October 2017 31 day challenge.

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October 2017 31 day challenge.

This topic contains 1,500 replies, has 98 voices, and was last updated by  Mia139 7 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 1,507 total)

  • Day5,FD,Canada

    Hi all, 5:2 going well with the last 2 CD well below TDEE. This weekend will be challenging as both my birthday and Canadian Thanksgiving. Will enjoy cake and pumpkin pie, but then send the remainder home with my guests.

    Plank challenge going well,it is hard, but feel myself getting stronger- Yay!

    Keep the fast everyone.

    Day 5 – USA – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, 489 cals. Ate some protein later in the day, which really helped me sleep. Spent the day re-building the chicks’ coop (OH did the work) and mowing, clearing out sticks and stones in the beautiful crisp sunshine of the beginning of autumn! They love their new digs, and hardly knew what to do with all the fresh air, water, food and room to roam compared to being in a little paper-filled tote in the spare room! We’ll begin to see personalities develop and within a month or two how many are going to be roosters and how many will be chickens. @Strawberriesandcream, glad your OH is mending. @dykask, feel better! @missybear, there are lots of substitute recipes on Youtube for low carb bread; I’ve tried a few and they satiate that craving for bread. @onahealthyhigh, I’m with you on the joys of the garden! @maddyg, I am also looking to get out of the 70s weight-wise. @lovemylife001, welcome and I also have a goal of 140. I started 9 months ago at 191.6 and am presently 171.4. You can do it!

    good day

    I’m new to all this but would like to be added to the weight lost program.

    I live in Durban, South Africa. plan to do my fast on a Monday and Thursday.

    Day 5 Lancaster, PA FD

    It’s the 4th day in a row of walking 2.5 – 3 miles. That’s not as good as some, but great since my leg is healing. Getting out of the 150’s lbs and into the 140’s lbs is a bit trickier than I thought. But I am stubborn and I’m determined.✨😊✨Today @fordprefect and I are both fasting, which gives me a boost to get through my 3rd day of B2B2B.

    My FD’s work well if I start out with water, unsweetened coffee or tea only. Then if yogurt accidentally 🤣finds it’s way onto a spoon and in my mouth, like it did yesterday evening, I’m still way below the 500 cals. 😊

    @lovemylife001 Glad you are here! ✨🎶Good Luck🎶✨ We are similar in that I am 5’7” also. Trying to find my healthy weight.
    @debster251; @booperdooper and @fordprefect are still doing the 5:2 😊 @fordprefect says in the past couple months he’s gone from 255lbs to – 241lbs. Then up to 245 and now back to 241. He said to tell you he celebrated his purging off of pounds the wrong way.🤣 I can see that he is getting the benefits because his stomach, arms and legs are tightening up and he’s getting more walking in. @booperdooper is doing very well and slowly but steadily purging pounds and and firming up. She is walking more.😊

    @jessyoursize I can’t imagine going through 2 heart attacks especially at such a young age. May God Bless you.✨✨ I know where the heart is concerned it is important to check with your doctor to make sure there are no distressing interactions in respect to any medicine you may be taking. There are also websites that you can check on any interactions with current medicine you may be taking.

    I believe there is a connect between a healthy immune system and a healthy heart. I can see how helping to keep Streptococcus out of your system would be beneficial to you and helpful for your immune system.
    I take a multi vitamin, extra vitamin C, a good probiotic and plenty of garlic capsules. I put a clear capsule over the probiotic, so when I take the probiotic it is able to make through the digestion process and into the small intestine, preventing disease and bacteria in the intestines. You may decide you don’t need that at this time. At some point if you do, they do work well together. I think they would be beneficial as long as your Doctor approves. I can post links of what I take if your interested.
    @daffodil2010 Wow, Your Awesome for sharing. Is it weird that I feel better that I’m not the only one? I’ll have to check into that Valium “twilight sedation” it sounds promising. I know the surgeon will sedate me, it’s getting myself there without having a major panic attack and freezing up. I think the hypnosis is helping even though it is helping slower than I want it to. ✨
    @strawberriesandcream Wishing you and your OH well. Your support of your OH and patience with the process is admirable as you go through the 5:2 Challenge😊👏 We are here for you! ✨✨🤝✨✨

