"Real" weight?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  TJH1973 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello
    I am one week into 5:2, have done 3 fasting days, and am very happy with the method. Up until today (the day after fasting) I have lost 1,8 kg (some 4 lb, I think). Don’t expect that to continue but thrilled anyway!

    However, it feels like cheating to record the weight the morning after fasting. Even though I have set out to follow 5:2/6:1 for life. So I seem to consider my “real” weight what I record on the morning of a fasting day.

    I would really want to hear from you fellow, more experienced 5:2’ers on this!

    I weigh in on the morning of first fasting day of the week in order to compare with my weight before I started. My main motivation to start was that my scale showed three digits two – so 100 kg after a feed day is my reference.

    If you like to keep track of things maybe keep a record of your waist and hips measures as well.

    Thank you, DrLL. That is smart, I’ll use that.
    I found waist and hip measurement not too exact, hard to ensure the same “tension” (right word?) of the band each time I measure.

    Good luck with reducing the digits! 🙂

    I meant tape, not band. Sorry but English is not my native lingo!

    I know the problem. My wife measures my waist once every month or so (she used to do research that involved measuring hip and waist, so hopefully she is ‘objective’). Waist is the difficult one I guess. My wife suggest:
    – Stand with 20 cm between feet
    – Measure directly against your skin.
    – Breathe out normally.
    – Make sure the tape is not compressing the skin.
    – Measure halfway between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone, roughly in line with your belly button

    I only bother to do this once a month.

    DrLL thanks for this really helpful description of how to measure waist circumference. It is probable the best and most accessible way as you probably know already, of checking for unhealthy abdominal fat and is more useful than BMI in this context. Michael’s waist has gone down from 36 to 32inches and he almost has a six pack! Very wise to check once a month at most! As a GP I need to get into the habit of checking girth more often as well as BMI which we already routinely monitor but is less useful in reality.

    I hope you are getting the changes you are looking for on the fast diet.

    I agree with Ingrid that it is probably more accurate in the longrun to check weight before starting a fast rather than straight after but i guess be consistent whichever way you do it!

    Thanks to both of you for comprehensive feedback!

    But actually, my waist is easy to find but the hip is a more complicated issue 🙂

    G’day Ingrid,
    I started 5:2 three weeks ago now and have been weighing myself once a week and measuring my belly at the same time.
    I don’t think it matters when you do it, as long as it’s under the same circumstances each week.
    For me, I started on a Tuesday, so now every Tuesday morning, as soon as I get up, I jump on the scales and measure my belly circumfrence.
    Seems to be working for me so far.
    Good luck.

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