Reduced Body Temperature

This topic contains 10 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Roblynne 9 years ago.

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  • I notice that I feel cooler on my fast days. I live in the hot south (Charlotte, NC) and sometimes go outside in July just to warm up from the AC in my home. I even throw on an extra long sleeve shirt in the middle of summer when inside. Some of that may be due to my 50 something wife who has taken control of our AC thermostat to combat her hot flashes 🙂

    In the past, I tended to run hot and be intolerant of warm weather. In fact I have have a history of heat strokes so I try to stay inside on hot days.

    Now even when I’m not fasting, I’m noticeably more comfortable outside on hot 90+ days. Even though I’m drinking far more fluids on my fast days, I seem to sweat less!

    Is anyone else feeling cooler as well?

    Hi rumbles
    We live in Australia and my husband and I have lost a lot of weight. We noticed we were coping with summer very well last summer and now, mid winter, we are wearing many layers and turning heaters on and up.
    Stands to reason. Less fat layer. And, on fast days, less fuel to keep you warm. Your body consumes fat to warm you. I guess that could be why we have lost more kilos during the two winters we’ve been fasting.
    Cheers PVE

    Hi guys,

    I’m also in Australia (Melbourne), where it is winter at the moment. I have really been feeling the cold this winter since I started intermittent fasting last November. I’m wearing an extra layer to compensate for the 25kgs (55lbs) extra weight I had last winter which I have now lost but I have noticed that I do feel especially cold on fast days. I guess this must be associated with having burned through the body’s glycogen store and starting to burn fat, but I don’t know why it should have this effect.

    I’m thinking that, when summer returns, it might be interesting to try fasting on the more brutal hot days to see if I tolerate the heat better. I would need to be careful about staying hydrated, of course.

    Hi all,

    I live in Adelaide South Australia and have found this winter really hard and can’t seem to warm up, despite several layers which include merino thermals on legs and body.

    As I got heavier and heavier I was finding summers more difficult so it will be interesting to see if I cope better when it warms up (if ever).


    I’ve only started fasting this week, but noticed straight away how cold I have been on the 2 fast days! Thought it was quite odd (very noticeably different to non-fast days, and pre 5:2), but I suppose it makes sense when you think of it from an ‘alternative fuel’ perspective.

    Definitely colder on fast days here, and it’s spring so I know I wouldn’t normally need to wear an extra layer inside. Burning calories really must heat the body up.

    My first fast day today and I have been cold since lunchtime, which is very unusual for me.

    Being cold on fast days is a certainty for me. So much so, that I had to give up last winter. I started again in the summer and managed to maintain the weight loss. So, my advice to any one is

    1 Turn up the heating in the winter.
    2 Do most of your fasting in the warmer months.

    I’ve lost 10kg since I started this way of life about a year ago.

    Yes, I seem to be colder toward the evening on fast-days. Week 7 for me. I live in MIchigan and adapt yearly to the winter. 68F ( 20C) is normally no big deal fro an all-the-time indoor temperature.

    I’ve got something different – a reduced core body temperature. My temperature was always low – about 36.5 in comparison to the usual 37 – but now it seems to have dropped further, often 35.9 or less. I wondered if this was due to the fasting. I am very close to goal weight, plateaued within half a kilo for two months, but still doing two fast days a week. Does anyone have any information on low body temps while fasting? I have an active life and exercise every day – weights on non-fasting days, cardio on fasting days. So my metabolism can’t have gone completely to sleep!

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