    @coda I remember that feeling. In my case, 1 example, I couldn’t get from 1 end of the movie theater to another. Something my hubby and I like to do. Getting a wheelchair might be an option. Thank God it doesn’t last for ever. You can plan now to do things with your loved ones when your foot is better.✨💛✨{{{{{{Big Hugs}}}}}} to you! ✨💛✨Hoping you will be feeling better soon.✨
    @flourbaby Your Mother is an extra-ordinary Super Women!👏✨👏 My Father would never use novocaine at the Dentist either. He said the drill or having his teeth pulled didn’t bother him as much as that limp lip feeling and the “spaciness” he would feel the days after while still in his system.
    @claudy ✨Welcome, Glad you are here✨🌈✨

    ✨✨Wishing Everybody Well today ✨✨
    ✨✨✨✨ We Got this!✨✨✨

    Today is my second FD this week. I am going to get weighed tomorrow and post my weight.

    I did “pretty” good on the first FD – not as low as I should have been on the calories (around 700), but way better than the prior weeks! I dropped a couple of pounds in the first couple of days. It’s the first week weight loss where the weight (water) always come off so much faster.

    Day 5 – SW WA USA – FD

    2nd FD of the week! Yes, @ Emma Taylor, this WOL does change ones relationship with food. I’m heading to a Women’s Retreat this weekend & they tell us to bring snacks, and they’re already providing 2 meals a day. My thought was why bring snacks? Earlier I would also have been thinking snacks would be important. I decided I’d take cheese sticks & nuts to have just in case I’m tempted by someone bringing sugary snacks. Am going to plan on keeping to the “no sugar” I’ve committed to for October.

    @coda – I like your counting blessings reminder. It does keep or re-encourage ones heart. May you heal well & soon my cyber friend.

    Okay, almost time to leave for work. Remember, together we’re stronger!

    Welcome @lovemylife001 and @claudy I hope you enjoy taking part in the October Challenge. Day of challenge is always the day of the week – so no matter when you start we are all on the same page. I have added your names to the spread sheet if you want to go and add your own details here is the link

    Thanks for the healing wishes – just feeling a little sorry for myself, I want to be up and about and I guess just feeling a little impatient with my progress.
    Fasting so far so good with just water, 1 coffee and one cup of chicken bovril.

    Day 5, FD

    day 5 Akron OH NFD, I am aiming for a very controlled day today. hang in there @coda, our prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Day 5 – ABQ – FD

    Yesterday’s FD went really well, I did end up at 558 but I really need the extra protein and iron after donating blood on Tues and doing all the challenges yesterday. I felt a little shaky still, but I know it takes me a little longer to get back to normal after donating.

    My b2b today is going to be a water fast, at least for as long as I can. I have an apple and sliced bell peppers with me just in case, along with some chicken broth if I start to feel I need it.

    I’m so happy to know that I am not the only one feeling the struggle with my Plank Challengers! Ya’ll are doing awesome though! Keep up the great work!!

    And my Sober Octobers? How are ya’ll doin? All this talk of wine this month on top of the rainy weather has me craving some spiked cider, but I will stay strong! Luckily DH doesn’t drink so he makes it easier to say no or just not have it in the house.

    @coda – Hugs to you!! I also fixed the sheet so that everyone was in alpha order as well 🙂

    @okeydokey – that is so awesome that your OH is doing this with you! It makes this WOL so much easier. I’m working on getting mine on board, but he’s a serious meat head never going without some kind of meat protein for at least 3 of his six meals a day. I’ll get him there though – he’s really seeing the improvement it’s making in my mood, energy & weight. Also GREAT JOB on the 3 miles!! I haven’t been able to get more than 2 (consecutive) miles in for my daily walks. 3 is definitely something to be proud of!! Lastly – Thanks for the info! I’ll ask my doc about a probiotic and see what he says 😀

    2nd post Day 5, Emden Germany, NFD

    @coda of course you feel sorry for yourself, but you’re almost halfway through. When you’re fully recovered and the pins are out, your foot will be better than it was before. Try to be patient, it takes its time. Hugs!

    We polished the glasses and opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature! One of my favorite authors won this year after the terrible arrogant last year’s winner (why did they the jury even consider this one???).

