No-Nonsense November

This topic contains 290 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Arghya77 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

Viewing 41 posts - 251 through 291 (of 291 total)

  • Day 27 NZ NFD 69.3kg

    A drop but not a woosh… Tomorrow’s another FD
    I took the Mini in this morning for a warrant and brakes so walked back with my UFC weights around my wrist. I must say I probably looked a wee bit of a dick waving my arms around to the motorists going to work but hey, who cares!!
    We’re forecast to receive a heat wave from Aussie hot air…
    @penz Where are you? Having fun somewhere I hope!
    @northgeorgia 😱Get your mojo back double quick!!!💪
    You could have a proper FD before Thanksgiving!!!
    @brightonbelle Running through the London Underground and train stations brings back so many memories!!!
    @missybear You’ll do well when you stand on the scales if you have been following the 5:2 wol.
    I hope your DHs results are fine and he’s got a good surgical clearance.
    We have so much skin cancer here everyone is quite blasé about it. I’ve had two melanomas plus others removed. I stay out of the sun now but the trouble is it’s all about getting sunburnt as a kid and I played heaps of sport… The pavement has proved to be far more problematic for me than any skin cancer!!
    @at Here goes courtesy of


    1.5 cups (180g) cake flour
    ¼ cup (30g) finely ground almonds
    ¼ tsp salt
    2 tsps (10g) baking powder
    1 cup 9200g) granulated sugar
    Zest from 2 lemons
    3 large eggs
    ¼ cup (60ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
    Scant cup (220ml) full fat Greek yoghurt
    2/3 cup Spanish extra virgin olive oil (like Hojiblanca) (or substitute with a lighter oil)
    Icing sugar for top of cake

    Preheat oven 190C
    Grease and flour cake pan (or use baking paper)

    Medium sized bowl: Mix flour, ground almonds, salt and baking powder

    Mixing bowl: Massage lemon zest into sugar to release oil into sugar
    Beat sugar and eggs on medium high for about 2 mins until mixture doubles in size and lightens in colour
    Whisk in lemon juice and Greek yoghurt on low speed
    Finally, drizzle in olive oil while mixing on low speed

    Fold in flour mixture by hand using a spatula until just combined (Don’t overmix!)
    Pour batter into cake pan
    Bake 40 mins (until toothpick comes out with only a few crumbs)

    Cool at least 20 mins before removing from the pan
    Just before serving cover with icing sugar

    @stitchincarol I just read up on Wikipedia’s entry for Omaha, thinking about you looking for a duck with one leg🤣. That’s why this forum is interesting!!
    @jaifaim Great way to use the forum! It’s not just about sharing recipes😄 Seriously I do think a few shorter posts more often would help with consistency…
    @funshipfreddie Yeees I did forget about no nonsence but this week is all about focus except for maybe Thanksgiving… Like @ccco 😁


    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.7 kg

    Yesterday was a struggle, after starting the day with the aroma of freshly baked quiche & sausage rolls wafting over to me at the mosaic class 😳 It doesn’t usually bother me, but that’s because I normally have lunch to look forward to on a Tuesday. No more Tuesday FDs for me! 😅 I persevered, but no reward from the scales this morning. I’m reminding myself of the benefits of fasting other than weight loss/maintenance today.

    @stitchincarol – that’s a great reminder too – accept the DESIRE to eat mindlessly, just for now/today. Don’t give in to it 💪

    @northgeorgia – 🤐 but at least you’ve now confirmed that carbs are DANGEROUS 💣 I’m so glad there’s no Thanksgiving here tomorrow 😅

    @missybear – I can understand your reluctance to get on the scales, but I really think once a month is too little. If you’re really trying to lose, but haven’t seen a change after a week/two FDs, then whatever you’re doing isn’t working, & something needs tweaking the following week. Just a thought.. 🤷‍♂️

    @penz – you’re conspicuous by your absence. I also hope you’re having fun – but not too much! 😉

    @at – I hope you enjoyed the movie 🎬

    @ccco – I can’t believe November is almost over either, not to mention 2024?! It’s been quite a year…

    Almost line-dancing time. Happy Hump Day y’all! 🐫

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍏

    Day 27 – Ireland – NFD 🚫  ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾 
    157.8 ⬆️

    Good morning everyone, well I am very happy to report a good CD which became a OMAD but not happy to see the number up a little today… in my optimistic mind I thought I might have been on a downward trend but nope.. not yet even with a good CD. I have to keep the focus so that the numbers keep dropping and like others it’s really the weekends which are scuppering me.. as I am already looking into this weekend and the events planned..
    @funshipfreddie I’m sorry to hear about your struggle with no reward but serious fair play to you for resisting! It just goes to show what a great mind frame you are in. Thank you for putting me on the list today! Yes I’m there and staying there and hope to see the numbers catch up with the effort.

    @missybear well done to you on just getting the FDs done without too much thought as you have so much else on your mind right now. I’m sure you’ll be happy with your numbers at the end of the month and you’ll have been oblivious to any fluctuations, there really is a lot to be said for it.. I’m not sure I’ve learned much from mine..

