No weight loss. at. all

This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  cornelia2342 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello.

    I am new to this forum….and diet. I have been doing the 5:2 for 2 weeks now and decided to weigh myself this morning. I have lost no weight at all!

    I am 9st12lbs and 5ft6inch, so am still within a healthy weight range, however I got down to 9st2lbs for my wedding and would like to get back to that. I go to the gym 3 times a week and do an aerobics class once a week. My non-fasting days are still healthy and I allow myself 1 day a week to have that piece of cake etc.

    Yesterday was a non fasting day and consisted of:

    A bowl of porridge oats
    An apple
    A small chicken salad and a wholemeal pitta bread (no dressing)
    A rice cake
    Melon chunks
    Chicken, chickpea and vegetable stirfry with noodles

    I am so disheartened that I haven’t lost any weight, I find the fasting days SO miserable and the non fasting days still aren’t massively exciting and I don’t binge on my 1 “fun day”.

    It’s a lot of hard work with NO results yet after 2 weeks. Did anyone else go through this?

    Any tips or encouragement would be greatly received! My husband has lost 4lbs so I do want to carry on for his sake…..but it’s infuriating that nothing is happening for me!

    Hi Lulu and welcome to the forums!!

    please please don’t be too hard on yourself, 2 weeks isn’t long at all, when I started it took me a few weeks to start loosing and I was the same start weight as you πŸ™‚ am now 9’5 and at only 5’3 or so its quite healthy for me ..
    it will work, just a bit of patience, and time lol, keep at it!!
    you are doing everything right anyway,but it takes a little while for the body to adjust..

    good luck and keep us posted please, take care xx

    @lulu912 Hi – it’s a sad fact that the less you have to lose the more difficult it is to lose it and you have only around 10lbs to lose. It’s also a sad fact that men lose weight faster than women. Sometimes life just ain’t fair!!

    From what you are saying this is making you miserable and that is never a good thing, It actually looks like you are trying TOO hard and are restricting yourself unnecessarily on your non fast days.

    Have you calculated your BMR and TDEE? You can do that here

    Fast days don’t need to be ‘miserable’ – you can eat 3 small meals throughout the 24 hours if it makes it easier and it’s surprising just how much you can eat for 500 calories if you stick to low calorie foods like veg and some protein. It takes a little while to get used to having less food on the 2 days but tell yourself – there’s always tomorrow.

    Why do you only have one day when you can eat cake? On your non fast days you can eat WHATEVER you like, just not HOW MUCH you like. Stay somewhere between your BMR and TDEE on those days and keep exercising.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself and give it time. If you have a continual weekly calorie deficit then you WILL lose that weight.


    Congratulations!!! When is you big day? xx

    I agree with Angie and Sylvestra don’t be too hard on yourself, have fun, and treat yourself time to time. I’ve experienced that i don’t loose any weight or gain a pound or two (grrr!) if I don’t drink enough water. I always though that slim people drink water to get hunger out of the way πŸ™‚ , but i discovered that even if you do everything wright and don’t drink enough changes just wont happen. Especially on you fast day have a extra glass or two, as you don’t get as much fluid from your food.

    wish you best of luck!

    and, get a tape measure out, and try some clothes every week. Sometimes scales don’t give you bigger picture. You are working out physically so maybe you gaining muscle but loosing fat?

    Thank you for all your responses – I like the tape measure idea, perhaps I will keep track of that side of things for a while rather than the scales. πŸ™‚

    I am drinking loads to try and fill up and as issu says “get the hunger out of the way”. And I only eat the really yummy and naughty stuff once a week to try and control myself a little more, I tend to LOVE biscuits a little too much!

    I’ll keep going and see what happens.

    Thanks again!

    Hi and welcome:

    Here are some tips for those just starting 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Hi. I’ve been doing the 5:2 for about 14 weeks now. I was 10 stone, 3 or 4 llbs when I started and I’ve just been hovering at the 10 stone/10 stone 1lb mark the whole time and only ever gone below 10 stone once or twice then straight back up again. My target weight was 9 and a half stone which I should have reached at the end of April! Been loyal to this diet and really believed in it, only one I’ve ever stuck to. Been doing one ‘proper’ fast day and one 2 till 2 a week.
    However, I’m 50, postmenopausal and have/had mild fatty liver disease (liver function test normal now though) and high cholesterol at 8.4 which has gone UP since I started this diet, not down! Starting to get fed up now as my brother has lost several pounds in only five weeks and I’m wondering what’s different about my body that I can’t lose anything on what seemed to be a foolproof diet! I don’t FEEL like I’ve overeaten on non-fast days or anything. Does fatty liver or cholesterol or age or menopause make it harder to lose weight? Can anyone give me any hope or advice on this as I really don’t want to give up! I thought it would improve my metabolism etc. Are there any underlying medical reasons why this might not work for some people?

