I’m finding fast-days fairly easy, because I have a plan on those days (you know the script) and I find it quite easy to stick with. Unfortunately, I’ve got a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde things going on and I’m really struggling not to overdo it on non-fast days, especially with sugary foods.
I went from January to July without touching sugary foods, then I started the 5:2 diet and the sugar monster reared its ugly head again with a vengeance on those non-fast days.
I just want to quit sugar and I know the down side of the all-or-nothing approach (as described above) but I find it really difficult to do it in moderation (even though I can cut it out no trouble on fast days!)
I’m not particularly overweight but I do have a large middle/visceral fat etc. (and I’m 50) so any tips at all greatly appreciated.
5:04 pm
17 Oct 17