    Have a nice day/evening everyone, our celebration goes on, the bottle isn’t empty yet!

    Day 5 UK FD

    Hi All, not posted since Monday as managed to fall down the stairs and completely knacker my back – feeling very sorry for myself at the mo. I’m trying a b2b yesterday and today to try to atone for some of the excesses of the past week and a bit. I don’t do b2bs very often as I like my food far too much (hence I’m here). But sometimes needs must.

    Welcome to all the new guys. I’ll amend the spreadsheet later to put everyone in alpha order – so don’t panic if your name disappears from the bottom of the list.

    Past few days I’ve been good at avoiding all sugary foods – what did I just do though – ate two boiled sweets in work that a colleague had brought back from holiday. Just did it completely mindlessly. All I thought was – there won’t be many calories in them.

    Fascinated by stories of decorating the house for Autumn, I love the Autumn colours, so warm and welcoming. Halloween is getting to be quite big in the UK but not to that extent.

    I got rid of my clothes mountain yesterday – I filled 2 charity bags which felt great. However, I now have no autumn/winter clothes that fit me properly – as my OH said – I really don’t need an excuse for shopping.

    Day 5 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    FD went well yesterday so I’m going to try a B2B today.

    In the spirit of Fall decorating, I dried some hydrangeas from the garden and today I’m going to make them into a wreath for our front door….channeling Martha Stewart. 🍂

    Day 5 Belfast FD
    Yesterday’s FD turned into a CD for various reasons, so I’m fasting today instead. OH is off to a conference tomorrow so I’m on my own from tomorrow morning till Saturday lunchtime so I’m going to try my first water fast. Wish me luck. I don’t know if I’ve got the willpower.

    @songbirdme thank you for the link to the recipe.
    @penz – I don’t think I could sit and look at Key lime pie. I’m salivating at the thought!
    @okeydokey – great news from your family. So good to hear of their success.

    Off to do my squats and planks and any other torture I can fit in.

    Remember:!If it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you

    Day 4 NZ NFD
    Day 5 NZ FD
    Day 6 Nz FD

    Day 5 North Wales FD

    FD has been much easier today, it must have been the floor scrubbing that caused the problem on Monday. Spending a week with my daughter and my gorgeous granddaughters. I am so lucky that they are happy to have me stay as often as I do.

    @coda I broke my ankle a few years ago and had to have pins and plates. I can understand your frustration. I struggled with the crutches and so ended up having to get around in a wheel chair. When the plaster was removed one of the pins stuck out near my ankle bone and I found it very difficult to find shoes that could fit without hurting. It took another 12 months before the offending pin was finally removed. I am fully fit now, but I can still remember how down I felt at being so imobile.

    I too have chickens and have won prizes for the cockerels at the local shows. They are all bantams although we have had some Seramas which are even smaller. Those hens that get sick all come into the house to live in a large box until they get better.

    @claudy @lovemylife001 welcome to the group, you will find it very helpful.

    Day 5 USA FD =)

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Yesterday’s water fast was another success. I am a convert! I feel so good empty, so much energy! I was positively buzzing from it. And I walked my way through the pain in my muscles and felt better afterwards. The only bad bit was the steepest downhill stretch on the way to the train. Funny how going down is worse. Coming back was fine. Three miles uphill, no problem this year. How different that would have been last year!

    Walking around the campus there is a staggering amount of sweet food on display. The poor students will all be waddling by the end of the year! I am so glad that I am rid of the sugar loving bacteria. I wasn’t even tempted, except a little bit by the token fruit stall. The figs did look delicious. But I was quite content with my water bottle. The course got off to a brilliant start. The Russian teacher is great. I am so pleased I am doing this. It is serving many different purposes: furthering my languages, making me exercise, keeping me occupied so I don’t eat in the evening, and getting me out for a change. I am having to buy new clothes and shoes though so it is getting rather expensive. Still, well worth it. I wouldn’t have done it last year. I am in such a better place now thanks to fasting. It really can change your life.

