Odd result

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  normag 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m doing this plan to help with my diabetes but also have a few pounds to lose (I would say 7lbs before my neck\face begins to look scraggy and I have to stop,).

    Anyway, last week was my first week and weighed myself each day to see how it affected my body. Went up and down quite a bit but on the last day the scales showed a loss of 2lbs which was fantastic.

    Only weighed myself this morning this week but have put on 1.5lbs even though I’ve already had my two fast days (my week starts on a Friday. I did a fast from 6pm Friday until 7pm Saturday and then 6pm Sunday to 6pm last night and then after that only had a banana so first meal was breakfast this morning).

    Just want to check I’m doing everything correctly. I appreciate that with not much weight to lose it will go very slowly but was surprised at the slight weight increase. – it’s probably just down to fluid retention or something but I’m a worrier so wanted to check. I don’t think I’m overheating on my fast days. Generally porridge with skimmed milk, pumpkin seeds a a tsp raisins followed by home-made veg soup for lunch with lots of tea and a diet coke. My blood glucose results are fantastic

    Any help\advice would be greatly appreciated

    Just concentrate on the diabetes side and stop weighing yourself. If you’re that close to your ideal weight then you may find you don’t lose anything at all on this plan or you may get there eventually but it will be such a gradual loss that it hardly even registers on the scale week by week nevermind day by day.

    The diabetes issue is the most important for you so do whatever you need to to keep this lifestyle healthy and comfortable for you to continue getting good results. If the weight gradually comes down then great but you may just find that you start toning up rather than actually losing weight. That does appear to be one of the common side-effects for some people. There are lots of threads where people discuss their lack of actual weight loss but their improved measurements & tone.

    Thanks Tracyj.

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