄🍄🍄

    Just realised it’s my FUN DAY…. no worries (Oz colloquialism!🤣) I’ll be having my usual FUN DAY menu with loads of fresh broccolli, broccollini (cross between broccoli and Chinese kale -stalks are sweetly, delicious raw😋), mushrooms, carrot, eggplant (aubergine) capsicum (bell pepper), zucchini (courgette), tomato, baby spinach (lettuce), olives, just a small spritz of olive oil and balsamic vinegar with either sardines or chicken. Some people call this the Ridiculously Big Salad – Eat Like a Bear Method🐻🐻🐻🐻 … works for me and I’m never, ever hungry.😋😋😋

    @stitchincarol… you always have me scrambling for Google!😉😁😉 eg Peach Crisp, Dirty Rice and thanks to @songbirdme for pointing out our lingo differences.
    So I now know that Peach Crisp is actually our Peach Crumble dessert and Dirty Rice is a bit like our Chinese Special Fried Rice but with more of a Creole twist to the veg and spices! Before Googling it, I had taken ‘peach crisps’ literally and been wondering how you made chips (crisps) out of peaches!🍑🍑🍑🍑🤣😂🤣😂

    @songbirdme that link is a fascinating page … most of the UK versions are in use in Australia but there are some that we don’t use, either the UK or US versions, and have our own lingo. As @penz says we are really quite multi-lingual/cultural in Oz with both English and American terms, then mix in a big spoonful of every other culture plus a huge dollop of Aussie colloquialisms.
    Years ago we had home-stay international students for periods of 6-12 months to help them with their English and, whilst they could master the basics, they really struggled with all our Aussie colloquialisms. Until then I had never realised how much our language is splattered with colloquialisms. Still laughing from when a young man asked if he could borrow a plate from the kitchen as he was invited to a ‘do’ and was told to ‘bring a plate’ 🤣😂🤣

    @stitchincarol… identified with this so much! “Never be defined by your past;
    it was just a lesson, not a life sentence!”…. my new mantra for the week.🥰

    cheerie dearies

    Pocket List for Day 08 – Thursday

    Day 7 Ohio, US — NFD

    It’s been a busy day with trips to the optometrist to pick up a new pair of glasses and to the barber to drop off a little of the thatching. I just finished doing a take-home test and finishing the homework assigned for tomorrow. I also managed to get in both my yoga routine and a half-hour walk. And I’ve amazingly managed to stay on track with my meals. All in all, a good day.

    @penz Good for you enjoying a well-deserved PFDS!! And your quote reminded me of the time I was chair of an academic department at a university. I know of very few positions where a person “in charge” has so little control!

    @songbirdme Thanks for the link to the term comparisons! Actually in American English I thought that trainers were what two- and three- year olders wear. I’m also learning a lot of cross-language comparisons from reading Ngaio Marsh. By the way, are there any fans of “Wellington Paranormal” here? It took me a couple of episodes to get used to the language differences. I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so hard during a TV show. By the way, Oregon has some really first-class vineyards, which, IMHO, are just as good as any in Napa!

    @stitchincarol That’s a nice quote. Definitely could be a theme quote for this forum! It sounds as though you come from a family of long-livers. Hope you have a wonderful time in Texas!

    @northgeorgia Hope you have a great cook-out tomorrow!

    @michelinme Your fighting the good fight with fasting during a time of such intense busy-ness is awe inspiring!!

    @anicecupoftea Your dog let you get away with an OMAD?! My Westie thought that his main task in life was to keep me faithful to (his) schedule! He would have (and did) let me know in no uncertain terms if I ever forgot a regular meal time!

    @goal10kg A WF is definitely worth the experiment. The only times I’ve done WF’s were pre- and post operations and I wasn’t a particularly happy camper doing them!

    @linda.b Starting online dating is impressive! I’ve been meaning to venture in that direction, but have always shied away. Of course, that’s because by nature I’m very shy 🙂

    @gardenlily Apparently dogs really like to chew electric cords. Mine did and I only noticed from the burn marks on the carpet! Fortunately no fire got started from that! And I agree with you that works from previous times should be understood in their own contexts. One really doesn’t have to do updates like “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”

    Day 8 – UK – OMAD

    Morning folks, omad today and looking forward to the roast dinner that’s on the cards for later…..