    2nd Post
    @debster251 just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow on your first water fast. I am egging you on, you can do it ☺️ I also tried my first liquid only fast when my DH was working late on shift..and by the end of that evening I couldn’t believe I had done it. It gets easier each time. Mind you, I have not tried water only fasting….I do have green tea, coffee, and the oxo cube saviour ……so go you Debster!!!

    I actually did a 72 hour fast that I ended last night with a big serving of vegetarian lasagna. I was inspired to do it based on Valter Longo’s work on fasting, who was included in the BBC documentary with Michael Mosley. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2014/12/30/can-a-3-day-fast-reset-your-immune-system/#6cbcac3d3c93) I like the idea of resetting my immune system and since I had done a couple of weeks fasting for two out of five days, 72 hours was not such a big deal. So, my last meal was dinner on Sunday and I ended the fast Wednesday night. I had small (less than 6 oz servings) of grapefruit and unsweetened cranberry juice mixed with mineral water and spicy, low sodium V-8 juice. I estimate my caloric intake was less than the 200 calories per day. I can only sing the 5:2 praises at this point. From September 11, 2017 to today, I’ve lost approximately 10 pounds and am looking forward to losing more. I am also taking a bunch of supplements, including Berberine and they seem to help as well. Best of all, I feel great!

    Oh dear @saffy420 I hope you are ok after your tumble.
    I’m afraid my fast day ended when I came home. I was feeling very cold and was looking forward to my bowl of veggie soup but one of the boys had taken some for lunch and there was only a little left. So I had it…. and a bread roll… and some ham….. and some toast with peanut butter…. and some crisps. Oh well ill just put this behind me and as we know – tomorrow is another day.

    Hi Afridgetoofar

    I meant to respond earlier to your qu about having difficulty falling asleep at the end of a FD. I don’t have this experience so can’t help from a personal perspective, but it got me thinking. Apart from the food (!) is your evening routine on a NFD much different from a FD? Would a herbal tea, like camomile, help? Not too many calories there – or a warm milk if you’ve got the calories to spare?

    Norway, Day 5, FD

    Shitty day. Has nothing to do with the fasting. Just that I had a work meeting with som really patronizing men who gave me a feeling of being a stupid little girl. I hate it when grown men behave like that, it is so disrespectful. Don’t give any credit to the young, female scientist, she must be really stupid and with no knowledge of anything. I hate it! It has been a long time since I had this experience, so it took me off guard. Sometimes I hate having chosen a carrier that is mostly dominated by men. But anyway, must admit that I miiight be experiencing some hormones/PMS today, so I might be overreacting and putting too much into it too.

    Sorry for ranting, this has nothing to do with fasting or food, just needed a vent 😂 Anyway, plenty of temptations today, I didn’t even consider falling for them. So in terms of fasting it was a great day. Happily it is bedtime now, so the shitty day is over. Good night my friends!

    Day 5 California FD
    Busy day today, but my fast is going well so far. Down .2 kg this morning even though I had way to many carbs yesterday. Maybe finishing up with the pinto beans helped. I cooked them from dry beans in the Instant Pot for an out 35 minutes with chopped onion, a little chili powder, cumin and salt. I cooked about a pound of them so lots of leftovers in the fridge.

    @afridgetoofar – I love your name!

    Day 5 – USA – NFD

    Second post: @mari84, chin up; you may not think of those people differently tomorrow, but you will probably feel differently about it tomorrow…time has a way of weakening the strong emotions of the previous day…you’re smart and young and personally, they are probably jealous, lol!! @fastlife, good for you! @saffy420, hope your back feels better soon….heating pad against a chair a few times a day will help! @molij, hello to another chicken mama! @awilson, great idea…how did you dry the hydrangeas?

    I have been hearing about planks and downloaded some videos, but they all show these buff young men doing them….nah! I’m 63, never did a push up in my life, no upper body strength except used to do lap swimming and haven’t done it in a few years. Can anyone recommend a basic senior plank video?

    Second Post:

    I needed to distract myself, I wanted food sooooo bad, but since I’m trying a water fast I really wanted to make it as long as possible! Reading these really helped!!

    @saffy420 OMG! I’m glad you’re *okay* and i’m sorry you hurt your back! Back injuries are the worst! And way to go on filling those charity bags! Its both a curse and a blessing right?

