Hi guys I am new to this fourm and to intermittent fasting (well sort of) I have been doing it for 2 weeks and a few days.
So basically I’m freaking out because the first 2 weeks of if we’re amazing, I had more energy, more focus and basically what everyone says you get out of it but now after 2 weeks it has flipped on me and I’m having very strange things happening to my body..
Those first two weeks I was doing push-ups, pulls ups skipping rope, getting great sleep, able to wake up early, but now out of no where I am laying in bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep at night, and in the morning I am tired as hell! During the day when I don’t eat I feel fine but this is where it gets even weirder… at 3pm when I go to my feeding window and have my first meal I LOSE all my energy, I feel weak and tired, so much so I don’t even want to talk to anyone around me, my mind feels foggy and my memory doesn’t work as good, the past 3 days at around 5pm I just couldn’t take it anymore and just wanted to go to bed only to find I’d only sleep for like 30 minutes and then be tossing and turning until 1 am or 2 am :(… For the record I am 202 pounds and I’ve been making sure I’m eating around 2000 calories a day, also these past 3 days I’ve noticed my appetite has sky rocketed out of nowhere also but I’ve still fought it.. I feel like deadweight now, I literally have no energy to do anymore workouts either..
I LOVE the idea of IF and want to adapt this but according to what I see on youtube and online 2 weeks SHOULD have already adapted my body to it BUT IT’S THE OPPOSITE!? It’s like 2 weeks of IF made my body reject it? I honestly don’t know what I should do from this point can anyone please help me out?
5:34 am
5 May 17