
This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Yesterday was a fast day, I wait until the evening before I eat. I had a lovely veg stir fry, but then friends came round and somehow for the whole day I’ve consumed 900 cals, can’t believe how easy it was to rack that up, oh well won’t beat myself over this. This may be an odd concept but I am using weight watchers for non fast days. I need some control as last night shows!!! Hope other rasters understand where I’m coming from on that.

    Its so easy to do that Nettienoo but there’s no undoing it so forget it.
    Its your choice for non fast days -whatever fits into your lifestyle.
    Good luck 🙂

    I’ve done that same oops! Oh well, at least it was a 16:8 day, right? Definitely don’t beat yourself up over it, it’s just one day. And 900 is still probably a lot less than your normal nonfast day.

    Doing WW on nonfast days is an interesting idea. I think everyone has their own way of handling nonfast days. Whatever works, works. I count calories on nonfast days, otherwise I’d go off the tracks.

    I agree with Lindyw and Kilda, just put it down to a little wobble, and move on!! 🙂

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