Riding elephants

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • [I’m not sure where to post this, but I think it’s about science – reality compared to our wrong perceptions.]

    Michael says in his Christmas blog: “We are like riders on the back of an elephant. We hold the reins and think we are in control; we can steer the elephant as long as the elephant has no desires of its own. But in the end the elephant does what the elephant wants to do and we are left helplessly raging at our own apparent weakness.

    But is it really weak will or is it mainly about context and opportunity? I have a lot more to say about unconscious impulses, but that will have to wait for another day.”


    I think this is such an interesting issue, and so relevant to eating and weight, where we wade knee-deep through ‘shoulds’. The more I reflect on it, the more it feels as if I don’t consciously make any real decisions – one day (one minute) I notice I haven’t made a decision, and another day/minute I notice I have. Sometimes I can step back and just be curious about what I will do, and that can feel much more accurate than the world where I believe I have control over anything.

    shoulda woulda coulda can not b changed, except now

    this is not a computer glitch
    just checkmarking
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