Plateau again but still shrinking

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Plateau again but still shrinking

This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I was a bit fed up to find that I have reached another plateau. But I was inspired by others on this forum to check out all of my measurements. In the last month, I have lost 3″/8cms from various body parts.

    However, since starting the 5:2 in January there is not only 23 lb less of me, but an amazing 15″/38 cms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am disappointed not to have reached my goal of 28 lb by now and I am coming round to the idea that the 5:2 may well be in progress until Christmas. BUT the psoriasis has gone, blood pressure right down and there is 15″ less of me. Amazing.

    Don’t give up if you are new or having a wobble.I am thrilled with all of the changes to my body.So after a fast day feeling a bit fed up I am now thrilled and off to search for clothes that fit as I am running out of options. Charity shops are the way forward as you can wear things for a while and then re gift them rather than buying much more expensive new clothes.

    Well done, you have done really amazing. It’s people like you who keep inspiring others.

    I am coming to the end of my first three weeks, weigh in Friday, I have 5 lb off and a few inches already. So feeling positive.

    You have 5 lb to go, keep going you will get there.

    Thank you symba7.
    I had expected that after 28 weeks, that there would be 28 lb less of me.I was disappointed and wanted to share with others who were finding it tough or having a wobble that the losses on the tape measure are just as important as the losses on the scales.
    Just been out for walk to take too big clothes to charity shops and enjoy my post fast day Almond Croissant.
    Do measure your upper arms, thighs, calves and under bust as well as the usual hips/waist/bust.I have often found the fat going from the first 4 when the scales seem to be broken!

    Well done on the losses so far.

    I am running in a Half Marathon for charity in 5 weeks and had hoped to be 2 stone lighter before then. I am not sure that I can shift 5 lb in 5 weeks, it’s getting tougher now.

    Well done for your weight loss Annette52, slow but sure is good!
    I think I see this as a permanent lifestyle change, in order to maintain the weight loss. I’ve just watched the documentary “The men who made us thin” and it was quite depressing as it basically said that the vast majority of diets don’t work, and most people put all the weight back on plus more in many cases. But then Michael has said that this is not a diet, I agree and think of it more as a long term strategy that I know I CAN maintain (I’ve already had a few ups and downs due to holidays etc. but thankfully by getting back on track the trend is still weight going down). I guess I’ll have to wait 5 years to see if I can really beat the odds. I know I will only be successful if I keep fasting for at least one day a week for ever.

    Thanks Kris.
    I found that the “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” documentary was very powerful, but I didn’t do anything about it until struggling to do up my jeans forced me onto the scales…and a huge shock. Two weeks bored witless with WW and the complete obsession with food.

    There had to be another way. So my 5:2 journey began, very quietly, no-one knew because I simply couldn’t believe that it was going to work and that I would cope with the 500 calories.

    If fasting 1 day a week forever is what it takes to feel this good and stay this trim then I am happy to do it. It isn’t difficult after a while.

    I am seriously running out of clothes, but how fantastic!

    Me too Annette52! I took a big bag to the charity shop, size16/18, and have had to buy a new size 12 wardrobe and am actually finding some of those a bit big now!(but I really don’t mind)

    I had another try on last night and there are not many clothes that actually fit…some won’t in a couple of weeks either. Not a lot of choice when I go back to work in a fortnight.

    But on the plus side, I am both donating to charity and buying there too!

    Fasting today, so no breakfast and 30 lengths in the pool, then a wander round the shops and a bit of a try on before lunch. Size 12 is getting a bit roomy in tops now.Wish I’d bought size 10 in the next sale….ho hum.

    Well done Kris.You must have lost loads to go down to a 12.

    Having being stuck on a plateau for about a month now, I have hit 3 new lows in the past 9 days (I record my weight in my diary every time it reaches a new low). Thought I would share this because I haven’t done anything different – just stuck with it and it seems things are on the move again. Keep persevering and it does the trick!

    Going on a girl lunch tomorrow, usually have a couple of decent things to choose from, as most things too tight!

    What do I put on, I have too many clothes to pick from, lots getting too big……it’s a nightmare…but nice!!

