Please help – dissertation/research survey on 5:2 fasting diet

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Please help – dissertation/research survey on 5:2 fasting diet

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  CakeQueen 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I am doing a Food Science degree at Cardiff Metropolitan University and my dissertation about analysing different diets, including 5:2 fasting diet, and comparing them to the UK government’s healthy eating guidelines. The other diets I’m looking at are low-carb ones.

    I was wondering if anyone would please complete a three-day diet recall, including a fast day and at least one weekend day via an online questionnaire – a bit like filling in a diet diary on My Fitness Pal.

    The link is:

    The recall can be done as you go along (please keep page open as it doesn’t seem to keep what you’ve already entered – sorry I can’t use any other system) or you can do the three days in one go at the end.

    If you give me your email address (space to put it on the questionnaire) I will send you a detailed analysis of your diet over the three days. It’s all completely anonymous and please feel free to ask any questions.

    It shouldn’t take very long and I would be very grateful. I think it is a really interesting project and your contribution would be invaluable.

    Thank you!

    Okay, will do – good luck with your dissertation.

    Hi CakeQueen,

    Are you only interested in people actively losing weight?

    There are a number of maintainers on the forum too, people who’ve lost weight and continue to maintain that weight loss by intermittent fasting.

    I’ll do it!

    Hi CakeQueen:

    I am not entirely clear on what you are researching, but if it is foods eaten on the 5:2 diet I’m not sure responses will be representative or helpful.

    That is because 5:2 is a calorie based diet, not a type of food based diet. People can eat any foods they want on 5:2 and be successful. If someone thinks a low fat diet is healthy and follows that eating pattern on 5:2, they will succeed. If they feel a high fat low carb diet is healthy and follow that eating pattern on 5:2, they will succeed. As will anyone following any other type of ‘diet’ in between high and low carb.

    You might get a few takers for your survey, but I don’t believe you would be able to draw any conclusions from just a few responses that even come close to approximating the wide varieties of food eaten by people successfully following 5:2.

    Thanks for your replies everyone.

    Yes I am looking for people who are maintaining their weight too. Really appreciate anyone taking part.

    What I am planning on doing is analysing the diets through Nutrimen (a professional dietary analysis tool which calculates the macro- and micronutrients in foods) and then compare these results to the government’s healthy eating recommendations (Eatwell Plate, DRVs).

    I understand that a three-day dietary recall is just a snapshot of what someone eats and that people can follow any kind of diet and mix it in with 2 days of caloric restriction. What I am looking at is the nutritional adequacy of diets which differ from what is being recommended by current government healthy eating guidelines (low-fat, high-carb, regular mealtimes, reduced sugar, salt, etc.).

    Thanks again everyone.

    Do these need to be consecutive days?

    Hi Cinque

    Yes, cosecutive days please. Thanks for participating.

    Hello everyone

    Thanks to those of you from this site who have taken part.

    I am still looking for people to do the dietary recall so if you have a little time to take part, please do. If you already keep a food diary the recall would only take a few mins to complete (cut and paste!).

    The 5:2 fasting diet recall is at:

    I am also looking at low-carb diets (Atkins, Paleo/Primal, etc.) so if you know anyone who would be interested in taking part please pass on.

    Low-carb high-protein:

    Low-carb high-fat:

    Thanks once again and I am of course happy to answer questions.

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