Psyllium Husk

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Apricot 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi All- I drink four teaspoons of psyllium husk with about 750ml of water as an appetite suppressant.

    I also mix it with done protein powder (low carb) as a meal replacement on fast days. Does anyone have an opinion on thus strategy either positive or negative???


    Hi Black – no negatives on the psyllium husk, really – I am using this too!

    Four teaspoons are roughly about 10 gramms of psyllium, which is about 40-50 calories.

    You are right it is a good appetite suppressant, and it certainly does help to prevent constipation. The key thing in this regard, is to ensure that you are drinking enough water; as psyllium can actually constipate if you do not take in enough water. Remember, as you are already fasting, you will necessarily have to drink more water to make up for the loss of hydration from the foodstuffs you normally would have consumed.

    I do not, however, take a protein powder. You might reconsider taking any powders as a meal replacement, because these often are either laden with sugar, or if they are made of whey are highly insulinogenic – which will temporarily raise your insulin levels.

    I got two big drums of whey powder when I started dieting back in Feb, planning to do the same. Then I read that whey spikes insulin more than any other protein, thus stopping the fat cells releasing their fat for several hours. Very annoying. So there it sits. I do use the psyllium husk sometimes, though I don’t find it kills my hunger for very long really, though more fibre on FDs, when I may not be having enough, is quite a good idea I think, and I eat spinach, Kale and celery to help that a bit more.

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