On holidays..missing my fast days and giving blood?

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On holidays..missing my fast days and giving blood?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Beavergong 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • This week I’ve been on holidays and away visiting different friends. I had an early fast on the day before I left and because I’m giving blood tomorrow I decided I should wait till the day after to fast, so that makes it 6 days between fasts. Can you believe I’ve woken up the last 2 days feeling like I need to fast ….has anyone else experienced this… My body is missing fasting???
    Also has anyone given blood and fasted the next day? We give blood regularly as both my husband and I have the second rarest blood type. Last time I fasted the day before and was fine…we’ve been on the diet 17 weeks and have both lost 21lbs.

    I am always glad to get to my fast days too, and I feel brilliant on those days! I gave blood and then fasted the day after but made sure I had plenty to eat after giving blood and loads of water. Well done on those 42lb!

    Thanks Alex .You were right I was fine. Drank a whole bottle of water during the night and then more than 8 glasses today but the fast was fine and we felt no ill effects from fasting

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