oh… it's on! I'm ready to feel fabulous :-)

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  • Hello everyone. My name is Melanie and I am ready to change my life. I am already a hapoy person. ..most of the time…but, I am overweight and can’t stand it anymore…so, I started with a water fast. I’m on my second day so far. It’s been almost 36 hours since my last meal. I didn’t plan this, by the way. I just woke up and said….”that’s it! No more saying next week…next week…monday…this day…no more excuses.” No one is gonna do it for me! And here I stand…I weighed 210.2 yesterday and weighed 207.9 this morning. Maybe I shouldn’t say water fast cuz I am drinking hot herbal teas….no calories though.

    Hi Melli and welcome:

    Water fasts can be dangerous if you have no experience and do not know what you are doing. They are not dangerous from not eating, they are dangerous because fasting lowers your blood pressure and you can faint. If you feel even slightly dizzy, don’t try to ‘power through’ it – sit or lie down immediately.

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Some of the posts in the thread deal with water fasting.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you for the info and reply!! 🙂 I’ve done a water fast before but just not for 3 days. I also intermittent fast. Usually during the week at school…I actually think more clearly. Right now marks 60 hours and I will eat some veggies andmaybe some light fish tonughtonight around 7 or 8. I haven’t really felt lightheaded much, strangely. I actually have more energy than I usaully do, which is weird. And, my side effects are really just occasional hunger and mild headache…next time I’m gomna try 5 days.

    WoW 60 hours. I’ve only fasted 48 hours once and a few 36 hours water and zero calorie drinks. Of course 5 2 this is my fast day number 11.

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