Note – Do Not Do Resistance HIIT on Fast Day

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Note – Do Not Do Resistance HIIT on Fast Day

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  diverdog 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’m doing ADF and last week I did Cardio HIIT on one of my fast days and it was all good. Today I did Resistance HIIT and I’m STARVING. I’ve also got light headed a few times. I’m not sure what the difference is that’s causing more hunger with Resistance but I won’t be doing that again.

    Interesting. I am the other way round. I can use the weights when fasting but run out of steam when doing cardio.

    I don’t notice much, if any, difference doing either HIIT or regular cardio/weight training on FDs vs NFDs. Hydration may be an issue if you feel faint – BP drop?

    I can do either in a fasted state but recovery after weights is much better if I have a high protein meal after working out

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