No weight loss after 2 years intermediate fasting – what is going wrong?

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No weight loss after 2 years intermediate fasting – what is going wrong?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Pot-bellied Heron 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, my name is Nikolaus,

    I have started the fast diet about two years ago. (01.04.2013) I have seen the BBC documentation from Dr. M. Mosley serveral times and have read his book fast diet. I feel confident with the positive effects of fasting.
    But now I’m searching for the reasons why the weight loss and reduceing body fat effects will not happen with me.
    I’m 41 years old and I’m 1.82 cm tall (5.97 foots) and my weight is 92 kg (14.5 stones). In the first half year I lost about 5 kg and now I’m on the same level at the beginning.
    I usually go for running (45 min) and weight training (45 min) each one time per week.
    Fasting process:
    I usually fasting on Mondays and Thuesdays. That means on Sundays evening I have my last dinner. On Monday evening I start eating at about 6 p.m. about 600 kcal and the same on Thuseday evenings. Between this hours I only drinking water, certainly too less, 1 Liter per day.
    At the moment I´m disencouraged because my aim of reducing weight and body fat doesn’t work. And I don’t know the really reason for that. Okay in the holidays I break the fasting rules. But this can not be the reason for this failure.

    What is going wrong?
    Is the mistake that the fasting days should not be sequenced togehter. I thought 36 hours would be the best for decrease the insulin and blood sugar. Do I need two times 36 hours of fasting?
    Maybe I am eating on non-fasting day too much? On the other hand my eating menue has changed. I eat less meat because I’m unsatisfied with kepping of animals. Or do I miscalculate the caloriens unconsciously at the fasting days?

    Thank you for your answers!

    Nikolaus if you are not losing weight you are eating too much on non fast days. If you have not done so already you need to calculate your TDEE which can be done by clicking on HOW IT WORKS at the top of this page. I suggest that once you have done that you count calories for everything you eat and drink for at least two weeks and make sure you eat a little less than your TDEE states.

    What makes you lose weight is eating less calories than your body uses. It makes no difference which days of the week you choose to fast.
    I hope this helps.


    Thank you for your answer. I try to reduce caloriens at non-fasting days a little bit lower than the TDEE.
    Take care! Nikolaus

    Counting calories can help you get an idea of how much you are eating, but what kinds of food you eat is even more so. What does your diet consist of? What do you use to replace the protein from meat that you no longer eat?

    Eating a lot of carbs can derail a weight loss program quickly.

    Although normal in weight, I was starting to get a fat around my waist and my cholesterol was a bit high. Thus, I went on a modified fasting regime and have done 6:1 for almost every week in the last two years. My cholesterol became normal and I slimmed down nicely. But now I feel my body has adapted to the diet and the fat around my waist has returned.
    I am keen for some tips, keep in mind that I’m not very motivated to fast more.
    I have wondered about including more paleo-types of meals and also randomising the diet days. Or having two consecutive days per fortnight, rather than once per week. Thanks!

    Well, I’d dismiss any ‘paleo’ thoughts straight away.

    I also wouldn’t do 2 consecutive days in 14 instead of 1 in 7 as this means you will be fasting even less. You have probably just slightly miscalculated your caloric requirements and after 2 years you are now beginning to notice the results.

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