Recipe Item Translations for Yanks?

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Recipe Item Translations for Yanks?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  lucitedragon 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • This is just a quick post hoping to get some translations for some of the items in the original book’s recipes that are clearly labeled for Brits. Anything thing that anyone can do to help would be appreciated.

    Wholemeal toast – I’m guessing this is just whole wheat toast?

    Day 3, the Simple Muesli:
    The oats that are referenced here. Is this oatmeal? Quick oats? Steelcut oats? Some other form of oats?

    Day 5 – Dinner:
    This is more a clarification. It says to cook the mackeral, “in a hot oven” but doesn’t specify a temperature. Is that a term that refers to a temperature range? As far as I know, any temp you set your oven to is “hot”. 🙂

    Tenderstem Broccoli – Not to common in the States. Can regular broccoli be substituted?

    Thanks, all!

    Hi lucitedragon,
    according to Wikipedia tenderstem broccoli = also called broccolini is a green vegetable similar to broccoli but with smaller florets and longer, thin stalks.
    I’m sure you can use broccoli instead, just cut it lengthwise so it cooks faster.
    Hot oven would probably be around 350°F.
    Any kind of oatmeal (besides instant)will do.
    You’re right on the toast.
    Good luck!

    Hi there in addition to this Steel cut oats are the best…..

    Thanks all. The muesli recipe particulary threw me for a bit of a loop because it doesn’t mention anything about cooking the oats. I’ve never just taken oatmeal out of a can, poured milk on it and eaten it raw. This made me wonder if it was asking for some other form of oats I hadn’t encountered previously.

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