    CD yesterday nearly went off track and became an EFS (hope that’s right) day…. popped out to buy bananas and ended up with a bar of chocolate, there is a little bit left…

    so chocolate and “enough” cheese, made me feel a bit rubbish in the end, wasn’t what I was looking forward to after a successful FD prior. we live and learn…

    @matpi – the dog didn’t even give me “sad eyes” – she is raw fed and I guess has no carb monster timetable, she’d had chicken wings for breakfast, guess that was enough… although she was thoroughly topped up with tripe yesterday….

    @stitchincarol – glad to be here, holiday de-railed my focus in Aug despite good resolve at the start of the month. 4.30 is not my choice, until a couple of yrs ago, that was nearer bed time than morning…. my children’s swim training is slowly conditioning me to mornings….

    Have a good day all.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Have trended a bump higher over last week, but nothing significant, which is good, considering all the cookouts this week 🙂

    Will likely do a TRE tomorrow, as my dental appointment is at 2 pm, and I don’t like to eat beforehand with stuff in my teeth!

    Day 8 – UK Cam – FD
    Not going well! Hunger pangs assuaged by marmite tea at 11am, still got 2 hours to go before lunch … Will I make it – and then lunch is either yoghurt and berries or egg salad (no carbs) – this is NOT usual for me, usually sail thru FDs no problem.

    Had a stressful day yesterday – DH needed new clothes so planned a shopping trip to Cambridge. Haven’t been there for at least 2 years (Covid restrictions etc) and thought I would use the opportunity to look for new outfit for big celebration at the end of the month – after all DH would have his wallet out … He was quickly sorted out but 3 of my fav shops were gone, nothing in the big stores was anything like suitable so thought lunch would perk us up – our go-to restaurant was ‘short-staffed’ so no tables for half an hour and then, when we decided to go home and have pub lunch on way, we got a flat tyre 🙁 We did get a pub lunch (while tyre was being fixed) but def not a successful day (for me).

    @anicecupoftea – sorry to hear your CD went wrong – I know that feeling! Hope the roast beef is as good as it sounds. I don’t think I can manage an OMAD routine. As for forgetting to feed the dog – with a labrador you wouldn’t stand a chance!

    @linda.b – good luck with the on-line dating. My friend tried it and found a fantastic mate, they have been together now for 5 years or more and she is soooo happy. I love all the different names for stuff, depending upon where you are, never mind the local nicknames. I remember being puzzled about driving on the pavement in the US – seemed a very dangerous habit!

    Pocket list

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD/OMAD

    Did NOT get through yesterday with no alcohol: the call of a margarita with that dirty rice was too loud and distracting to ignore. But, I had no nibbles with it and had only the one, so I’m not feeling a boatload of regret, just some mild disappointment.

    I thought we had to leave town for the airport (DH is driving me the hour so we don’t have to leave the car there) at 11, but I had my flight time wrong, so we have to leave no later than 8:30, and I think we’re going to leave in ten minutes; I can sit and wait at the airport just as easily as I can sit and wait at home.

    I’ll try to read posts while I’m gone, I’ll try (yeah, I know, I know; wrong word) to behave, but regardless of how it goes, I’ll be back on Tuesday!

    Day 8 UK FD

    Have a great trip @stitchincarol

    Couldn’t open the link @songbirdme but sounds interesting

    What’s happened to @funshipfreddie ?

    Pocket list

    Day 8 UK FD800

    Yesterday became an unplanned FD! At lunch meeting I spotted there wasn’t much I could easily eat, and nothing v healthy so I said I was fasting and would join him with water/hot drinks. My colleague was also fasting so we both had drinks! That made it much easier to swerve the temptations of pret snacks, and I went from meeting to meeting with coffee/water/peppermint tea. I had steamed cauliflower & quorn chicken with a bit of vegan butter followed by strawberries and a peach – just over 300 calories.

