Racing heart

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Chris_tine 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • My heart races after eating following a fast. Is this normal?

    I wouldn’t think so. I’m not a Dr. or MD nor do I play one on TV.

    Tachycardia (fast heart rate) shouldn’t be taken lightly or dismissed casually, the consequences of it can be nasty. Stroke, heart attack (myocardial infarction) and/or really foul up your heart function in general.

    A few things to check out. How fast was your heart racing? Faster by how much? Double, triple, quad? When did it occur? Time of day? What were you doing? Medications involved? (certain inhalers can cause tachycardia and over the counter meds that contain epinephrine, ephedra, or pseudoephdrine in cold medications etc.) How long did the episode last? The longer it lasts the more serious it is. There are a lot of things to consider. I don’t have the education or expertise to tell you anything of consequence.

    If it happens once and it’s of short duration it’s probably not something to be overly worried over. If it has happened more than once get it checked out. Even once still it should be checked out.

    I’m a survivor of 9 plus MI’s and I take every blip in my heart rate as if it is an impending or occurring MI. Honestly my heart blips and I come to a complete halt I’m reaching for the aspirin and the nitro all the while waiting for my face to hit the floor, again. I tell you the loudest thing you will ever hear is when your heart stops beating. It’s down right awe inspiring. The beat of your heart is background music you never pay attention to until it’s not there. Then the world comes crashing in to blot out all the sounds in your life buried in…. something I can’t explain.

    Get it checked. I didn’t and had tachycardia for several years before I had my first MI. I was 45 and had just passed a complete physical and stress test that day. I never mentioned the tachycardia to my Dr ever it was something I’d have happen once a week or maybe as little as once a month. They were warnings I didn’t heed.

    Not saying that you’re headed that way but if I had a do over……

    Chris_tine, I too get the hear tracing after a fast day. Thought it might be an insulin shock or something – doctor says heart is fine so I dont know why it happens. But it is good to know we are not alone in this strange thing. I agree, get the heart checked but for me it seems it is a normal thing. No body can explain it to me. I do try to not eat something first up after a fast that is high in sugar/carbs .. ease into a normal day with vege or such.

    ok Thanks for the advice – I’ll pay a visit to the docs if it keeps happening.

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