recipe now FLAX SEED MILK yum :) 1/4 cup only 6 Calories!!

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recipe now FLAX SEED MILK yum :) 1/4 cup only 6 Calories!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mixiepi 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • everyone one knows how i cook w/ this stuff adding

    2 make dressings

    2 add in coffee/tea/smoothies etc

    2 make creamy soups

    all because it is creamy & tastes great & super low in cals!

    Unsweetened Flaxmilk – the unsweetened version of both brands is perfect for baking and/or as a base to milkshakes and smoothies. It is versatile because it can also be added to savoury and sweet cooking recipes, due to its neutral flavour.

    Flaxseed milk presents numerous health benefits:

    unlike cow’s milk, flax milk contains no cholesterol or lactose, making it healthier for your heart

    flax milk also contains omega-3 fatty acids from the cold-pressed flax oil, that has been shown to help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes

    it is naturally lactose free, as well as being completely void of cholesterol

    flax milks are fortified with minerals and vitamins, including vitamins A, B12 and D, as well as calcium, which equals the nutritional value of other milk alternatives

    low in calories

    flax milk contains no saturated or trans fat

    alternative for those who are allergic to soy
    in addition to being soy-free, flax milk is free from the top eight allergens (from ingredients) including gluten

    it is creamier than a lot of other milk alternatives

    now in the usa u can buy it

    At present there are only two main brands of flax milk on the market: FlaxUSA Flaxmilk and Good Karma Flaxmilk, which offer almost identical ingredients and nutritional profiles.

    or 4 others u can make it

    woohoo! 😀

    WANT TO MAKE FLAX MILK YOURSELF? HERE’S HOW YOU CAN DO IT… (this is the sweetenned version i like it unsweetenned)


    3 cups filtered water
    ½ cup whole flax seeds
    ½ – 1 cup additional water (to add after straining)
    2-4 pitted Medjool dates (sweeten to taste)
    1 whole vanilla bean or 2 tsp vanilla essence (to taste)


    Place flaxseeds into the blender, along with the initial three cups of filtered water
    Blend on full power for 1 minute.

    Place a nut milk bag over a bowl and slowly pour the mixture in, repeatedly squeezing the bag to release all of the milk.

    Rinse blender and pour the milk back in, blending on low power while adding additional water and vanilla bean/extract to achieve desired consistency

    Sweeten to taste

    Pour into a glass jar and store in the fridge for 3-5 days. Drink!

    As an alternative to vanilla, almond extract, cinnamon, and/or nutmeg could be added. To create chocolate milk add some cocoa powder, or to make strawberry milk add fresh strawberries.


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    4 nutbags

    u can use paint strainer bags they r less expensive

    their only 1 dollar @ lowes & homedepot

    can’t wait 2 c all the recipes u will post in the future using flaxmilk

    How did you determine the nutritional content of this flax seed milk?
    PS. I just made this and it’s delicious!

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