This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  virginialu 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • like many fasters I have my ups and downs. I offer support and advice which can easily be ignored or taken up by other fasters. I recently posted about Asparagus soup (101 cals BBC Good Food site) and had made some on Sunday for my lunch which was not a fast day but seemed to be turning out to be so. Enter my 7 yr old Grandson who I was to baby sit for a couple of hours. What to do?. Easy, have him make his favorite Cheese scones. Now they have to be made with proper English (Yorkshire) Butter along with dry mustard powder and the secret ingredient, a pinch of Paprika. My Grandson makes a mean Cheese scone and soon we had 8 warm scones winking at me with the Butter lying seductivley along side. What can I say? Three heavily buttered scones later my satisfaction about a surprise fast day was out of the window as I lay back with a silly satisfied smirk with a hint of melted butter dripping down my chin. Sometimes you just have to give in, dont you?.
    Good luck to you all out there.

    Couscous they sound amazing, I’m not sure I could have resisted those!

    I think that’s the beauty of this way of life though, have a day like that? Fast tomorrow instead 🙂 One of the things that attracted me to 5:2 is the flexibility and the option to still enjoy the foods I love.

    Have a great day 🙂


    Ah CousCous I thought of you today whilst eating a big plate of your namesake for my non-fast day lunch. A couple of years ago your posts on here made me smile and now that I’m back I wondered where you’d gone!

    This story is so so lovely (and has given me a wanting for a warm cheese scone, my 6 year old would love that as an after school activity today!) It’s a story about the truth of life and food and love. You just have to be able to let go and enjoy it sometimes!

    Hope you are doing well 🙂

    LittleWing, Hello and thank you for your kind post and comments. Today was my 3rd Fast day of the week… well until 8.00pm tonight while watching Cambridge United (2nd div Football league), draw with Man United, (Premier League, won just about everything there is to win) in the F.A. cup. What a humiliation for Man United. So…..3 bottles of Old Peculiar later, coupled with some Brie de Melon cheese (superb, find it if you can) followed by a local cheese, “Morden Blue” made locally near Sedgefield. Tony Blair was, sadly our local M.P……BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE US ALL BAD PEOPLE!!!!!. So I will simply re – adjust my 5:2 to another day. Our Grandson (Joshua) is coming to stay overnight tomorrow. His mum, (our youngest) and his dad want some “quality time” together…. whatever that means. SO…. we will be making NOB HOB Chocolate Chip Cookies instead of Cheese Scones this time (make those cheese scones and remember the pinch of Paprika). My 5:2 day is a distant memory.
    Having re-started 5:2 I have lost around 8-10 lb in three weeks and am getting into the settling down mode. I love returning to the forum and seeing the posts from both the old and new posters which still give me a great deal of help and satisfaction.
    Good luck LittleWing and all posters out there.

    You make me smile Couscous ! We are human after all 🙂
    your scones sound sooooo good !I remember having scones with clotted cream a couple of times while visiting… I’m from California but I have
    been to the UK 6 times (my son lives outside of Manchester)
    Our team ( I include myself in “our” because I love my British family)
    is the “under dog” Burnley …lol…I know what you are thinking..but hey
    they are climbing up a bit. (my daugher in law is from Burnley)

    anyway…I just started this 5:2 I must say it’s not that easy….but the flexability is nice.. I just need to stick with it. all encouragement helpful.

    Good morning virginialu and welcome. Yes, nothing wrong with Burnley, we British (I am ENGLISH by the way, not European) love an “underdog” especially when they tweak the nose of the big guy. Now, clotted cream scones… aaaaarrrr the memories those bring back. Next time you visit have a holiday down in Devon or Cornwall. Both are wonderful places for a holiday and both profess to be the home of the clotted cream scone.
    Now building such a scone is not as simple as you might think because depending where you come from depends on how you believe the scone is built up. Now, do you spread the scone first with clotted cream then topped with Strawberry Jam OR do you spread the scone first with jam then top it with the clotted cream?. Titter ye not, this can cause a major falling out among good friends as both counties have their own view of the right and wrong way to construct said scone. Perhaps one of our posters from that neck of the woods can throw some light on the problem. By the way, you only need to eat one and you are hooked for life and you can kiss good by to a fast day if you have one.
    Good luck with your 5:2 lifestyle and keep us updated with your progress.

    For me the nice thing about this diet is it allows failure I say to myself “Oh well I’ll fast on another day of the week” and I usually do. But even if I don’t I get one day fasting in a week and that’s really good to.

    However real succeeded will be when I get offered a delicious scone on a non fast day and say thank you and only have one. 🙂

    Hi DFaithfull, thanks for your reply BUT…… you used the “F” word. Please dont do that, we never “F…” simply RE-ADJUST our fast days and continue in a POSITIVE way towards our goals.
    Good luck.

    Im doing ok….today is a fast day…always hard when it’s only 2 pm and I only have 150 cal that I can eat left! Oh, btw – if anyone is wondering
    how we can still get our needed nutrition in on fast days email me
    at virginialu@aol.com I have the answer. ( I am an R.N. ) staying healthy is the most important goal along with losing the weight.


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