    @fatrabbit good for you for getting out and not breaking your fast with all the sweets and treats around!!

    @fastlife Way to go!! 72 hour fasts are not easy, I can barely make it 2 days! And way to embrace this life and see the big picture of being 10 lbs down in less than a month!!

    @mari84 ugh I know exactly what you mean! I would always get so upset when businessmen would reject my female students just cause they are female! Like they were the top of the freaking program! They are just ridiculous and you will show them by being successful – it is the best kind of revenge!\

    @metatauta You gave me the most distraction! I love doing research! I found this great video on youtube that shows actual senior women doing the exercises. They also gave a lot of variations for what to try if something isn’t working for you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp6jZUbgIxo

    Day 5 – 🇬🇧- NFD

    Had lunch with a friend on slimming world diet – sounds interesting but she was v careful about her choices. It was good to feel I could choose what I wanted from the menu without thinking about calculating syns!!!! Thinking about restricting food only two days a week is definitely better than every day!

    Thought I’d tell you how horrible I am feeling. Will try not to that again in a hurry. Too much for my tum to take. Also been reading how much I should be nurturing the healing in my body with good foods. May try a green juice day tomorrow and soothe my digestion. Will also take some kefir, although the kefir I have in the fridge has separated and maybe very strong but ill see. X

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Fasted again till dinner time today then had some chicken and pasta. Didn’t count the calories but well within TDEE so a fairly controlled day. Quite into the swing of fasting till dinner time now even on NFD…. especially when working as I don’t really miss not having lunch.
    Hopefully will be reflected on the scales!

    Day 6 – Japan – FD (attempting) 83.5 kg

    Well I think I get the booby prize! My weight is up 1.5kg in one day and just about the highest I’ve seen in months. I’m chalking it up to two things:

    1) Fighting a cold, which is why I might give up on the fast
    2) Big cool down in the weather, only 23 in the room this morning. Feels nice but I probably didn’t sweat as much.

    I don’t feel extra fat! 😀

    Brisbane, Australia. NFD
    FD Yesterday. Did my weekly weigh in today – 72.4 kgs. Have not been this low in 21 years, feeling pretty ecstatic. Would love to get below 70. Am getting used to this WOL. Finding the fast days not as difficult, but realise keeping busy is the answer to not blowing out my calories. Cleaned out my closet yesterday when I was fighting the hunger pains, it was a great motivation to keep going when I realised how many things were now too loose. Cleaned out OH’s clothes as well, I wonder when he will notice 🙂

    Day 7 Gold Coast, AUS CD
    Very happy with fast day yesterday, liquids only with 4 cups of tea with no fat milk, under 200 calories. And progress on the scales, down 1.3 kgs for the month so far.

    The really exciting event was that during the day hubby sent me a text to say he was going to join me on 5:2. He fasted yesterday, having about 600 calories divided between breakfast and dinner. He has type 2 diabetes and is on medication, so he has to be careful. But he was very pleased to see the scales down .8 kg. He has decided he will fast on the same days as me so it is easier for both of us regards meals. It will certainly make it easier for me, especially on days I am not working. He has much less weight to lose than me, about 10 kg in total. He is very supportive of my efforts, but the best support is when we are following the same program.

    Yesterday was a big farewell lunch for a colleague at work. Everyone brought lots of yummy food and the staff room was full of lovely smells. Because I had locked my mind onto it being a fast day, and everyone knew I was fasting, I wasn’t tempted and no-one pressured me into eating. So I was able to join in the fun without the food. It felt like a big achievement, helped by being really mindful and present in the moment without falling into auto mode. Checking in every day is really helping me – thanks everyone!

    Day 5 Rhode Island, USA, NFD
    Thank you for all the welcomes!
    One fast day under my belt and another tomorrow. Down 3 pounds mostly water but I’ll take it! I’ve been going to boot camp 5 mornings a week since June. Toning-check, Inches off the waist-Check, Weight Loss? No! Up and down the same 5 pounds all summer. I am hoping this will help me shift.
    I did get into some analysis paralysis about what my nutrition should be overall. I vacillate between lower carb and adding in quinoa/beans etc. My tastes are changing. Then I tell myself: this isn’t that difficult! Pick a method and modify!
    The accountability factor and reading each persons posts are very helpful.
    Best wishes to All!