    I woke up this morning feeling much thinner tho was actually only a pound down. But I haven’t felt like this after a FD in For Ever, so it was easy to swerve straight into a mindful FD800. I had roast beetroot, avocado and tomato for late lunch, mid afternoon snack of hard boiled eggs, and supper of butternut squash, beetroot & spinach dal (yay for Tues batch cook!) followed by a compote of bramley apple, mango, ginger & dates (what needed eating up!) – total 700 calories. I’m feeling warm & satisfied and really motivated. Hoping tomorrow’s weekly weigh day will see me much closer to the 12 stone marker at last.

    @matpi your day sounded like a very good and balanced one indeed! Today I managed to book optician appointment for a couple of weeks’ time – the beginning of balance 🙂
    @stitchincarol hope you have a lovely time away!
    @funshipfreddie hope you are doing okay. You’re usually a regular metronome with your posting…
    @gardenlily hope your FD has got easier. I find it’s all harder when I’m tired, or when I had a difficult day / ate more the day before a FD
    @northgeorgia good luck with the dentist

    Pocket list

    “Bangers and mash” is a quintessential British meal. In the U.K., of course, bangers are sausages. The term likely originated in WWI, when meat shortages caused sausages to be stuffed with extra fillers, including water, which made them explode when they were cooked. The “mash” portion of the dish is mashed potatoes.

    “Barrister” might sound close to the word for someone who works at a coffee shop (see: barista), but it is actually the British word for what Americans call a “lawyer.” The American job titles of “attorney” and “lawyer” are uncommon in the U.K.; instead, “solicitor” is the title for someone who gives legal advice from behind a desk (or in lower courts), and “barrister” refers to someone who pleads cases in higher courts.

    Not only is a bonnet something worn on the top of the head, but in the U.K., it is also found on the top of the car. “Bonnet” is the word for an automobile hood and other metal coverings, such as a fireplace cover.

    The British idea of a chemist is a bit different than the American version. In the U.K., going to the chemist is similar to going to the drugstore in the U.S. It is a place that sells toiletries and medical supplies. The term can also be used as a synonym for “pharmacist.”

    This might sound like a fancy word, but its counterpart is simple: “zucchini.” The British borrowed their word from the French language; the Americans took from Italian. Both words translate to “little squash.” Similarly, the British call an eggplant an “aubergine.”

    The Brits have found a more polite way to describe the receptacle for trash: the dustbin.

    In the U.K., “flat” is the most common term for what Americans would call an “apartment.” Condos are also referred to as flats. The British do have apartments, though — in the U.K., this word is used to describe a very upscale flat. Similarly, an attic in America could be called a “loft” in the U.K., and a stove is a “cooker.”

    What sounds like a superhero’s weapon is actually just a small appliance in British kitchens. A liquidizer (also spelled “liquidiser”) is the same thing as an American blender, with blades used for cutting and mixing.

    “Loo” is an informal word for what Americans call the “bathroom” or “restroom.” The most popular theory about the origin of “loo” is that medieval servants would shout the French phrase regardez l’eau (meaning “watch out for the water”) when they emptied chamber pots out the window. The British turned it into “gardyloo,” which was eventually abbreviated into just “loo.” Heads up to travelers: You might also see “WC” or “water closet” marked on bathroom doors.

    In British English, a lorry is a large truck — the noun likely came from the earlier verb “lurry,” meaning “to pull.” It’s been used since the 1800s and originated as a railroad word for a long wagon with a flatbed and wheels. Today, “truck” is becoming more popular in British English, but “lorry” is still often used to describe a large vehicle used on highways for transporting goods.

    “Jumper,” the British version of the word “sweater,” is arguably more fun. It’s an old word, coming from the mid-17th-century word “jump,” which described a man’s short coat. The original term is of unknown origin, but could be related to the French word jupe, for “skirt.”

    In America, sherbet (NOT spelled “sherbert”) is a sweet frozen treat akin to ice cream, but in the U.K., the word has a totally different meaning. To the British, sherbet is a sweet, candy-like powder that fizzes. More recently, it has become a colloquialism for beer or lager. So, inviting your friends to the pub for a few sherbets means to ask them out for drinks, not candy (or ice cream). The connection likely comes from the frothy tops of beer that bear resemblance to the fizzy candy.

