Peroneal Muscular Atrophy (CMT) and fasting

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Peroneal Muscular Atrophy (CMT) and fasting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  julia_82 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I was wondering if anyone had good/bad experiences with the 5:2 diet and/or fasting who has peroneal muscular atrophy (CMT) ?

    I’m considering it and a bit worried about any possible issues/side-effects.

    I also have IBS and high BP (on Atenolol & bendroflumethiazide).

    I also take Citalopram and Busprione for depression and anxiety.

    Any help/advice appreciated.


    Hi dman2014. I also have CMT (and am on atenolol for BP that has been under control for over 10 years). I’ve been doing 5:2 now since April last year and have only positive things to say about this WOL. As you would appreciate carrying extra weight around is extra uncomfortable with CMT so to lose the 6-7kg I needed to has made getting around so much easier. As icing on the cake I have not had to take any anti-inflammatories for slight arthritic pain I have been getting for the last few years in one of my ankles (years of rolling or wrenching ankle due to CMT).

    I wouldn’t have thought, with what I understand of our condition, that there would likely be any negative impact over and above any of the general population. Having said that, I still discussed with my Doctor after having started. Good luck it has changed my life.

    Hi dman and Beach Baby,

    I’ve got CMT and have been doing 3 fast days a week for over a year now.
    I have to say that I am so much healthier, and stronger since I started this.
    I saw the documentary and wondered if it would help with the cmt. The weight loss has been a bonus, but it wasn’t my primary motivation. I wanted to fix my cmt!
    I have foot drop in both feet, have had a tendon transfer in one ankle.

    And whilst I know this is anecdotal, and not scientifically provable, I’m certain that fasting has helped and improved my symptoms. That certainty is what keeps me fasting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    My walking is much, much better. My legs are much stronger, and my balance has improved massively.

    I absolutely won’t be stopping my fasting any time soon. No way.

    This really is life changing. 🙂

    I wish you luck and hope that you soon feel better too!

    Hi all, I know this is an old conversation but how your cmt is now and has anyone been able to stop progression through fasting. Violinbunny, have you continued to improve? I’m on my own mission to rid myself of cmt. I’m on 30 day juice fast and planning to adopt a mostly vegan diet at the end. Would love to hear of any gains people have made through diet.

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