Not fat not fit!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Ahmedmilton 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I’ve lost a stone so far on the 5:2 with NO exercise – I’m now thinking I should move a bit! I hate exercise – all that jumping around, panting and sweating! I have however started walking a bit and have now signed up for yoga classes (get me!). All of you who go to the gym daily and are ‘ripped’ must be LOL by now! Unfortunately my yoga class will fall on a fast day, (8pm!). Although ashamed of my adversity to exercise… I’m making a start. Just a bit worried I’ll fall asleep- I usually go to bed early on fast days! Am I the only faster who hates exercise?! I’m sure it’s not natural!

    hi there Jollyjo!

    well done on loosing a stone, fab result!! I am not a gym bunny myself at all lol, its just not for me grrrr like you I much prefer going for walks, which I do everyday with my 2 dogs,about an hour 🙂 I also do a short workout for my abs,which I found online so its all free :-)!!

    good on you for signing up yoga classes, I have always wondered what its like lol, so please let us know!! I might just join a class too hehe

    please don’t be ashamed, I am not that madly keen on it either myself but I do it because I know its for my own good and well being…

    take care and enjoy your yoga classes 🙂

    Well Angie the yoga was fab! I can’t wait for next week! I was worried as it was a fasting day so I saved an apple to enjoy on my return! The yoga wasn’t as tough as I’d imagined, I’ve always been quite flexible so I found could do most bendy things! (Better than some of the girls who are younger and have been going longer)- my balance was quite poor though, (no idea what the pose was but had to close my eyes and raise myself up on my toes- fell forwards every time!), but I’m sure that will improve. Best of all is the raised self esteem as I’m actually making a start to be healthier.

    People who truly practice yoga are overwhelmingly positive beings, This is why I love it so much. Keep going jollyjo!

    Hi there Jollyjo!

    How are tou doing? I have taken the plunge and joined a yoga class too 🙂 first one next tuesday, should be fun…

    Take care xx

    Hi all,
    I have been doing yoga for thirty years. It definitely will improve your flexibility, strength and mindset. When I miss it for a period of time I really notice both my mood and risk of pulled muscles far more noticeable. I go on yoga holiday retreats each year, they are wonderful. I have only met one fellow yoga enthusiast who wasn’t totally loveable, and I have met hundreds in all this time. The exception is a male of 75 who practises daily, shows off a lot and is fond of very fond of under age girls,if you know what I mean, creepy.
    Keep it up ladies and later down the line try chanting- fantastic sense of well being experienced. If not maybe try a community choir- equally uplifting.
    Enjoy , oooommmmmmh

    thanks for all posting this information is very important for my and help full

    If you are not fit you should go to gym for your body fit…..

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