People around me have a hard time accepting

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People around me have a hard time accepting

This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  poopsie666 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    I started the diet a week ago after reading the book and seeing the documentary. I want to lose some weight, though my main reason is to be healthier and have more energy. So far I feel great. The only problem is that most people around me have a hard time accepting my diet.
    Almost everyone starts out by telling me it is very bad to “starve” yourself and i should just eat healthy.
    I try to explain them that it is not about starving and that fasting is actually nothing new. They just “believe” it can not be healthy and refuse to read the book or watch the doc because they know they are right. My boyfriend is the worst.
    He is constantly saying i’m crazy to do this and it will only make me gain more weight.
    It doesn’t make me change my mind. I feel good and i think the theories and research are convincing. I try not to start defending myself to avoid nasty discussions but can’t help feeling a bit cornered sometimes.
    Why do people care so much about me trying something new. I am not bothering anybody, i am not preaching or complaining. I am a dancer, not one of the very thin ones -I am even a bit chubby but fine with that. But I guess people think It’s a bad idea to be physically active and try out a diet. Or concerned I am not taking care of myself.
    Any ideas on how to deal with this?
    It helps a lot to read the stories here and to see that a lot of people ARE very enthousiastic.

    Congrats on starting.

    I have noticed some strangers are open to the idea and are willing to learn more than my immediate family. If you can’t convince them with science, you can try convincing with your personal results.

    Record your current weight, measurements (arm, hip, waist, bust, thigh etc) and also do a fitness assessment and blood report now.

    Stay strong. Best wishes.

    “My boyfriend is the worst….It helps a lot to read the stories here and to see that a lot of people ARE very enthousiastic.”

    As in many aspects of life, getting a supportive environment is critical.

    Stay at it.

    People are used to seeing ‘fad’ diets and weird eating habits as a means to make you worse in the long-run (which they usually do to be fair), so the people closest to you are probably just thinking that they’re trying to save you from yourself.

    When you speak to them about any aspect of it, maybe speak about it as a means to improve your skin or even out your hormones or one of the other health benefits, instead of as an actual diet?

    You may lose a bit of weight too, which might start to show and be an indication to them that what you’re doing works but the main thing is to see it as a lifestyle yourself and once you’re used to it you’ll be able to flex it around the rest of your life to such a degree that it’ll hardly impact, or be obvious to friends & family, what you’re doing anyway.

    Good luck with it & hey, look on the bright side, if this is your ONLY problem with it then it’s not too bad is it! 😉

    I have the same problem. Was doing really well after 2 wks but husband constantly tling me it was ridiculous and unsustainable. Then I got bad cold and went off diet for 2 wks and put weight on again – v annoyed with myself. Back on as of today, will ignore negative comments and await positive feedback later on. It is hard, but determined to prove him wrong !

    I have encountered negative and downright nastiness from my mother-in-law. She spend two whole days telling me I would never stick to it and ignoring my request for just vegetables and served me something high in calories which I felt a little obliged to eat some of despite not wanting it just to be polite. She then accused me of not liking it. Her worst comment (at this point I had lost 9lbs and now have lost 12) was you haven’t lost any weight. Am still seething 2 weeks later.

    I actually don’t care if anyone doesn’t approve of what I am doing, I feel better and look better so stuff them all. My boyfriend is doing it too and has lost a similiar amount of weight to me and we have stopped snacking in the evenings so it has been easier with him on board than doing it alone I imagine.

    My daughter-in-law has started today so hopefully i can support her too.

    You know what I would do? Just stop telling people you are doing it….I think once you have obviously lost weight and feel great and are energetic and etc., you can tell people when they ask.

    I get where you are coming from, though. You want and need support and encouragement. Instead, you get scorn and criticism (which doesn’t help, of course). Perhaps you could find another sympathetic person to do the plan with you? Or if not that, then just come to the forums and post here. We don’t think you are crazy or stupid! We’re right there with you.

    My mother said, “Fasting is terrible for your health” when she found out my sister and I were doing this. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. I left the book with her. Maybe she’ll eventually pick it up and read it. In the meantime, I don’t feel like I have to justify or explain myself to anyone. My decisions are mine.

    good luck.

    Thanks for your words of encouragement everyone!! It really helps a lot.
    As some of you suggest, I think I will just let the results speak for themselves (hopefully).
    I feel great and am determined to stay at it, despite the negative responses.
    Most people are not trying to be mean, they just want to give their opinion and have some very fixed ideas about what is healthy.
    So far I haven’t found the fasting too difficult. I feel hungry at times, but it’s manageable

    Good luck to you all! It’s good to know we can support one and other. Thank you.

    “Most people are not trying to be mean, they just want to give their opinion and have some very fixed ideas about what is healthy.”

    Consider being pleasant, ignore bad behavior and do what you intended on doing.

    This is an external responsive behavior.

    Additionally, an internal response is required or would help tremendously. It’s a visualization exercise that I’ve used with myself and others.

    I refer to this as: Erasesing Negative Emotional Memories Always (ENEMA)

    Both external & internal responses are important for longer term emotional success.

    I’ll leave it up to you to discover this on your own.

    I started the fast diet at the end of Jan this year and have had some success but have “fallen off the wagon a couple of times. The only negative comment I have had was from a Health Nurse while having my bloods done at my surgery. “Just another fad diet” was the comment. I have had nothing but positive support from collegues, family and friends since I started this even though I have put a few pounds on recently.
    Good luck with your life.

    It is making me quite cross that people think that fasting is bad for you/faddy. What is the grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet Atkins,blood type diet et al ? they are far more faddy as far as i can tell as they exclude whole food groups. On this you can eat whatever you choose as within limitations calorie wise.

    I got all the ‘What about when your body goes into ‘starvation mode’ comments, as well as the crazy/condescending looks. You would think I just said I am from another planet. But slowly my friends and family are getting used to it when I say it’s not an eating day. I am only about 3 weeks in and have lost 5 lbs, and as long as the scale moves in the right direction and I get some health benefits,that is the part I really care about. You just have to trust that you know what you are doing and the results are worth it.

    Started 5:2 Intermittent Fasting on April 4. Weight was 207 at that time. Am presently at 190. Lost 17 pounds in a little over 5 months. You can tell your boyfriend that Jim says it definitely works!

    “You would think I just said I am from another planet. ”

    It may be easier for some people to hear that you’re “from another planet” and leave it at that.

    With the way people are scrambling to go to Mars, that statement gets more truthful.

    I have just stopped trying to justify/explain The Fast Diet to others. I have lost over 10 pounds and dropped a size. Lost 3 inches off my waist. The results speak for themselves and sadly people tend to be so negative about anything new/or that they don’t understand. Had a friend who started the South Beach Diet a bit earlier than I started this. He lost 17 pounds fairly quick…then gained every pound of it back plus a little more after he quit.

    He asked me “But how many times have you cheated on your diet?”

    My answer “None…because I know in one day I can eat whatever I want.”

    IMO…this diet/lifestyle change is highly sustainable…and healthier for you (all around) than many of those other diets.

    Hi everyone, I’m on my third week, 5th fast. Suffered a flu and laryngitis this last week but stayed on track. I’m not going to get caught up in my measurements, but will keep a check on clothing fits and how I feel. Running, well, walking up stairs getting so much easier. Change is always better with a positive energy both in yourself and others. The problem with some people is they don’t like change, it scares them, especially in you as it holds a mirror up to them…..just thought I’d share thoughts from a girl from Oz x

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