Planning your fast day – to avoid a hangover

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Planning your fast day – to avoid a hangover

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  camcat 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Okay so halfway through my fast day yesterday the inpromtu invite for evening social drinks arrived – not to worry I thought – i’ll just have meal out with drinks tonight and fast tomorrow. BIG mistake. Not only did the few (okay several) glasses of wine have more than their usual effect as i’d not really eaten much, i’m now in hangover hell and not able to surpress it with the usual carb laden goodies. Agh – very bad planning which I will not be repeating. But this is only week 2 for me and i am going to stick to it……………..!!!

    We all make mistakes and learn from them. My husband and I are both on 5:2 and about a month ago he decided on a whim to go to a film opening. They were offering a glass of wine and as he had 100 spare calories he had ONE! It went straight to his head and I drove home and he had BERROCCA the next morning for an interesting headache!!! We all live and learn!!!

    I wish I would have remembered these posts the other day. I was doing a modified fast (6pm to 6pm)because that’s the only way I could squeeze in a fast day. I met my cousin for Mexican food and had a margarita and a half with my dinner. Had to sit and chat for longer than usual because it went right to my head. Won’t do that again!

    I find I am extra sensitive to alcohol the day after a fast day, my body does not cope or process it as it usually does. I have made a mental note to avoid drinking the day after a fast day (as well as no alcohol on the fast day).

    Does anyone know the medical reason for the body reacting like this?

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