    Hi Angie:

    The way 5:2 works is you go to bed, get up, eat 500 or fewer calories during your waking hours, go to bed, get up and eat normally – twice a week. ‘Normally’ means you eat to your TDEE or less.

    So you have not been doing 5:2.

    I suggest, in addition to doing 5:2, you accurately count your calories for a week to see if you are eating over your TDEE on your non diet days.

    Here is some information on TDEE:

    And here are some tips for those just starting 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    angie, nothing works for everyone, but I still think there’s hope that 5:2 could work for you. I’m a 57 year old female, post-menopausal, with multiple medical problems, and have lost 40 pounds in 40 weeks with 5:2 plus increasing my walking to 10,000 steps per day.

    It probably really is necessary to do two proper fasting days per week in order to lose weight, people do 6:1 to maintain.

    One thing that can help is to keep a detailed food diary for a week, then sit down and figure out the calories and analyze it for anything you might want to change.

    One tip I have is to figure out the TDEE for your target weight, instead of for the weight you are now, and use the non-fasting days as an opportunity for learning to find satisfying ways to eat at that number of calories per day. To be on the safe side I pick the TDEE for one activity lower than what I think I qualify for.

    I hope some of this helps.


    There is a method of implementing fasting into your way of eating which is suggested in the Fast Beach Diet called 2-to-2. Mimi Spencer says on day one, you eat normally for breakfast and lunch and then don’t eat again until a late lunch the next day. You eat nothing between 2 pm and 2 pm over those two days.

    The “eat normally” part before and after the 2-to-2 time period is tough to manage.

    Angie – I would guess that you are consuming too many calories for your normal eating. As Simcoeluv suggested, I would start to count your calories get some sort of orientation of how much you are really eating.


    I am familiar with 2-to-2 and have posted on it before. My posts warn that if you don’t count your calories for breakfast and lunch, and late lunch and dinner (and snacks?), you can easily eat your TDEE each of the two days and have no calorie restriction at all in your diet despite ‘fasting’ for 24 hours. Some people actually eat 500 cal. during the 24 and end up eating more than their TDEEs. Here are my thoughts on calorie restriction v. fasting:

    In any event, the 2-to-2, while in the book(s), is not 5:2. It is given as an option to 5:2 for those unable or unwilling to do 5:2. But my observation is that many people choose 2-to-2 so they can eat more, not less, on their diet.

    But, as they say, whatever works. In angie’s case, it does not seem to be working.

    I don’t think it is fair to say I ‘haven’t been doing the 5;2’. In the Fast Diet book it encourages you NOT to count calories at all on non fast days. It actually says ” you’ve got better things to do”. So to say you’re only following it if you stick to your TDEE is wrong and unfair. Consult the book! If ‘normally’ should mean ‘your TDEE’ then that is what the book should state or strongly suggest or at least guide you towards or give you the option of doing. It’s not even MENTIONED in the original book! The whole idea of this diet is that you shouldn’t feel you’re on a diet all the time, that’s the attraction and the appeal of it, and that’s why I’ve been doing it, because I know I can’t stick to diets. I also know that I normally eat very healthily anyway, no red meat, tons of fruit and veg, largely organic and plenty of good healthy meals and salad lunches. I love healthy food. I like the odd treat but I certainly don’t pig out on non fast days, so my only option now is to start counting calories all the time? Not looking forward to that, and not what I signed up for.

    If I’d known that you should eat to your TDEE on the other days then I might have tried to do that or somewhere near, but the guidance is not that!! I feel I’ve wasted all this time, nearly four months, and have to start again from scratch pretty much now. Not only that, with a sense of restriction similar to how I might feel on any other diet. My TDEE is 1700 calories apparently. I’ve also, and I think it isn’t very clear in the book, when doing 2 till 2, took it that you consume 500 calories in the fasting window. Now it turns out that’s not what you do either! It seems to me that they rushed that book out onto the shelves so fast they didn’t think it through well enough to make it crystal clear what people need to do on the diet,and they’re selling it on the basis you can enjoy what you’d normally enjoy on non fast days. I feel a bit cheated to be honest although I’ll probably try and carry on with the completely different permanent diet seeing as I’ve come this far. Maybe I’ll just call it the 24/7 …
    One disillusioned customer

    angie1, you are absolutely right, Fast Diet does not ask for calorie counting or sticking to the TDEE on non-fast days. It asks for sensible eating but unrestricted.