    Day 6/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    The first of 3 non fast days following a very controlled week. Dispatched 2kg although some will have been normal bodily functions and water weight after the excess cheese binges of September.

    @sober October and @pocket winos. Haven’t missed wine at all this week. I usually pour a glass of wine and consume a half bottle before dinner. Surprised I’m just as relaxed and happy with a sparkling water, a slice of lemon and my best crystal wine glass to see me through the happy hour. I don’t expect it will last though I spotted a bottle of my favourite wine chilling in the fridge. I haven’t told my OH of Sober October. I prefer to just do it although I know he’ll be very supportive. I’m hanging on tight to the dry wagon. How are my fellow challengers going?

    Wishing everyone a happy and successful day.

    Day 3 UK NFD 🌈 ( previously reported as FD), was offered free food, could not turn it down 😲

    Day 4 UK FD 🌈 Redeemed, successful FD 😁
    Day 5 UK FD 🌈 Redeemed, successful FD 😁

    On my FDs if anyone is wondering, I have one meal and this consisted of a ham and mushroom omelette. That’s about midday and then I stop thinking about food, and concentrate on drinking water. Used to only have dinner but then I thought about food all day, and wanted to overeat. It works for me.

    Have a successful day all. 😁⚔️💦🐉

    Day 6 Belfast FD
    Feeling very motivated and strong. I bumped into an old friend yesterday, and she greeted me with, ‘Hello, skinny’ which of course made me feel like a million dollars.
    @saffy420 so sorry to hear of your bad back. Hope it heals soon.
    @metatauta@at posted this a couple of months ago and it is quite useful.
    This shows different levels and the instruction is very clear
    Good luck with your planking!
    @dykask – hope you feel better soon!
    Thanks for the good wishes @daffodil2010 – on reflection, I think for a first time I’m going to drink some tea and a little bouillon to ease me through.
    @aljomisaza – well done on your new low weight. Those milestones are so important on our journey. There’s nothing like a clear out too – good for the soul!
    @camcd – My friend has been doing Dr Mosely’s Blood Sugar Diet and has huge success with her sugar levels. They are nearly back to normal so best wishes to your OH, and you, of course.
    @rhody87 – don’t be disheartened by the scales. You are still getting all the health benefits and as you say, the inches off the waist are a big plus.
    @onahealthyhigh – I’m still with you! I’ve still 3/4 of a bottle of Pinot Grigio in the fridge from last month. I poured a bit into a casserole à la @coda instead of pouring it down the sink and I’m staying strong. Also no sugar so far this month, which perhaps is a bigger challenge for me.

    Off to the pool soon to do my final swim of the week.

    Keep on slaying those dragons!

    Day 6, Norway, FD

    Still not losing it!

    Update – Over 1/2 through my fast, I’ll probably be okay. I’m having a harder time today, probably because of the cold, but the troubles or minor.

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
    October Goal – 140lbs
    Current Weight – 145lbs

    Finished 3 days of B2B2B fasting with yesterday being a liquid only. I look forward to consuming up to 500 calories on my ‘normal’ FD and I really look forward to the scales the day after the liquid only FD.

    Down 1.5lbs from yesterday and October start, and 4.5lbs since Tuesday weigh in after my wino weekend and Monday date night. 😀

    Oh, another little milestone was notched up too – I have now lost 20lbs since I started this WOL 20th July. Yay 💃

    My best friend is cooking me a Slimming Workd Thai Green Curry tonight and there will be lots of wine to wash it down. She told me she has something to tell me, so I am taking the optimistic approach and hoping its positive news.

    @jessyoursize so happy today is a rest day on the Plank Challenge ha ha

    Have a great Friday all

    Day 6, UK, FD
    This wasn’t supposed to be an FD, but I stepped n the scales the for the first time since Monday… and today is Day 2 of B2B! Like @dykask, I have a stinker of a cold (been troubling me for over a week now) and the flight last night was noticeable on my sinuses. Would that affect weight? Does the body hang on to more water when fighting bacteria? Whichever way it is, hopefully I’ll be happier with the numbers tomorrow morning.

