Overeating on feast day

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hey there,
    I just had my first fast day the day before yesterday which was manageable, although I had quite a headache. Yesterday I felt happy about sucess and not very hungry for first half of the day, but in the afternoon I started craving for something to eat that would satisfy me. Trying to get it I totally overeat feeling guilty and even sick afterwards. Getting rid of this viciuos circle was the reason to start 5:2 now I’m a bit afraid if it will help concerning this “issue”
    Anyone made similar experiences?

    Yes. I have the same problem. I can’t help because I’m still trying to find a solution but you’re soooooooo not alone!


    Good to know I’m not the only one.


    It is a very common problem for many people. We seem to be able to restrict easily on fast days when we know we have a set limit. But then on days when you’re supposed to be “allowed more” many people tend to binge/go overboard. I have found it myself where i’ve been hungry and allowed myself a treat because “hey it’s a non-fast day”…but then gone onto binge on far too much and feel guilty as a result.
    I believe it does get easier with time, as your stomach shrinks and you become more used to being hungry as a result of the fast days. And you stop craving sweet foods etc. But it goes back to the old mantra many people here use “you can eat what you want, but not as much as you want” and still have to maintain a sense of self restraint even on non-fast days.

    Thanks Aliah

    I already hoped it would become better and I know I had times I easily resisted temptations but not because of restricting but of not liking. Hope I’ll get there again, know that sports helps me.
    Have my second fast day today, hope I’ll make it.

    It is common and has been discussed many, many times before. It helps to ‘restrict’ yourself to a certain degree on non-fastdays too. You shouldn’t need to think of it as a ‘diet’ but some find it easier if you set yourself rules to follow on non-fastdays.

    eg; -I WILL stick to a rough calorie count that comes in comfortably between my BMR and TDEE on non-fastdays

    – I WILL only eat 2/3 meals on my non-fastday with absolutely no snacking between

    – I WILL only eat after 12pm and before 8pm

    – I WILL only eat after I’ve done my exercise class/ morning dog walk whatever

    You can apply one or a couple of these, or make up your own, everyone’s different and has different issues/triggers to face – you know best what will work for you and what you can stick to.

    One piece of advice I would pass on from personal experience is that it is REALLY hard to get that hunger genie back in his damn bottle once you’ve let him out for a quick snack, so from the second you eat your first morsel on a non-fastday you need to be prepared to be tough on yourself, or have a plan to avoid the food cupboard for a while to allow the ‘danger time’ to pass.

    I think I will try to develop some rules for me, thanks Tracy

    yes, I think it helps a lot to have some rules on the non-fast days. They don’t need to be overly strict, just enough to give it some structure and keep you from overdoing it.

    Probably helps not to think of them as ‘feast’ days too 😉

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