Puny's Journey

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  claymic 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I thought I’d start my own topic and enter my weekly progress every Wednesday. I think this will help to encourage me to keep on track and share my ups and downs as I go along. Hopefully this will keep me motivated.

    I’ve just completed my first week on the fast diet and I’ve lost 2kg.

    I am really pleased. The fasting days weren’t as hard as I thought they would be. I am not someone who is hungry in the morning and saving my 500 calories for one meal seems to suit me the best. If I eat in the morning it seems to set off my hunger.

    I have discovered putting a slice of lemon or lime in a glass of water makes it a lot more palatable. I’m not someone who tends to like water. I’ve also found if I chill tap water in the fridge I drink more of it. I also drink lots of Lady Grey or Jasmine Tea (which don’t need milk). I like milk in my coffee so I’ve avoided that so far on a fast day. I may learn to like black coffee you never know.

    So far my meals on fast days have been mainly salad based with a bit of protein. I’m sure I will need to start experimenting to keep meals interesting.

    That’s a great idea Puny and well done on your 2kg loss. I’ve lost 3kg which is great but today is the second fast day this week, the last one was Sunday. I wouldn’t normally do another fast so soon but I’ve such a busy week it has to be today and OMG do I want to chew. I’m not hungry but I really want to put something in my mouth (chewing gum at the moment). In some ways it’s making me feel miserable a bit like when I stopped smoking. Of course I recognise the psychological reasons behind this but it is hard. I could of course make up a large crunch salad and maybe I’ll do that later but at the moment, I want to hold off as long as I can because I really want to have that tin of tuna in spring water with crispbread and salad this evening.

    Thanks Aniann

    Well done on your 3kgs loss.

    Does chewing the gum help at all to stave off hunger?

    Well done Puny! it is a good idea to track weekly. I am also in week 2, fasting Tuesdays and Thursdays and after 1 week I’d lost 3lb which frankly delighted me 🙂

    I’ve found it far easier to save all my calories for one evening meal (even though this sounded ridiculous and un-doable to start with)- at least you know you’ve got something to look forward to. I’ve managed it once already this week despite travelling abroad for work – last night I had a large prawn salad and actually left some as I was full!!

    During the day I exist on water and tea – I allow myself one large strong cuppa in the morning (I am not really a coffee person) then it is mint or fruit tea the rest of the day, so no milk required. They’re not all to my taste but I’ve discovered cranberry & raspberry is really nice.

    I have also found a real knock-on effect to non-fast days as I really think twice about everything I am eating and drinking. Do not want the fasting hardship only to screw it up by over compensating.

    So all in all feeling positive!

    Good luck 🙂

    Thanks Cathyork

    Well done on your 3lb loss.

    I’m so worried about over eating on the other days. Although having said that we did have McDonalds last week and I still lost weight so I was really pleased. I am hoping with time my appetite will decrease and I’ll eat less.

    Do you have milk in your first strong cuppa? Or do you just have it black?

    So week two weigh day came round fast. I am so chuffed, I’ve lost 3kg (just over 6 lb) this week taking my total loss up to 5kg (11 lbs) in just two weeks.

    I definitely think I can keep this up. With no foods being forbidden on non fast days I am not craving anything, so I’m not going off plan.

    Long may it last!!

    Oh, well done, that’s amazing! I’m in my second week and definitely feel a bit slimmer, but going to wait till weekend to weigh myself, after 2nd fast tomorrow. Keep up the good work to reach your goal!

    Well done Puny – that is a huge loss!!! I have managed 5.5 in total so also really pleased 🙂

    That was lbs btw not kg – I wish!!!

    Thanks Annie and good luck with your weigh in.

    Cathy – Well done on your loss to date. 5.5 lbs is great.

    I’m sure the only reason I’m losing more is because I’m so terribly overweight to start with. I presume things will start to balance out to a more regular smaller loss in a week or so. Anything off is a step in the right direction. A loss is a loss 🙂

    Hi Puny,

    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss of just 2 weeks. Another inspiring story. I look forward to seeing week 3’s results. Thanks for visiting my post. I appreciate any words of wisdom and motivation that might come my way. Keep up the great work. Jenn

    Well done Puny!!!! We can definitely make this work!!

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