Popcorn: The Snack With Even Higher Antioxidants Levels Than Fruits & Vegetable

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Popcorn: The Snack With Even Higher Antioxidants Levels Than Fruits & Vegetable

This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • woohoo nice addition 2 fastday now

    Popcorn, air-popped (no butter or oil added) 1 cup = 31cals
    Cheese, Parmesan, dry grated 1 tablespoon 22cals

    total 53 cals


    a mediterranian version

    Popcorn, air-popped (no butter or oil added) 1 cup = 31cals
    Feta Cheese Fat Free 1/4 cup 40 cals
    Olives, black 4 olives 17 cals
    Romaine lettuce, raw 8 romaine leaves 20 cals
    of course all kinds of spices
    total 108 cals

    w/ Chicken, breast, boneles skinless 218 cals
    or w/canned salmon in water 288 cals

    i never can finish this one it’s a big salad satisfying
    usually eat half & snack later if hungry

    pizza version

    Popcorn, air-popped (no butter or oil added) 1 cup = 31cals
    Tomato, raw cherry 5 15 cals
    Cheese, Mozzarella, part skim 1 tablspn 21cals
    pizza spices
    total 67cals

    mexican version
    Popcorn, air-popped (no butter or oil added) 1 cup = 31cals
    mexican taco spices
    Cheese , Mexican blend, reduced fat 1 teaspn 27cals
    Sour cream, fat free 12cals
    Avocado, raw 1 slice 16cals

    total86 cals

    any other versions out there?

    It’s the only snack that is 100 percent unprocessed whole grain. All other grains are processed and diluted with other ingredients, and although cereals are called “whole grain,” this simply means that over 51 percent of the weight of the product is whole grain. One serving of popcorn will provide more than 70 percent of the daily intake of whole grain. The average person only gets about half a serving of whole grains a day, and popcorn could fill that gap in a very pleasant way”

    The new study found that the amount of polyphenols found in popcorn was up to 300 mg a serving compared to 114 mg for a serving of sweet corn and 160 mg for all fruits per serving.


    Thanks for this willtldnrusa. I love popcorn and can’t wait to try some of these! I usually just sprinkle it with cinnamon but I may well be more adventurous now.

    What an awesome idea! I’ll have to buy an air popper and find a place to store in my tiny kitchen but this sounds worth it!

    Great ideas. I use our air popper often but have never added anything to it beyond a few dark chocolate chips. Thanks, willtldnrusa!

    then u can give me some great ideas

    my goal is 2 have something i luv 2 eat crunchy & fun just like nonfastdays

    down 2 a fastday lifestyle


    2day or tonight 1 whole fastday meal


    Dinner @ 6:30

    cheese Light Garlic & Herb thelaughingcow
    1 wedge

    Chicken Breast Costco Canned In Water (DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING IT’S FASTDAY)
    1 can (5 oz)

    Eggs, boiled
    2 medium egg(s)

    1 cup, popped

    Romaine lettuce, raw
    8 leaf, romaine

    SNACK πŸ™‚

    fudgecickle fat free sugar free


    1 cup, popped

    Your Menu Total

    bon appΓ©tit

    2day is fastday

    added popcorn & parmesan on my onion soup instead of
    cheesy bread

    any other popcorn ideas?

    more scientist r saying it

    It has more fiber, more polyphenols, and less calories, less fat,”

    Diving on into the popcorn bucket, scientists at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania reported that the popped kernels contain higher levels of antioxidant substances called polyphenols than fruits and veggies.
    Specifically, an ounce of popcorn contains up to 300 milligrams of polyphenols, versus 160 mg in an ounce of most fruit, and 114 mg for a serving of sweet corn. Of course, 90 percent of the antioxidants are found in the hulls of popcorn, which many people avoid.