    Naturally, if you bury your head every day in 10,000 kcal of fast food, no amount of fasting can counteract that. However, if you are sensible and your body allows fasting then 5:2 will work. I, for example, do not count calories on the whole. I am a type II diabetic and without calorie counting but with ice cream I reduced my body weight by 8 or 9 kg since January and got my blood sugar from poorly controlled to well controlled.
    When I say “no calorie counting” I actually lie. From time to time I keep a food diary because bad habits creep in. It allows me to check if I am still sensible in my eating, if treats are treats and not a daily habit and it gives me a rough idea what I am eating. Because, you see, unlike simcoluv, I do not believe that a calorie is a calorie, the human metabolism a set of scale that measures input and output or that the first law of thermodynamics applies.
    I believe, no, wrong again, I KNOW that human metabolism is very complicated, that it is regulated by a huge number of hormones, some of them quite surprising, and that our bodies respond to the amount, quality and type of food we put in. Our bodies can downregulate BMR if you loose weight, it can turn the heating up when excess fuel needs to be burned, it can fail in all this if your try to run on unsuitable fuel.

    The big problem is trying to find out what works for you. Have you tried to change from the normal high carb diet to a low carb high fat diet? Tried a low glycaemic load approach? Kept a food diary to see if you have a secret bad habit that ruins all your efforts, like three glasses of wine every evening? Have you tried to go zero calories during your 2:2 fast? When you say “healthy foods” are you talking about low fat and artificial sweeteners? ‘Cause it turns out they’re not that healthy…
    If you have done all that and nothing works, there are still two options: see your doctor and get checked for common metabolic diseases, pre-diabetes and underactive thyroid first and foremost. And if you are healthy, maybe, just maybe, 5:2 is just not the right approach for you in weight loss terms. It still has other health benefits though.


    “Because, you see, unlike simcoluv, I do not believe that a calorie is a calorie, the human metabolism a set of scale that measures input and output or that the first law of thermodynamics applies.”

    Nothing could be further from the truth. But the fact is, for a majority of people, a calorie is a calorie. There are some people, however, that have very unusual metabolisms, whether as a result of drug use, disease or genetics. Check this out if you want some examples:


    “But the fact is, for a majority of people, a calorie is a calorie. There are some people, however, that have very unusual metabolisms, whether as a result of drug use, disease or genetics.”

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Right. I’m over this now. Thanks for all comments and advice. After being pretty upset and experiencing a big knockback I’ve picked myself up and I’m back on track. I only need to lose half a stone so I’m sticking to TDEE on non fast days, increasing exercise to moderate instead of light and doing two proper fast days, no 2 till 2’s and see where I am in six or seven weeks time. This better work! I assume once I’ve hit my target weight that I will only need to fast one day a week and can THAT be a 2 to 2, as long as I don’t eat anything in that window?
    My problem now is how to count the TDEE calories without getting out my calculator every two minutes to work out the percentage of 100grams of absolutely everything I eat, as that’s all that’s in the book, not sensible portion sizes! Any good resources for that anyone can recommend?

    To count calories, use a program or app. Many use I like mostly because that is what I started using and have entered lots of recipes in it. Once you get going, it is quite quick to use.

    angie, granted I’ve skimmed the posts, but I too am reading the Fast Diet book, and as I’ve just posted elsewhere, there is not mention of counting calories EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    Also, I was looking through Mimi Spencer’s Fast Beach Diet on amazon, and she mentions The Fast Diet book will be revised for 2015. With all the talk of TDEE and the article I read on the homepage of this website, I now fear the new recommendation will be to count EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    Well, I just can’t do that. NO way. 2 days is enough.

    If someone would be kind enough to honestly tell us the direction this diet is going in – no, not just your personal opinion – but whether the new recommendations are to count every single day, we need to know. That takes away the freedom of 5:2.

    Now I plan to eat mindfully on my eating days, but there’s a big difference between mindful eating and daily calorie counting.

    At the beginning I was in similar situation as you. Besides maintining a healthy diet and doing sports it’s worth it to speed up your metabolism naturally as well. My friend who lives in Italy tried green coffee extract, exactly this one: . She’s delighted and she claims that green coffee extract helped her. I’m not sure if these all weight loss boosters really work. What do you think about that?

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