Playing sports fasted

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  penguin 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Posted in this section hoping to get a quicker response, as it seems to be one of the more active sections.

    My current fasting schedule is the Warrior diet. I do about 18-20 hours fasted each day. I’m coming off an old injury and am looking to get back into sports. As you guys may know, fasting for 24 hours straight boosts your HGH 2000% in men. I was thinking maybe playing sports on a 20-24 hour fast without any food would further prevent injury. I haven’t seen any topics on this, but I believe it could be an interesting idea to apply. Would there be any impact playing on a fast to prevent injury?

    There has been conversation about exercising and fasting in a few groups, but considering energy levels, not injury. The general view , based upon our own experiences, is that gentle stuff is Ok, but sustained high intensity exercise will deplete your available energy stocks before you are finished. – as recently as yesterday after 2 days of fasting I had a small breakfast, gave it an hour and hit the gym. Ten minutes warm up followed by weights. After 45 minutes in the weights room I hit the wall – no energy and no enthusiasm. If I’d left it until after lunch I would have been Ok.

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