
This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Carla 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all, I’ve been doing the fast diet now for 4 1/2 months. In the first 3 months i lost a pleasing stone and a half but I now appear to have plateaued. No matter what I do I can’t seem to shift any more weight. I’ve swapped my fasting days around, added an extra day, cut my calories to 400 a day, upped my exercise and nothing. Has anyone else experienced this problem ? Thanks in advance x

    Hi Cydney, yes i didnt lose any weight for 3 months, i tried not to get upset and worry, i found an old slimming world book that had records of my measurements,when i was a stone and a half heavier,
    ( ive been a yo-yo dieter all my adult life losing and then gaining more) after remeasuring myself i had lost a lot of inches, that alone gave me the boost i needed to stay on the plan. its been 10 months since i started, give your body time to adjust things will start moving again x

    Hi Fast for life, Thanks for your comment and encouragement. I will continue on with the fasting like you say and hopefully it will start to shift again. It’s nice to know I’m not alone with this πŸ™‚ x

    Hi there, I started the 5 2 diet 16 days ago. The first 9 days I lost 7 lbs. I am doing everything I’m supposed to, but haven’t lost a thing this week. In fact, I have gained a couple of lbs. Don’t know what to do and am getting very discouraged. I don’t fancy the idea of adding one more day, but will if I need to. Not sure how to get past the disappointment this time, after trying s million diets, without falling off the wagon.

    Hi TidyChick, Don’t give in ! You’ve only just started and your body needs to get used to it. 7lbs in one week is immense. I was losing on average 2lbs a week so I would say your week two was only compensating for the huge loss in week one. Losing smaller amounts each week is much easier to keep off. After 2 months of fasting twice a week I went on a weeks holiday of eating loads of lovely food and came back the same weight I left with :). It really does work ! The body just needs time to get used to it. In the mini video on this site it recommends weighing only once every two weeks and measuring. I suggest we both try this and see how we get on. I love this diet, i’ve always yoyo dieted and found other diets too hard to stick to. I’ve had weeks where i didn’t lose any and felt disappointed but then someone says wow you look slimmer than ever and that’s what gets me motivated again ! Good luck, stick with it, you’ll see the results πŸ™‚


    I have been on the diet for 4 weeks now, and i haven’t lost any weight. I thought that i could do 3 Fast-days, Do you think that this might help?

    I would appreciate it very much if you could help me


    Thanks Cydney, I really appreciate the boost! I will continue to do this plan and try to not obsess. Have not weighted myself side Monday. Good advice! It does make a difference in attitude and not worrying so much. Thanks again!

    Thanks Cydney for sharing . My story has been a little similar. I,ve been on the diet. 18 weeks lost 20 lb in the first 14 weeks and for the last 4 weeks have lost a lb and gained a lb then lost 1.5 lbs and gained .5lbs. It could be the dreaded plateau but as my doctor said as long as the trend is overall down not up stick with it . He reminded me 5:2 isn’t just about weight loss it’s about better health too and my cholesterol has gone from 5.5 to 4 so we need to stick with it and remember the overall picture

    I’ve had a similar problem – I began the diet January 2013 and went from 15st 4lbs down to about 14st 5lbs at the beginning of May. But since then my weight has been kind of bobbing about, going up and down between 14st 5.6 and 14st 4.2 each week and anything inbetween! Really frustrating as I’ve changed nothing in what I eat on fast days or on non-fast days. On fast days I have 2 poached eggs on toast for breakfast at about 7am, nothing then to eat til dinner at about 6.30pm which consists of fish (tinned mackerel or steamed salmon) with a plateful of steamed veg. I drink water, or redbush tea. I also walk 2 miles early each morning with the dog! My wife (who isn’t on the diet and hasn’t read the book, but is trying to lose weight by ‘eating healthy’) says its not working for me because I’m not eating healthy on the non-fast days… Any advice or suggestions??

    Pc Willis
    The Fast Diet book does talk about eating up to our TDEE on nonfast days so I guess that does mean not to go overboard. I’ve lost 21 lbs in 17 weeks but the last 4 weeks I’ve gone up and down around that last lb. this seems pretty consistent with what others say but I’m determined to reach 25 lbs this year. I’ve just been on holidays for a week and yes I,ve put on . 4 but I’m doing a 2-2pm fast tomorrow extra and just watch not to go overboard the rest of the week. I’ve found I can eat normally on nonfast days as long as I don’t overdo the treats!! For me a real bonus has been in 3 months my cholesterol has gone from 5.5 to 4 so it is worth persevering. I do think MIMI and MICHAEL may have to write an extra chapter on the PLATEAU!!!