    Not too big for charity shop yet! But soon………

    Weigh in and measure day tomorrow, hoping to make the 1 stone

    Although my weight refuses to budge over the past month, there is now 21″/54cms less of me since January. I have lost another 5″/13cms in that time…mainly from my legs and thighs as I am running/swimming.

    How are you getting on?

    Annette you’ve done well! I’m told (by my doctor)if you lose weight quickly it doesn’t always stay off but if you take it off slowly
    like we are ,its more likely to be a life long change. I’ve lost 24 lbs in 25 weeks and my goal is 30 lbs lost. I go on holiday in two weeks so I guess I too will still be going in December.
    My husband on the other hand has lost his weight and is at normal BMI so has changed to 6:1. It can be done!

    Thanks Beavergong. If I looked at a weight loss of 23 lb in 30 weeks, then that looks a bit rubbish, but if you add in that I have lost 21″/54cms and that I am training for a half marathon in 3 weeks….it all looks rather good.

    My weight had stayed the same for the past 3 week, but I have lost inches from thighs and calves while I have been running and swimming.

    I have a number of goals. To run the half in 2h 30(2h54 in March), to lose the elusive 5 lb which would then be a 28 lb loss and give me a BMI of 25. I am also aiming for a waist that is half my height, as I gather this is a better indicator of good health.

    My attitude to food has changed so much.

    Enjoy your holiday and congratulations to your husband.

    I think a 23lb loss in 30 weeks is FANTASTIC! Well done annette52.

    I think your weight loss is fabulous too!
    You seem to be very athletic too so remember muscle weighs more than fat. Plateauing is fine, so much better than gaining!
    Keep it up the good work (and great tip about charity shops)

    Thank you Humphrey.

    I am aware of so many demoralized souls on the forum who are expecting to have a large and immediate weight loss, that I thought that it might encourage them if I shared the figures and timescale that it has taken me.


    Thank you. No I am not athletic at all. I started running a bit in May 2012 as I had this long held ambition to run the local half when I was 50. I was studying with the OU and that took up my time. My darling sons pointed out that I had better do the run before I was too old and decrepit, and my lovely eldest boy thought that taking up running wasn’t going to be very taxing and he wanted to get fitter too.We started running together in January through sleet and freezing winds to run a very cold half in early March.Degree completed and a bit more time, so we started right back at the beginning, trying to improve the distance that we could run without stopping and gradually increasing it in our once weekly run.When it was too hot to run, I went swimming a couple of times a week.I have never run so far in one week, but I have been trying to run faster for a reasonable distance to try and reach my long held goal of 2.5 hours.I have been tired all week and with the benefit of hindsight, 2 nights out dancing were not my best decision!Still nearly there now and so much better prepared than the Spring, not to mention lighter(the post race photos in March were grim and quite an incentive!).

    I got a perfect cotton dress for dancing for £6 and an all wool grey fitted jacket for £8 today.It is just luck, so you have to look in them often.

    I have lost 11lbs in about 14 weeks (including 3 weeks hols in Provence so not sure whether I am counting that in or not – if not it’s 11lbs in 11 weeks) – not earth shattering by any means. While I have never been ‘fat’ I put on weight with my children and felt unhappy with the way I looked and felt unfit and unhealthy. I have tried everything under the sun to shift the pounds and fasting is the only thing that has ever been successful and that I have managed to sustain for longer than 3 weeks at a time. This is a long term thing for me and if things don’t shift in terms of weight loss I just adjust what I am eating on non-fast days. I find it weird that I don’t give up on it if the scales don’t show a change – but I don’t. This is a fantastic way of life and I really feel it is the one that I can keep up – I reached my goal this week but actually want to keep going a while longer and lose a few more pounds. I will then adjust to 6:1 but I cannot see me ever giving up on this one!!! So don’t be downhearted if weight doesn’t fall off – remember slow and steady wins the race!!!!

    Well done Redherring.

    Weight exactly the same….but lost another 2″. Total weight lost since January is 23 lb and now 23″/59cms!!!!!!!

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