No weight loss in 3 months!

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No weight loss in 3 months!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Not seeing results 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I have been on the plan for 3 months, and have not lost any weight. I have followed it religiously, and eat what I have always eaten on non-fast days. (About 2000 calories).I put weight on when I began taking anti-depressants many years ago which has totalled 4 stone. I have lost one stone over the years. As weight gain is a well-known side effect of this medication, there must be plenty of people on this diet who are also taking it?
    My husband, who isn’t on medication, has lost a stone and a half. He doesn’t watch what he eats at all on non-fast days.
    I would like to hear from others in this situation to compare notes.

    hello pudding,
    im not on anti-depressants like yourself but i did have a bout of not losing any weight for 3 or more months. what i found was body fat was coming off and ive gone down a couple of dress sizes, did you take any messuerments before starting? maybe it will take longer for you due to the medications, do you feel any better for being on this plan?
    ive just started to up my fast days to 3 a week now to try kick starting the weight loss, another thing you could try for yourself.

    Hello Fast for Life,
    Thank you for responding. I did take my measurements before I started, and they haven’t changed unfortunately. I have been doing the 4:3 version for two weeks and still no difference.
    My next approach is to go back to the 5:2 and to calorie count on the other 5 days, to be absolutely certain nothing’s going wrong on that score!
    I take ADs for anxiety, not depression. I’ve read recently that I shouldn’t be cutting back on carbohydrates, as they are essential for healthy serotonin levels, and I do tend to skip carbs to keep the calories down.
    So: more carbs and fewer calories – watch this space!

    Hello Pudding, I am also on anti depressants, taking 50 mg per day. I found I put on a lot of weight with them, hence I am on this 5:2 diet. I haven’t lost a lot of weight 1.5 kg in 6 weeks, but I have lost cms which I am quite happy about, plus I am sleeping so much better which is an added bonus. I am just going to keep with this as I feel overall so much better in myself. You never know, if we stick to this we might be off the medication soon as well. Good luck.

    Hello Booboo,
    It’s great that you have been losing inches, keep at it!
    I am following my new plan of counting calories on non-fast days. I’m having 1500 in the week on non-fast days, and 1,800 at the weekend., fasting Monday and Thursday.
    Husband is continuing to lose, another pound and a half this week in spite of eating exactly what he likes on non-fast days.
    Good luck with the plan, it’s wonderful that it has made you feel so much better.

    I too have hit the dreaded plateau and now not sure what to do about it.For the 1st 19 weeks there has been a slow and steady downward trend of around 1 lb a week.The I lost nothing for a fortnight, then lost 2 lb the next week and then gained 4lb the following week!I have now lost another 2lb but seem to go up a bit or down a bit without any real progress. I have also lost 10 inches over my body, so there have been great gains along with a lowering of my rather high blood pressure.In total over 23 weeks I have lost 17lbs, with another 11 lb to go to get to a BMI of 25.
    I am increasing my running with a view to a half marathon in mid Sept and wonder whether this has anything to do with the plateau. My arms and legs look trimmer. I am aiming to run about 10 miles a week.
    With the hot weather I am planning to eat fish/meat and salads which I love and see what effect that has on weight shifting over the next week or two, plus running x3 a week, early before the heat and on fast days to see if that will get the scales moving again. I have to make a date with my GP next month to review my BP and perhaps go down the drug route. I really want to avoid that if I can so I am very keen to get rid of these pesky 11 lbs.
    I am thrilled with the impact this diet has had on my body, weight and attitude to food.If there are any runners out there that can advise, I would be most grateful.

    I’m on anti depressants and antipsychotics. One of them, Olanzapine, has a very high risk of weight gain according to the consultant. Despite this, I’ve managed to lose 10st 3lb over the last couple of years & am now using the 5 2 for maintenance.

    So, calorie counting was the way forward for me and maybe you shouldn’t be discouraged by the fact you take medication.

    Hello Mike,
    It must have taken a phenomenal amount of willpower to lose that amount of weight, especially when the odds were against you because of the medication you were taking.
    I don’t overeat as a rule, so hoped that the 5:2 would work for me if I was careful on non-fast days. As I haven’t lost any weight since starting 3 months ago, I’m now hoping that if I calorie count on non-fast days, I will see a difference.
    I also tried the Atkins diet when it came out. i followed it to the letter, lost no weight and felt really ill for the lack of carbs. One thing I’ve learned is that people with low-serotonin issues need carbs.
    Good luck with the maintenance.

    Congratulations on losing so much weight whilst still on medication. Very inspiring. Thank you.

    Stick with it. It will happen. Think more on the positives like your well being coming from this, rather than just the weight. You can do this.

    you could take amino acid capsuals which assist with the serotonin levels.
    I recommend cutting out coffee tea caffeine sugar .
    best of luck

    Hi pudding
    I have just joined the forum as I have been doing 5:2 for 2 months and seem to have lost no weight what so ever! Really starting to feel like giving up. I didn’t weigh myself from the beginning as tend to get obsessed but ha e recently starting weighing as need to see what is happening. I seem to be fluctuating between 10 7lb and almost 11st. I would ideally like to be 9-9 7lb. I also take anti depressants 40mg fleuoxetine which I have been on for years on and off but have been 8/8.7st in the past (although not from eating very healthily or well). I am rigid on the 500 calories on fast days and I have tried not worrying on feast days and being more careful I.e sticking to 2000 and nothing seems to make any difference! Does anyone have any ideas?!

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