    In the U.S., gym-goers might get workout help from a trainer, but in the U.K., they wear trainers, or sneakers, to the gym. It likely comes from the idea that the shoes are worn during exercise training. The term can be used for any athletic, rubber-soled shoe.

    For the British, a trolley is a shopping cart used at a grocery store. The word is also used to describe a table with four wheels (what Americans call a “cart”) or a hospital bed on wheels (a gurney).

    Day 09 – Friday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)

    Woke around 3.00am unable to sleep, eventually turned on the TV to catch up with news and hopefully drift back to sleep. The Queen, they said, was under ‘medical supervision’ and resting but with a little proviso that Charles was with her and the other immediate family were on their way to Balmoral. Usual tv blather, thinking, of course, the press was just sensationalising… yet again … as is their wont. Thinking, well, she inducted a PM just a day ago …. so this is just another press beat-up… then… the announcement. And now London Bridge is down.🙏🙏 After such a selfless life, may she rest in peace. 🥀

    Day 8 Ohio, US — NFD

    I mourn with all my British and Commonwealth friends here the passing of the Queen. God Bless the Queen and the Royal Family!

    Since I visited my acupuncturist today, the FD has to be delayed til the morrow. On the food front I’ve stayed on plan for the day.

    @songbirdme Thanks for pasting in the article! I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who said that England and America are two countries separated by a common language. The article is a good case in point.

    @michelinme You were so lucky to have a colleague fasting at the same time! Just the presence of a fellow-traveller can be a big boost to the fasting morale!

    @stitchincarol Hope you made your flight okay! And have a great trip!

    @gardenlily It is quite disconcerting to discover how the pandemic has changed what used to be our old haunts. The local newspaper prints stories when local businesses go under, and it seems that there’s now one just about every day. The pandemic has taken a huge toll on small restaurants and shops!

    @northgeorgia It is definitely worth it to walk into the dental office with immaculate teeth! I’ve found that dental hygienists tend to be much rougher when things aren’t spic-and-span!

    @anicecupoftea Are your kids on a swim team or one of the aquatic sports? One of my nieces was big into ice-skating and every morning her mother would drive her to her practice that started at 5 am. That way she could do an hour’s practice in before the ice rink officially opened for the day. Those early morning drives are definitely works of love!

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I’m here! Wednesday is a blur. Then yesterday we had a power outage in the area. When it came back on my router decided it wanted the whole day off, so I only got it sorted out in the late afternoon.

    Such a sad day. Can’t believe the Queen is gone?! I mean, we knew it would happen sooner or later, but it’s still a shock. Especially as, @linda.b said, she was greeting her new PM just two days earlier. Even my parents were small children when she came to the throne.

    Needless to say, yesterday’s FD didn’t happen; & neither did ‘dry til Fri’ 🤦‍♂️. So it’s a Friday FD for me & @matpi

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍓

    Day 9 – USA/GA – TRE

    Did you ever have one of those days you didn’t want to post your weight because you knew it was an outlier? Yeah, that’s me today: 217 lbs, a gain of 6 lbs overnight. Too many carbs soaking up the water, including the couple of glasses I had at 3 a.m. (headache). Anyway, today, I’ll try time restricted eating, as I have a dentist appointment at 2 p.m. Even if they see me earlier, I love the feeling returning from a dental cleaning and don’t like to eat for a while afterwards. So it should be easy to do TRE or even an OMAD today to help me “reset” for the weekend.

    Our prayers are with the family of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Hoping to repeat last weekend , I want to have a couple of drinks and relax on the calorie counting but not too much 🤞

    Weird day here in the U.K. , I’m not the greatest fan of the Royal family , but no one can be in doubt about the Queens dedication over the last 70 years ,very strange referring the the King though , I suppose we’ll get used to it

    Day 9 UK CD

    It’s going to be a really weird time in the Uk for the next couple of weeks. Shocked that she has gone so suddenly, even at 96 years old. It’s the end of an era. RIP QEII.

