Primal living

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  • Michael, this one is for you – in the Fast Diet book you suggest a link to Mark’s Daily Apple, a website about Primal or Paleo Living – IF is part of that because of the feast/fast nature of the primal person but how much do you support or agree with his views on eating I.e. a mainly protein and fat based diet with few carbohydrates? He also makes some serious claims about grains being very bad for the human body – he appears to back his assertions with scientific data so as a lay person it’s certainly very convincing to me but I’d be interested in your thoughts – another Horizon programme perhaps?
    I am in agreement with everything else he says about Primal Living and I know that, for me, carbs do encourage me to eat more but I’d like some more info on the grains argument.

    No, I’m not Michael, but there is a diet plan (not diet as in “lose weight,” diet as in this is what to eat) out there called the Wheat Belly diet. Basically, the Wheat Belly diet says that grains are really not good for us humans, not even the ones we’ve been conditioned to believe ARE good for us, such as oatmeal, whole grains, etc.

    So….it’s out there.

    Thank you Melinda – I do understand the theory I guess that it seems to fly in the face of everything we’ve been told for years (or mis-told, as Mark would say). I’ve been doing this for about 10 days and I can honestly say that losing the starchy carbs has made me feel a whole lot better – less bloating and virtually no hunger pangs – and I’ve lost about 5lbs in weight. I’m still doing the fasting a couple of days a week but before eating ‘Primally’ I had come to a standstill.

    I’ve found the primal blueprint stuff really interesting and I think it works well with IF. Marks approach to exercise, diet and general living really appeals to me. To a dry Ozzie, it’s very Californian over the top in some ways, but I feel theore is a huge amount of useful ideas to blend into your life.

    I like it!

    Thank you westozzybloke – I really love it and it makes such sense at a primal level. As I said, I don’t miss the starchy carbs at all despite being a former carb-addict. I do still have an occasional ‘treat’ (interesting word) such as a small ice cream on a hot day but generally I don’t even want the carbs.
    I agree that Mark is a little OTT with some of his passion but really I haven’t found anything that doesn’t work for me yet.

    It does make a lot of sense. Are you following his exercise plan too?
    I’ve cut out most of the grains, but have to indulge in the occasional pizza, garlic naan bread and slice of who’lemeal bread! Can’t see me cutting grains out completely, but I I have cut out all the crap food I used to occasionally treat on. Cheers

    I think I have naturally tended to the Primal style of exercise anyway – I love walking, cycling, swimmng and yoga – I used to run but found it really didn’t make me feel good once the endorphins wore off. I do a lot of gardening which definitely classes as ‘lifting heavy things’ but I try to do more strength training now – squats and press-ups etc. my job also means being on my feet and moving around a lot and I have to say I feel fitter than ever.
    I have made a real effort to lose all the starchy carbs and to be honest I really haven’t found it difficult – I thought I would! I wasn’t even tempted by a gorgeous Italian sharing bread the other day – I’m waiting to see what happens when the winter comes though – big comforting carbs are sooo desirable when you’re cold.
    By the way, have you tried the Grok Squat? It’s surprisingly comfortable and I’m guessing it’s probably a more natural way of sitting – difficult to do in social situations though…

    Just to point out – nearly all the recipes in the Fast Diet recipe book are Primal, and the very few that aren’t can be adapted – it’s a great source for ideas and inspiration if you’re eating Primally

    Will see if they stock the book in Perth.
    I started out doing zero calories fasting days, but am now tending to have small feed at the end of the day. Bit of fish or something.

    Sounds like you are going well with the primal exercise plan! I have tried the squat, particularly good for sitting around fire on a cold evening I found! Am also doing the push and pull ups, plank amd squats. Like it… Up to 40 push ups from 10 a couple of weeks ago, but the pull ups are hard!

    Have also exchanged jogging for sprinting and walks, mixing it up a lot more which I’m enjoying.

    Cutting out garlic naan bread is going to be hard…. Do you still eat rice?

    Thanks for the tips

    Hi Westozzybloke, no, at the moment I am cutting all grains to see how I go – I do sometimes allow myself a few fries but really I’m trying to cut all starchy carbs.
    I impressed by the press-ups! I think I can manage about 4! I can do more half press-ups but clearly need more upper body work!
    Have a look at Mark’s stuff on posture too – again, an interesting contrast from ‘CW’ about pushing the pelvis forward for an ‘s’ shaped spine…

    I kitesurf a lot so have reasonable upper body strength to start off with. Thanks for the posture tip, I think I tend to do that as part of reverse back stretches to try and keep my lower back good.

    I think the supplements component of marks stuff is the part ill miss out on. I respect the blokes right to make a living, but don’t really feel the need for them personally. Have you followed that part of his blueprint?

    No – the only supplement I take is cod liver oil and glucosamine because I sometimes get painful knees (from running when I was younger I suspect). I think if you eat a balanced and varied diet you shouldn’t need supplements.
    I think we need to take into account that this is Mark’s business so I guess there’s going to be encouragement to buy into the ‘extras’ but that doesn’t detract from the basic philosophy.

    Lost another kilo this week. Unreal. Have decided to cut out all the grains and see how I feel. Last pizza and garlic naan a week ago!

    2 or 3 more kilos and ill have to hit the skids I think, well at least see where I fall as a natural weight. I’m thinking more about general fitness than weight now happy about.

    Fantastic! You must be feeling great. I had a bad week last week – lots of birthday cake! I ended up feeling really bloated and unhealthy – it’s interesting that in my head I still think of cake as a ‘treat’ – clearly something that makes me feel like that isn’t much of a treat – back on the wagon this week though.

    Yeah I’m pleased. It’s good to have such a powerful weight control tool.
    I’m a lot more interested in the primal approach which is more holistic than IF

    Am interested that the aboriginal people in the town where I live have a lot of problems with obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc.
    When you think they are at max 200 years from living a hunter gatherer lifestyle, now living fast food, and cheap packaged food diets it’s not surprising.

    Will have to see what can be done…

    There’s also evidence of Native American tribes who were hunter gatherers who seem to have an extremely high susceptibility to diabetes on the SAD diet – bearing in mind some of these tribes have only settled within 200 years or less rather than thousands.
    As you going for the 21 day Primal Challenge?

    Yes interesting, makes total sense though. Locally, there were aboriginal people living close to traditional lifestyles up to 100 years ago. So maybe 5 generations so no wonder there bodies are going psycho.

    But for me what is interesting is that the diet change is pretty well documented as a major contributor. It would be seriously un PC to suggest they went back to a hunter gathere lifestyle. And stupid as they are living an urban / rural lifestyle.
    But incorporating hunter gatherer lifestyle elements into a contemporary lifestyle I’ve not seen canvassed or promoted.

    I saw the 21 day challenge but didn’t read it in detail. Not sure i will do it as pretty happy with what I have incorporated so far.
    But good on you if you are going to use it. Well done !

    No I’m not going to do the challenge, just trying to incorporate as much primal stuff into my life as possible.
    For a fascinating read, try Richard Grant, Ghost Riders – he challenges the whole concept that sedentary, fixed society is superior to the nomadic hunter-gatherer way of life.

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