    DAY 5 – UK – NFD (CD)

    DAY 6 – UK – FD

    Busy day yesterday – hence no post – wanted it to be a fast day, but succumbed to a sandwich at lunch which turned it into a CD as went walking so was starving when I came home…but ate sensibly….to-day will be a difficult fd too, but will give it a go. Wish I could do the water fast….might try to-day….

    Off to Lakes tomorrow (forecast not good) and hope not to put on too much weight in the week..will try to post each day, as it helps to read all the inspirational posts and to keep me in check!. I am struggling a bit this time.

    @debster251 – what a lovely compliment! Well done you.

    Day 6 Melb, AUS NFD

    My FD yesterday was just under 700 cals. I find the 2nd fast in the week a little more difficult. But I have lost last weekends excesses.
    @saffy420 sorry to hear about your back
    @camcd – great to have hubby on board. Well done on not indulging at colleagues farewell

    Norway, Day 6, NFD.

    I var UO 800 g today, but when I think about it I hardly drank any water on my FD yesterday, only cooffee, so that is not good. I can actually feel it in my body, espcially in my fiorngers, that I am holding on to a lot of water. That was a huge glitch! I uaually bring along a big bottle (1.5 L) to work, but yeasterday was just off and I forgot all about it, so…yeah… Well, I will try to make a mense today and drink A LOT of water and I hope the weight will go back down.

    @maayyaa don’t lose faith, the weight will move at some point! I bet you will have a huge whooshh soon 🙂 How did you like the miso by the way?

    @metatauta and @jessyoursize THank you for supportive words, I feel better today, and frankly, the patronising behaviour only gives me motivation to do my very best and show them what I am good for and it also makes me pity them for being so stupid. How’s that for a confident payback? hahaha 😉

    Have a good day everyone 🙂 TOday is Friday, yay!

    Day 6 – Reykjavik – NFD

    I weighted this morning, opting to continue doing that on Fridays, the morning after second fast of the week. The scale showed 95.1 kg or -0,4 kg from a week ago. My tendency is to put on weight during weekends so I don’t compare this weight to my Oct 1st (Sunday) weigh-in number of 96.4 kg. I consider this a progress. Slow, sure, but importantly heading the right way.

    I had a pretty good week with two fasting days and increased exercise (walks, cycling, swimming). So overall I’m satisfied and now my big challenge is to go through this weekend without a zip of wine and excessive eating. If I manage to keep my weight gain this weekend at a minimum, let’s say around 0.5 kg, I will be on track to surfacing 95 kg next week.

    Feeling positive for the weekend and excited for the big game Iceland is playing tonight vs Turkey in WC qualifying state in football (soccer).

    Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still. Chinese Proverb.

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Well didn’t lose any more weight with the second water fast but have held just under 70 kg, or 11 stone which is great. I want to do them as much for how they make me feel as for the weight loss or health benefits. Although I must clarify I am calling them water fasts but I also drink black unsweetened coffee and flavoured teas during them. I adore strong black coffee and it is a great appetite suppressor. I am just going to do the two a week, Mondays and Wednesdays and not try it with my usual ADF. I think it would deplete too many nutrients done too often especially with a short eating window. When doing ADF I like to get my five veg a day in on fast days too. Of course I will stick with my usual short eating window on NFDs. I don’t eat until after I finish working, usually after 4pm and then try to stop by 6pm. But I am flexible about it. If I am not full I will eat more later. I no longer worry that I am going to ruin everything if I don’t stick to the plan 100%.

    Day4 Dublin FD
    It’s so nice reading all of your messages of support to each other. What a great way to achieve your goals! I’m hoping to be able to bring support to the group too. FD today until dinner time at 7. Kept the 2lb lost so far off so at least if that stays gone it’s been a good week.

    Day 6, Newcastle UK, FD

    FD of under 800 cals achieved yesterday. Weight this morning 135.5lbs.

