one year in-surprises and disappointments

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one year in-surprises and disappointments

This topic contains 13 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Lindyw 11 years ago.

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  • It’s my one year anniversary of 5:2ing and I’d like to share my experience;
    Good things- no more blinding(literally) migraines (hooray!)
    lost 1 stone plus and now am in maintenance mode
    lower cholesterol
    REALLY appreciate food
    have loads more energy and general cheeriness
    Amazing things – a worrying mole has literally disappeared from my back (coincidence or not I’m happy to count it as a bonus )
    Disappointment – still have high blood pressure (boo!)
    Love to hear from other one year veterans….

    hi Dottychris and congrats on your fastannivesary 🙂

    what an amazing inspriring story, I am not quite a veteran yet, been on 5.2 since last July, but I sure hope to write a similar post on my one year mark!!

    way to go!! 🙂

    Hi Dottychris, also congratulations on your anniversary. As a fellow veteran, also because I’m 68. I’ve lost two stone (perhaps a year of walking a terrier daily) and my GP’s now taken me off High BP tablets. Also my skin has improved, I’ve more energy and I’m also on a maintenance diet which includes lager, meals out and Chinese & Indian takeaways occasionally. There’s nothing for a chap not to like apart from having to buy new clothes since my waist has come down from 39+ to 34- but I will carry on!

    PS After losing my first stone there was no further loss until I reduced my fasting day calories by 10% in line with my weight loss. My second stone took the remainder of the year. You may have further to go.

    Good Luck

    Hi all, been at this a bit longer than a year (started right after the Documentary aired in August 2012) but a year and a half on I’ve lost about 3.5 stone (can’t be totally exact as I didn’t actually expect to lose amuch weight – I was going for losing my vascular fat deposits and the other health benefits).

    I noticed my skin clearing and becoming softer and more radiant first, then I noticed that my periods were becoming less heavy and like torture, then it occurred to me that I hadn’t had an eczema flare up for a while (have only had 1 very minor flare up in the whole year & a half) and finally I was delighted when I went to the doctor to get him to sign a diving medical form and he did my BP and said I was “Totally normal” – I have ALWAYS had doctors make a point of telling me I have high BP, “high end of the acceptable scale” but still high.

    As I said I’d never really expected to lose much weight as I’ve always been big and nothing has ever shifted weight before. It took me about 6-8 weeks to notice that my clothes were sitting a bit better on me and get around to weighing myself – by which point I’d lost somewhere between 14-18lb. Since then the loss has gradually slowed to a crawl. But I don’t care. It can take me another year or 2 to get the last stone & a half off as far as I care. Slow & steady is totally fine by me.

    I’m 11 months into my plan. I took a few weeks to think my head around it after seeing Michael on BBC Breakfast last January. I don’t weigh myself at home but I know I was 12st 1lb in October 2012 and I’m 11st 8lb now. (I blame December; it was a hectic whirl of over eating and no fasting!)
    But more importantly: my neck is smaller and I don’t snore any more and I’ve dropped two dress sizes. Today I had a blood test so I’ll see how my cholesterol is going! I think what I really like is how I don’t have to tell people what I’m doing but they notice that I’m thinner. I like getting new, smaller clothes. And that I can see myself doing this for ever on one or two fasting days a week.

    I’m just over a year into 5:2 and it has changed my life. I have dropped from 17 stone in December 2012 to just over 13 now. Most of the weight loss was in the first 6 months and I maintained 13 stone up until early December when I went a bit wild in the run up to Christmas, I stopped fasting and had a complete blow out, eating lots of junk and drinking quite a lot of booze, I enjoyed every minute :-). However as a result my weight went back up to 14 stone. I was expecting this and it wasn’t a big deal, I am now back on 5:2 and my weight has now dropped back to just over 13 stone. My ideal weight is 12 stone and I plan to reach that by the summer.
    Having struggled with weight problems since my teens (I’m 51 now) I was lucky enough to watch the original Horizon programme and tried alternate day fasting, although it produced spectacular results it was to difficult to maintain and have any sort of a social life so when Michael produced the 5:2 book I bought it straight away. I haven’t had any problems other people seem to have suffered in fact fasting has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
    I was aware of HIIT for some time and had incorporated Tabata training into my regime for a while, so this combined with 5:2 has been amazing. Having suffered chronic back pain for years along with stiff knees and ankles every morning, I’m glad to report these are now things of the past and I feel as fit now as I did in my twenties.
    The only down side is I have had to replace my entire wardrobe, from underpants up to coats and jackets and it has been a tad pricey..Ha Ha.

    WOW!!! Well done @danny261! I bet you feel fantastic.

