Raised creatinine levels?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dimples67 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello, I had a blood test last week and my creatinine levels had gone up from low 70s to just over 100. When I thought about it I realised it was the morning after one of my 5 2 diet days. But I had eaten breakfast. Anyone had a similar issue? Just wondering if it’s diet related or if I could have a kidney issue. GP happy to wait 6 months before testing me again.

    Hi Peaches,
    I guess making sure you’re getting enough water could help.
    I’ve had a blood test today, so it will be interesting to see what my levels are… I was hoping a month of being on the Fast Diet would improve my body function markers, we will see…

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