    I’m really feeling the svelte September – weekly weigh day has me down an epic 2.5lb since last friday! Now at 173lb from starting 189lb on 27 May, with a goal of 147lb. The last time I saw this weight was June 2021 and it feels really good to have lost all the weight i’ve put on over the last year. My next milestone is 168lb – a weight last seen in November 2020 🙂

    Yesterday morphed to a solid CD with the addition of 50g popcorn & melted vegan butter, but I’ll take it. I forgot how much my body doesn’t like popcorn, however much my mind/inner dragon does. So I’m feeling distinctly puffier and newly motivated to stay away from popcorn. I could feel myself eating my feelings and will need to be more mindful this next while.

    Doorbell – more anon

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Likely will do just one meal today. Got some zucchini (see above… courgetti to you Brits) from a farm stand yesterday. I make a nice Roma tomato & squash casserole. Will do with some lean pork chops.

    Still mourning with all of you in the British Empire. I loved Queen Elizabeth, my mother’s same name, and my middle name. I had a childhood nickname of “Queenie” after Guinevere being my namesake then my middle name. We also gave the middle name Elizabeth to our eldest daughter, and they she did to her first daughter.

    @matpi – LOVE that George Bernard Shaw quote! How true.

    @northgeorgia – yes, I get those “outlier” weight gains too, almost always from having salted buttery popcorn. We just know it’s only temporary!

    @stitchincarol – hope you have a great time with your sisters. Let loose and enjoy.

    Must get on with laundry and housework.
    Onward and downward.

    Day 9 – UK Cam – NFD
    Quick post just to check in – weighed in this morning, down half a pound! Obviously eating rather too well last weekend and a pub lunch mid-week did not help but at least I lost a bit. Just 2lb to go before holiday (I want to hit 140lb) but am realistic – busy weekend ahead.
    Very saddened by death of our beloved Queen, definitely time to reflect – although I was born in the time of her father’s reign, I only ever remember her as our Head of State. Everywhere you look – stamps, currency, passport, even post boxes – her image or cypher is there. It will be very strange changing our National Anthem and it feels odd to say God Save The King! Strange and unsettling times …

    Day 9 Ohio, US — MFD

    Yesterday’s acupuncture treatment led to a sleep of ten hours last night and today I’ve felt super-energetic all day. Both items have helped this MFD to go very well.

    @gardenlily Congrats on the half pound loss. Every step in the right direction is a victory to celebrate!

    @songbirdme Wow! Four generations of “Elizabeths”! The name is in the familial DNA by now!

    @michelinme 16 lb in a little more than three months! You are a star!

    @brightonbelle Yes the big secret is “relax on the calorie counting but not too much”. You’re right on with that! Good luck with achieving that balance!

    @northgeorgia Once in a while when I suspect that my weight is going to be way up, I just don’t weigh myself. I suppose that that’s a five-year old’s weight loss strategy — what you don’t see doesn’t exist. Of course that never works, but hope springs eternal. Honesty, which you have the courage to maintain, is always the best policy. Hope the dental cleaning went well today!

    @funshipfreddie Technology not working can lead anyone to a nice glass of wine. I think that technology is like the little girl in the poem:

    There was a little girl,
    Who had a little curl,
    Right in the middle of her forehead.
    When she was good,
    She was very, very good,
    But when she was bad, she was horrid.

    Day 10 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Just having a break from ‘social media’ but continuing with the 5:2 WOL sticking with Monday and Thursdays as Fast Days and maintaining without much problem, plenty of MOAM walks and gardening helps.

    Take care all

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. TRE went off the chains a bit. Had a big meal out at 4 p.m., but for some reason, I decided it would be a good idea to eat half a bag of grapes (OK, probably not literally, but I did keep shoveling them in) until 10 p.m. Go figure! Still, I suspect even if I were to pig out today (don’t worry; I’m not!) I doubt I would gain very much more weight. I was 211 two days ago, so I have major carb/water bloat! I’m ignoring the scales today and moving on, remembering to eat sensibly.

    Day 10 UK NFD

    Good to hear you’re tootling along @i-hate-lettuce

    Think the pennies dropped – this isn’t a short term fix, this is how I need to eat forever , ok hopefully a bit less rigid when I’m maintaining,but not much so with that knowledge I’m aiming to enjoy the weekend but being mindful

    Have a good one all ☀️

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