Really tired on fast days

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  philaspden 9 years ago.

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  • Hello all,
    I have just started the diet and this is week 3. I am already finding it much easier on a fast day to go without food, however, I feel extremely tired on fast days and wondered if anyone else felt this? From what I’ve read most people feel energised but I feel absolutely knackered!
    I have got two young children and a baby, so I know this adds to it but I have noticed that on fast days I feel more exhausted and it’s usually between 3-6pm (school run and kids tea time!) and then once I have eaten at 7pm I feel great and my energy returns.
    Do you think this is just because I’m in the early days of starting the diet? I must admit it’s crossed my mind more than once to give up!

    Hi, jotes21 – A late afternoon dip in energy does seem to be fairly common, reading around this and other forums. Most people suggest just riding it out and that it will change as your body gradually learns how to burn fat-reserves rather than relying on frequent top-ups of glucose from the next meal or snack. Providing your energy does return as you say and you feel OK the rest of the time (as energetic as such a busy Mum of three young children can reasonably expect to be!) then I wouldn’t worry too much. Hopefully, things will improve.
    In case you’re interested, here’s a rather in-your-face video clip from ‘Low Carb Cory’ giving his explanation of the shift your body needs to make (Duration: 4m 11sec, of which 1st minute and 15sec is just his contact details):

    I don’t know how you’ve been spreading your fast day calories so far but maybe you might get a better result if you experiment with other schedules? Perhaps read around the forum – various people use various different timings and it can take a while to find what suits you best. All good wishes for a successful and enjoyable future, very soon, using the 5:2 approach.

    I’ve been doing it for about 6 weeks ( with a week off in the middle on holiday!) . I find that I am really sleepy on fast days about 2 hours after my evening meal, the plus side is that I find that I sleep like a log on my those nights!

    I feel really ‘alive’ on fast days, I don’t get any more tired than on NF days and I feel generally better all round. Weird! This is certainly the lifestyle for me, I am really enjoying it. Weigh in day tomorrow, can’t wait!

    Hi Jeanius, thanks for your reply and you tube link! It has really helped and it seems its not unusual to feel exhausted and hopefully my body will get used to the diet and energy levels will increase. I liked low carb cory’s description of fat burning being like dusting off an old generator in the basement! Fyi, I’m eating 200cal breakfast and 300cal evening meal. I think I’ll stick with that for a while and see how my energy levels improve. Thanks again for your advice!

    I too find that I’m quite alert and ready-to-go in the mornings and early afternoon on fast days, but that after dinner (approx. 5 pm) I need a nap. This coincides with my son watching the children’s programming on TV, so we sit in the comfy recliner and “watch” TV together – he sits on my lap watching while I nod off 🙂

    I fast all day until dinner – no breakfast, lunch or snacks for me on fast days.

    I’m also tired in the evenings, so I usually go to bed early on fast days – around 10 PM. I sleep like a log, and wake up refreshed and not hungry at all…

    I also get tired on fast days especially as they are my most manic work and Mum days of the week. By 6pm when I get home I HAVE to eat a carton of Covent Garden soup immediately or I can’t get on with dinner for the rest of the family. I do feel good after though. Then bed as early as possible!

    I was also worried that other people experience a rush of energy from fasting but it seems there is quite a number of us who don’t. Take a look at what you are eating though, because I am sure that I have been eating for convenience and ease rather than making sure I take all the right nutrients.
    Also, whether it is my imagination or not, I notice I feel better when I remember to take a good multivitamin for a stretch of a couple of weeks.
    Take care and good luck!

    I think you’re right jjdroney, looking at what you eat on non fast days is important as those days should be focussed on balanced, healthy nutritious food,rather than thinking you can eat whatever you like….good idea about taking a multi vitamin I think I’ll buy some tomorrow!

    For me its an unexpected bonus – 2 days a week I feel tired at bedtime [sometimes as early as 7pm!] and catch up on my sleep – just needed a bit of re-organising of my life to do this.
    I also find that as well as an early night I wake up later because I havent had any alcohol.

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