    Hi guys finally my plateau has ended after 3 months, i lost 2 lbs this week, i have added an extra fast so now my days are mon, wed and fri, due to the hot weather my meals have changed, i’m eating more salads on my non fast days and find i dont have the appetite for heavy or bigger meals. maybe its the change in food types or the added fasting day, will keep you posted,
    weight lost so far 30lbs in 10 months, 14 1/2 inches of body fat. xx

    30 pounds! That is wonderful πŸ™‚ Such an inspiration.

    That’s amazing! Any pics?

    ChrissieinBrittany That’s amazing! Any pics?
    haha! ive not been brave enough to post any pics yet, but ive gone from a jean size 20 to a size 16! not been a size 16 in over 26 years, keep at it folks this is the best eating plan ive ever been on and now my bp is finally starting to drop so fingers crossed it continues and ill be off the meds xx

    Whoop whoop ! 2 pounds this morning ! I’m losing again ! I realised that on my NON fast days my calories were too low cos i’d got used to eating less. I’ve up my protein intake and i’m off again ! 7 more pounds to go to my initial goal ! On another note, my blood pressure has lowered and my RA pain is def better – Keep going guys it really does work !

    fantastic news! well done for sticking with it, i know it can be very testing when the loss slows or stops altogether, im down another 6lbs (including the other 2 i posted about ealier in this thread) so 34 lbs down and counting yay us! xx

    help jeanius or any body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    as soon as i went back 2 5:2

    wanted 2 test what happens daily it has plateaued

    this week went back 2 doing the 4:3 & also changed my avg this week 2 1375 cals from 1410 avg

    9625-1825-502-1413-506-2000-2879-500 = 0

    hope this will kickstart again my metabolism ugh

    maybe i should do a pure atkins i week. help jeanius!

    atf is 2 hard 4 me i tried way 2 hungry.
    i know carla is having fun doing it, but 4 me it was super hard

    Date Weight

    07/17/13 197
    07/16/13 197
    07/15/13 197
    07/14/13 197
    07/13/13 197
    07/12/13 196
    07/11/13 195
    07/10/13 197
    07/09/13 197
    07/08/13 197
    07/07/13 197
    07/06/13 197
    07/05/13 197
    07/04/13 197
    06/29/13 197
    06/25/13 197
    06/23/13 197
    06/17/13 196
    06/16/13 197
    06/13/13 197
    06/09/13 198
    06/02/13 198
    05/28/13 201
    05/16/13 199
    05/04/13 201
    05/02/13 203
    04/28/13 203
    04/23/13 203
    04/21/13 203
    04/16/13 203
    04/09/13 205
    04/07/13 205
    04/06/13 205
    04/04/13 206
    04/02/13 206
    04/01/13 207
    03/28/13 207
    03/23/13 207
    03/20/13 209
    03/18/13 208
    03/16/13 208
    03/11/13 211
    03/10/13 210
    03/09/13 211
    03/05/13 212
    03/03/13 215
    03/02/13 218

    I would suggest not weighing daily…try a weekly weight. It is very easy to get discouraged watching daily I would think. I also try to schedule my busy days on the fast days so there is less downtime/temptation to snack…and getting creative with the 500 calories helped me. I love to cook (and eat) so still being able to create a satifying beakfast or dinner while staying within the 500 calories has become a challenge of sorts.

    Good luck!

    PS…Congratulations on what you HAVE lost! You are below 200 and staying there πŸ™‚

    Hi, wiltldnrUSA – It sounds to me like you’re getting too locked in to wanting an endlessly straight-line, downwards graph whilst your body wants a bit of a break. Maybe read ‘fast for life”s contribution in this thread about sticking to the plan despite plateauing and not losing weight for 3 months?! You’ve lost 21lb (9.5 kg) over a period of 5 months so that’s a good, steady and very worthwhile loss. I wonder if it’s time to settle down somewhat, into a more regular, even pattern, just for a while – a few weeks, perhaps – rather than experimenting all the time? There’s time enough to continue again later, I would say.
    A catch-phrase from Lance-Corporal Jones in an old but oft-repeated TV comedy programme in the UK comes to mind: ‘Don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring!’ (- pronounced ‘Mr Mannering’, as only the English can – spelled one way but said another!)
    (‘Dad’s Army’ – See )
    Here’s one famous clip, if you can follow the accents: ‘Don’t tell him, Pike!’:
    All best wishes from Blighty.

    thanks jeanius 4 making me laugh & laugh & laugh,laugh & laugh & laugh

    use ur iniative πŸ™‚

    funny, the don’t panic clip

    ur right carla & jeanius & fast4life

    i really, never want 2 give up.

    i really do believe this

    it’s the only one that will b 4 life

    i will do a pattern and forget the plateau’s

    still do luv 2 experiment πŸ™‚

    jeanuis…you are TOO funny!!! Thanks for the laughs πŸ™‚

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