    Yes it get pricey having to replace clothes doesn’t it. I am a regular at charity shops at the moment – both purchasing and donating!! Big in – smaller out!

    keep on keeping on


    How inspiring, well done!

    I must say the though of getting rid of migraines and that constant worrying
    is enough for me to get going – I actually already feel much calmer. And I haven’t yet completed two weeks!

    Hi, I’d thought I’d jump in because you are all very inspiring!

    I’ve been doing this for ten months and have lost 12.5kg, (nearly 2 stone in the old money).
    I’ve found my IBS has gone after thirty years.
    My snoring has stopped.
    My clothes fit so much better!
    I can fully cross my legs and put my hand between my shoulder blades to scratch my back!
    I no longer have crazy heart palpitations and irregular bounding rythums lying in bed at night.
    I have less asthma and irritated skin from contact dermatitis.
    My bingo wings are really reduced, but I’ve started some tricepts strengthening work to tighten them up.
    My thyroid is less swollen…is there such a thing as a shrinking goiter?

    When I see my doc next month for my annual checkup, I’m hoping my b.p., blood glucose and cholesterol will all be lower.
    For the first time in my life I feel in control and the boss, rather than confused as to how to make a real change for my health.
    Before 5:2, I ate healthily, didn’t smoke or drink much, and my doc wasn’t too helpful about what to do except take meds.

    I love this way of eating, and plan to keep it up for the rest of my life. I have ten kilos to lose to get into a healthy weight, and expect it to take 12 months or more to get there.

    Keep up the excellent work everyone!

    Hello, and congratulations on your incredible loss and success. I have not followed the 5:2 for a complete year yet – not until April 2014 but that said, I’m at maintenance now, after having lost 51 pounds from April to Oct/Nov 2013. I gained a bit over December but lost it again in January, so all is well. My benefits are:

    1. two weeks in I lost the chronic pain I had suffered from since the age of 9 from neuritis. I am now 61 years of age. I also had pain from arthritis in my feet, hips, knees, back.
    2. I have amazing energy and am continually increasing my workouts – I do both cardio and strength training and things are getting better every day.
    3. This winter I did not have the eczema breakouts that I normally get at this time of year. I have two large patches on the outside of each knee that has been coming back for so many years it actually scarred. I only would get some on my chest and sometimes elbows. Nothing at all this year – in fact the scarring on the sides of my knees has decreased.
    4. When I went for my annual check up, my doctor, who has only ever had to treat me for pain-related issues, had nothing to say or advice other than to continue what I was doing. My blood pressure was always very good as was my cholesterol so no changes there.
    5. My mood improved almost immediately on this diet and I have been able to maintain a much more positive outlook on life which has helped me both in my personal life as well as my professional life.
    6. My clothes size went from a 14-16 or 16-18 dress size to a 2 or a 0, depending on the style. My last jeans were a size 0 but I do have a very comfortable pair of 2s. It’s all good.

    Congratulations everyone.

    I have exactly 2 more weeks to go for 1 year anniversary, but could not wait to post.

    Start Date – March 10th, 2013
    Weight at start – 166ish
    Weight now – 150
    Waist – lost more than 6 inches (and buying new clothes)

    Overall feel good and happy leading a healthy lifestyle.

    One thing I think everyone forgets is, what if we did not come across or start this program? I am sure I would still be trying to lose and would have gained another 5-10 pounds.

    I also believe there are lot of positive effects to the environment. Skipping more than 300 meals (I was on 1:1, 2:1, 5:2 and back to 2:1) is worth at least 200000 calories equaling 200-300 pounds of food – less CO2, water usage etc.

    Along the way, I have shared and educated many other people on the benefits of IF, most ignored and some followed who I think will in turn change others lives for good, which is even more satisfying.

    Good luck and stay strong.

    All very positive. I love the environmental impact: I hadn’t thought of that, imagine a huge proportion of the population demanding less of the earth. Lovely.
    I have noticed my shopping bills reducing. I often buy two servings of food but eke it out between three of us, and it’s ample.

    Hi DottyChris and fellow forumers!

    My name is Keir Stone-Brown and I have been commissioned to write an article for Men’s Health magazine on fasting diets. It would be great if I could interview any of you (men or women!) over Skype for the feature? If you are interested please get in touch at or alternatively write back here.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes,

    Keir Stone-Brown

    Ooooh I love this thread – how have I missed it until now?
    I am not at my first year anniversary until early May so I have a few weeks to go but I am sure I am going to rejoice in this lifestyle as much as all previous posters/fasters.
    Did you all also go through an almost Evangelistic stage where anyone naive enough to ask ‘how?’ was in for a lecture about IF and its benefits 😀
    I will write again in May 🙂

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