    @emma Taylor – will do. He sees a little improvement every day and is already relieved at not having the knee pain and knowing that the current muscle pains are temporary. On the contrary, we heard many first hand positive accounts of knee replacement which reassured us both. OH has other complications that made the operation particularly difficult, but the consultant is delighted with the better than anticipated result.
    @coda – I haven’t had a chance to review the 6 weeks of posts I missed but I am concluding that you have broken your ankle rather badly if it is pinned and plated. Sending you more healing wishes and a big hug.
    @mogaman – hope you are surviving the MCS and have plenty of board/card games and books with you.
    @onahealthyhigh, @missybear, @flourbaby and any more pocket dry winos. I can recommend Eisberg alcohol free Cabernet Sauvignon at 28 cals per 125mls. For the first time this week, I felt like a drink after 5 hours of gardening yesterday so came in a poured a large 250ml glass. It really hit the spot as it does taste good and it is still wine afterall.
    @jessyoursize – thanks for the senior plankers link – I’m going to start today.
    Welcome @lilimar and well done!
    @songbirdme – guess what’s for dinner tonight?! Do I cut the fillet through the top of along the side? I’m guessing through the side. Like you I always use foil to keep the fillet moist. Yum Yum!
    @maddyg – great progress!
    @In it to thin it – Birthday greetings for a great weekend to come.
    @metatauta – thanks – OH is tickled that so many friends – actual and virtual are wishing him all the best. And thanks to you too @okeydokey – and well done on your walking achievements – you’re doing a great job.
    @snowflake56 – I’m now having to do some past and present research about this nobel winner. Must be good if a bottle of champagne was enjoyed in his/her honour 🙂
    Ouch ouch and OUCH @saffy420. Do look after yourself and recover quickly.
    @fatrabbit – kudos!!!! Is your son still doing well?
    @mari84 – may today be a whole lot brighter!
    TLC2 – you are spot on there. I am a past SW member truly converted to 5:2. SW is not long term sustainable in my experience.
    @dykask and @bigviking – please look after your colds as priority and get better quickly.
    @aljomisaza – in my experience they never do notice – hahahah!
    @camcd – impressive!!! Attitude is 80% of this WOL.
    @maayyaa – keep at it. It can’t not work given time.

    Keep on keeping on folks – together we are stronger.

    Day 6 Wales NFD

    Note to self: Never drink more than one glass of wine the night before a FD. Talk about self sabotage! Yesterday’s FD was the most difficult since my first week of 5:2. Struggled through the day feeling cold and tired, the day ended at 656 calories so not a disaster from that point of view, just not an enjoyable day.

    Thanks for the tip about low carb bread, I’ll look into that because as the winter approaches I may crave hot toast more often.

    Sun is out so I should crack on and get my daily walk done. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 6 North Wales NFD

    @missybear you should have joined us on the sober October challenge 😃. At my daughters at the moment so drink 🍷 will not be a temptation until Wednesday. My big challenge will be avoiding the wine 🍷 the following weekend as we have visitors. If I can get through that weekend I hopefully 🤞will make it to the end of the month.

    Day 6, London, UK, NFD

    Quick check-in before Pilates this morning, I hope everyone is doing well.

    @saffy420, I hope your back heals quickly; it’s on a par with toothache in my book!!!!

    @mari84 as a civil engineer I know all about a male dominated industry. I always found the site based men were far more respectful & willing to listen than any I came across in management!! I always found it best not to argue with them, just let them bluster and raise their voices and then at the end, lay out my points succinctly, it’s all recorded in the minutes after-all, then sit back sporting a smug face!!!!!!!! Don’t blame the hormones, (that’s something they would say) if you felt patronized, you were!!!!!

    @tlc2, fantastic feeling isn’t it? I can manage being careful 2-3 days a week, but that’s about it!!!!

    @coda, we ALL slip every once in a while, I should know!!! You know you have the tools to get back on track and don’t be hard on yourself, you may be down, but you’re not out!! Take carexxxxx

    @camcd………. That level of support is invaluable, and unusual, I’m used to the ‘Why are you starving yourself’ comments.

    @lynzm……………. Unfortunately that’s the tastiest food going……………….. Free food!!!!

    @onedayordayone, I’m with you, aiming for ‘Steely determination’ for the weekend!!!!!

    @missybear………… just two words to start me salivating…………..Hot Toast!!!! Not sure who in their right mind eats cold toast, I’ve had many a hotel breakfast ruined, RUINED I tell you; by cold toast!!!!!!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, and keep the faith, you KNOW this works!!!!

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