Ouch, Fell While Running

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  freckle-face 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Was running with the dog before Sun up this morning, tripped on a curb and landed on the sidewalk. I twisted my ankle slightly, skinned both knees, have a big black and blue mark on my left elbow and I may have cracked a rib or 2. It hurts to breathe. Tried running again this afternoon and couldn’t make it; ankle hurt too much so we just walked for a couple hours. Funny thing is the ankle doesn’t hurt while walking.

    I’ve cracked ribs before so I know the only cure for it is time. If they are fractured I’ll just have to lay low for a couple weeks and hope I don’t have to sneeze. Last time I had broken ribs I doubled over in pain the first time I sneezed! Oh well, things happen and we just have to deal with them. At least I have a story to tell at work Monday.

    Be careful out there everyone.


    Hey Bronx! I broke my collarbone while jogging 5 weeks ago. I got 6 weeks disability leave. My goal during this time was NOT to sit around eating. It turns out walking is not problem, so I did get an hour in every day. HOpe you’re feeling better and back on track!

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