    Air popping is best. Cooking it the way most movie theaters do β€” in oil, plus butter or butter substitute and salt β€” gives it more than twice the calories and loads of fat and sodium, although the antioxidant properties remain.


    fastday again

    wanted as usual something as comfort food

    so french toast w/out the bread cals

    Popcorn, air-popped (no butter or oil added) 1 cup = 31cals
    1 medium egg 63
    cinnamon 0
    flaxmilk unswt 1 tablespoon 2cals
    Walden Farms Calorie Free Pancake Syrup 0

    tot 96cals

    ground the popcorn in chopper 2 fine
    mixed w/ egg & a little flax milk
    poured on
    Walden Farms Calorie Free Pancake Syrup. Made with real maple flavor

    protein whole grain
    mmmmm delish

    protein whole grain

    Good suggestions – I will give these a try.

    just checkmarking
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    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 πŸ˜€
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

    Hi, thanks for sharing these lovely ideas. I haven’t eaten popcorn in ages! my family loves to have some in the evenings. but, before 5:2 I couldn’t eat it, gave me heartburn really badly. always had to eat my supper before 5 pm, and nothing after. after a couple of weeks on 5:2, I haven’t had heartburn except once (after a hamburger, gotta start skipping the bread), and last night I had popcorn, loved it, NO heartburn. whoohoo. going to try that onion soup with popcorn idea. thanks for all the sharing you do. love reading your posts.


    that’s great about not having heartburn cheers πŸ™‚

    the onion one it looked funny w/ the popcorn floating on top

    but good replacement

    while on the subject of bread

    have u heard of oopsie pizza or bread?

    it is very locarb but delish 4 a change

    guess i will have 2 research that research that

    thanks 4 ur kind comments

    can’t wait 2 hear about ur popcorn ideas!

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    as discussed

    this has allot of popcorn meals

    WiltUsa thakns for the recipes. Please forgive my ignorance but do u mix the popcorn together with the ingredients? Or use it as a dip? For example the pizza version I take popcorn and mix with tomatoes cheese and spices? That would make the popcorn wet and mushy? Flavors sound great and eat with a fork? Hot ingredients? Melted cheese? Interested but confused
    Normally I dump something sweet in like raisins or raisinetts m$M’s. The cinimon or garlic and other spices sounds good too. Looking for more help


    good question

    it depends

    on the salads i mix it in like croutons put them in last
    sprinkled & mixed

    on the pizza or anything hot like w cheese

    or refried beans thinking of making a taco version πŸ™‚
    anything that would make it as u said mushy

    i mix all other ingredients but not the popcorn the hot stuff is put in a pie plate then u spread it out


    sprinkle the popcorn on top 2 not make it mushy πŸ˜€

    use a spoon to scoop it up

    now i might grind popcorn 2 use it like flower also

    still figuring out new stuff

    since it is so healthy but superlow in calories

    i’m trying 2 find many different ways 2 use it

    like 2 day i want apple pie

    the uncured bacon grease mixed in from my egg & bacon breakfast

    w/ chopped up an apple w/ cinnamon stevia walnuts fatfree ricotta sour cream fatfree mix in hot pan

    separately chop & grind up popcorn like flour
    then mix w/ an egg put in a separate hot pan
    to make it a top crust
    on top of hot apple mix in pie plate

    use again spoon πŸ™‚

    2day is nonfastday so i will experiment w/ larger sizes & then fastday size

    i might put instant whole grain oatmeal but that is 100 cals 4
    1 cup

    will c maybe 2day on this nonfastday w/ oatmeal it might be like a giant apple pie flavored pancake πŸ™‚

    i’ll post breakdown if it works

    we should have 1 area where all our posters
    all have their fastday menus 2 share

    i might try experimenting with broiling things on top of popcorn

    but that sounds complex who knows

    that is what makes my comfort food fastdays fuuuuuuuuun πŸ˜€

    mayb something w/ salmon

    waiting 4 ur cool ideas

    happy fastdays β™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺβ™ͺ

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