Results after 8 weeks of 5:2

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Results after 8 weeks of 5:2

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Looking at the forum over the past week or so I’ve noticed quite a lot of negativity and people saying the diet doesn’t work. Firstly, I don’t see this as a diet, I see it as a way of life and something to improve my health, the weight loss is actually just a bonus. I was already a ”healthy weight’ when I started but my body shape and measurements weren’t good so I hoped this would help. And it has 🙂

    Since the 7th Jan this year I have:

    Lost 9lbs in total
    My BMI has gone from 23.2 to 21.8
    I have lost 3.5 inches from both my waist and hips
    I have lost 2.5 inches from both my bust and thighs
    I am no longer obsessed with food, I eat smaller portions and hardly snack in-between meals.
    I have lost the urge to eat so much fast food and when I do eat it I don’t enjoy it as much as I did before
    I generally sleep better, my IBS has not flared up once since I started and whilst I don’t enjoy the fasts, they are so much easier than they were to begin with!

    So I am a very happy faster today, 5:2 works!!!

    Nice one lilyb, well done and well said!

    Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. Save the ‘diets’ for the suckers!!! 😉

    18 months in, 3st 9(ish) down, 3 dress sizes down, great skin, no hormone flare-ups, perfect BP, Cholesterol & blood sugar – Nuff said!

    You know it’s easy to say “oh it’s a lifestyle not a diet” when you’ve lost weight and/or inches.

    It completely disregards the experience of people like me who have done this properly (9 weeks in, so longer than you) and have not lost inches (in fact my waist is 3cm larger) and I have *gained* 1.5kg.

    By all means be happy for yourself, but I doubt you’d be so happy if your body shape, scales & measurements had not changed in this time.

    Hi arla, I didn’t lose any inches for the first 6 weeks or so either and although I had lost weight I had no idea intil I weighed myself 2 months in.

    This IS a lifestyle and it may take some longer than others to get there (especially if they have other complications like health issues/difficiencies or are coming to 5:2 from some other unhealthy diet). However, I don’t think we should disregard the achievements of those who are doing well. There are lots of people on here who have been fasting for far less time than me and lost more weight, or got to the maintenance stage well ahead of me. Rather than see it as a negative for myself, I would rather celebrate with them and see it as a vindication of this way of life – for all of us.

    Good on you lilyb for your loss. And good on you arla for your continued persevearance with this lifestyle, despite the fact that you’ve not yet reaped the rewards, you are sticking with it because you recognise a healthy approach when you see one and hopefully you are getting the health benefits if nothing else.

    Good luck to you both and us all, going forward on our new lifestyle.

    Do you know Arla, you are right. If my body hadn’t changed at all in that time I wouldn’t be happy. But do you know what I wouldn’t do?? I wouldn’t come on someone else’s ‘success post’ and basically piss all over their achievement and make them feel bad for it. I wouldn’t question what they had posted about lifestyles and tell them that because fasting had given them results it ‘disregarded’ their own experience. Do you know why I wouldn’t do that?? Because it would be unkind and unnecessary and certainly not supportive.

    I am sorry that things haven’t worked out well for you so far, I can’t tell you why it worked for me and not for you but I can tell you that every one has different results from every diet and that is why there are so many of them, because what works for some doesn’t work for others. I have done it ‘properly’ by the way and you have only been doing it a week longer than me so I’m not sure how that gives you more authority on the subject. But thank you for persuading me that perhaps this forum isn’t for me as I don’t have the energy to deal with other people catty remarks, I have enough of that offline.

    Many many thanks for your lovely comments TracyJ and I wish you every success on 5:2 going forward. But I think after Arlas post I will probably just go back to lurking and not posting.

    Oh lilyb, please don’t be put off.

    You have to remember that everyone on this board is coming here for a reason. Many of them will come to give advice to new members, many will come looking for answers or support and some will come because they’re having a hard day and you know what that can be like. I’m sure Arla wouldn’t have meant to be catty and she has been helpful to others in the past. One person’s ‘hard day’ shouldn’t affect someone else I agree but please don’t let it chase you off the board. You have a lot of good experience to share and there are lots of people on this board who would appreciate the support you can give.

    It’s so easy to get down hearted and hit ‘submit’ when you probably shouldn’t. Please both put it behind you and keep on helping those who are just finding their way.

    You know @lilyb you could have written a success post without criticizing people who haven’t had the same success and are here for the same health benefits.

    Perhaps you yourself have “pissed on the achievements” of those who are doing the same thing as you with no measurable result and are here for the same health benefits you are.

    I’m happy for you to have been so successful but don’t assume that those for whom it’s not “working” are doing anything different to you. Every body is different.

    Wow ladies I’m astonished! I thought I will read another’s story of 5:2 and I found a great fight I thought I can only see on Jeremy Kyle show. Put the guns down! 😀 xxx

    I am a 62 year old male in good health, thin most of my adult life, but I’ve become 30 lbs overweight in the past 10 years, most of it I think is belly fat. My blood sugars, blood pressures and lab values (cholesterol, etc.) are well within normal limits. I am physically active all day at work and home, but don’t have a specific exercise regimen. I’ve been doing the fasting diet for about 6 weeks now. I feel great, have no problem–and even enjoy–the fasting days, and I’m not going crazy on non-fast days. I may look a little slimmer, but my scale tells me there’s been no weight loss. I intend to continue with the program. Any recommendations or feedback? Thank you!

    you are lucky.
    I have been following this plan for 10 weeks and lost only 1 kilo. The only benefit I have noticed is that I feel less guitly about eating on the non fast days. But weight wise, which was the main reason I am doing it, no results.I actually put on 2 kios then lost it again.

    Hi anniefi,
    Are your measurements smaller? Have you had a look at your TDEE and worked out what you are actually consuming in calories for a whole week? Don’t forget to include alcohol!Also have a look at the FAQ’s.

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