Recent Articles on Intermittent Fasting

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Recent Articles on Intermittent Fasting

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  bittersweet21 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi Michael and MImi!

    I am the woman who commented that, “I call this the Fountain of Youth Diet.  Ponce de Leon searched the world over for the secret to maintaining youth, without ever discovering that the answer could be found within his body all the time.”

    This morning, I just read two interesting articles about intermittent fasting that were posted on

    I am thrilled that your book is doing so well! My husband and I have thrived on your diet. We have been following your Fast Diet since December of 2013. I have lost almost 50 pounds and my husband has lost 33 pounds. I have gone from a size 16+ to a comfortable size 8. Better yet, all my past healthy problems have disappeared. Also, my husband has a pace maker and his doctors cannot believe the difference! His cholesterol is now normal and his pace maker barely kicks in anymore because he is so healthy.

    This is why I have recommended your book to so many people that I have lost count. One woman who works at our grocery store even came up to me six months ago and wanted to know what I had done to look so healthy and vibrant. Then, when we recently went fishing in Canada, I was talking to some fishermen and mentioned that we had been coming up there for almost fifty years. They did not believe me because we looked so young! So, I of course I told them about your diet and forwarded the information to them when I returned home. So, thank you again for transforming our lives!

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