Real Skinny on Fat series

This topic contains -4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  additiondakku01 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • Anyone else watching the Real Skinny on Fat series? I’m finding that it seems as much infomercial as documentary – interviewees often contradict each other, clashing theories & no central theme other than traditional diet advice is wrong, keto diets are good (to varying degrees), & everyone is an “expert” with something to sell. That said; there is some good info & points to things I want to read up on/check the actual research.
    Got invite to watch from another site – each episode is only free for 1 day – today’s version, which is going to talk about autophagy, is good until 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time North America, if anyone is interested.

    clashing theories & no central theme other than traditional diet advice is wrong, keto diets are good (to varying degrees), & everyone is an “expert” with something to sell. That said; there is some good info & points to things I want to read up on/check the actual research.

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