    @brightonbelle I couldn’t help but think of Anneka Rice when you mentioned your race across London… except I suppose no helicopter was used for your dash… I’m so glad to hear that you are back on track (how apt…. LOL)

    @merryapple I really like the sound of the ginger wine and I have never heard of it…
    but apparently it has been around since the 1700s – I may have to seek it out just to have a taste.. maybe over Christmas – yum 😋

    @stitchincarol I actually ended up using the same sort of tack yesterday in that I left the office quite late as I think the long evenings have been pushing the limits of my willpower.. I have been tired, so a little lazy, so not doing so much exercise eh voila, more time to think about a snack, a treat, and so on…
    @ccco I hope your FD went well ahead of the glorious food you and everyone stateside will have on Thursday!
    Missing a lot of the No Nonsense gang and hoping to see you all soon! @penz, @flourbaby, @excelsior12309, @songbirdme (there in the background maybe?), @iona72 I hope you are all out there and making your way back. 💕💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 27🍏

    Day 27 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Hoping for a good FD today. FD’s seem to go well. It’s the NFD’s I need to have more control over. I have been making Christmas decorations this week. Going to the Tip later. I do love a tip trip. We are busy decluttering the house ready to put it on the market in the New Year.

    Wishing all of you from the USA a happy thanksgiving tomorrow. X

    @missybear I am with you on the infrequent weighing. I know @ funshipfreddie doesn’t agree. I get totally demotivated if I don’t see the weigh coming off or weight going up. Hope your husband gets sorted out soon.

    @stitchincarol don’t worry I never think a good fast day is luck it is always determination. I just need more determination on a NFD.

    @at hope your film was good, I love Cillian Murphy.

    @merryapple your Lemon cake recipe looks delicious, thank you for sharing it. Love your description of waving your UFC weights around. If they are helping you it doesn’t matter if you look a bit daft.

    @jaifaim thanks for holding my hand across the cold Irish Sea 🌊 🤝

    @funshipfreddie I would have struggled with the aroma of freshly baked goods. Well done for resisting.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Pocket List – Day 27🍏

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Whoosh! Too bad the holidays are here, but very nice for a soup and salad post-FD weigh-in. Lost a little more than some of my post WFD weigh-ins in January. Now to navigate the holiday season and not “forget myself.” 🙂

    USA. Day 27. WFD

    Today just turned into a WFD. Wouldn’t you know that just before a holiday, my street will have no water!!! My neighbor has an underground water pipe leak and in order to repair it, the water has been turned off. My granddaughter is coming over, so I guess I will have to take her out to lunch! Thank God this didn’t happen on Thanksgiving Day!!

    In the meantime, I guess Black Friday has already blown up the internet. I can’t get on to a shopping site where I need to check an order I made. 🤨

    Have aa great day!

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500 – 154.4

    I’ve been reticent about posting my weight daily, but then I suddenly remembered I stopped doing that because it was hovering around 165 for so long that it was pointless and embarrassing. So, now that I’m losing, I’m going to resume. I don’t have high hopes that today’s FD will drop me much further, but it’ll certainly help compensate for the calories I’ll be eating tomorrow. I have hesitated many times over making a cherry pie–one of my favorite foods for Thanksgiving, LOL–since one piece is fine, but then I’ll end up eating the entire rest of the pie. Then a memory of @songbirdme flashed in my memory, so I’m going to take a page from her book, and divide the rest of it into reasonable portions and freeze them. 😇 Whew, now I can enjoy that pie without worry or guilt.

    @missybear Well, well done that, despite house and DH concerns, you’re persevering with 5:2; I’m truly impressed. What procedure(s) is your DH facing?

    @at I’m always impressed by how casually you throw out mentions of 6-mile walks. You are so very impressive and inspirational!

    LOL, @merryapple, a duck with one leg, indeed. And actually, the four I already bought were a leg and thigh, as they’re called for, but all the store had yesterday was a leg. And the price was HALF the price I paid three weeks ago. HALF. I figure I’ll take the leg-only and leave the thigh-leg combination for the four guys, so that’s fine, but HALF??? Can you tell I’m a bit indignant?? 😠😂 Price aside, I’m really looking forward to the duck confit and all the other yummies for Sunday…two big meals in four days is unusual, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Sometimes when I’m fasting, I’ll find myself around cooking aromas, and my immediate instinct is to feel so very sorry for myself that I can’t eat whatever smells so good. Then I roll my eyes, and point out that even if I weren’t fasting, I’d still not eat whatever I was smelling. That helps a bit, and then I’ve tried enjoying the smell, pointing out there are no calories in aromas, LOL! That’s also not entirely successful, but, whatever it takes, right?? Well done, you, for avoiding the temptations!

    @jaifaim Well, the uncooperative scale is simply unacceptable. You need a solid, solid, solid FD to force it to cooperate and show you the results you deserve! I have lots of chores planned for over at church (putting away my organ music is always on the list, as I get so much out each week) to keep me busy and away from the house so I can have a true FD500 today: a hamburger patty from the freezer and steamed broccoli. Then we have our Thanksgiving Service (Eve instead of Day), so that’ll keep me away from food so that I’ll be fine by the time we get home. We have to have our tricks, don’t we?

    @molij You said two things that caught my attention: You’re “making” Christmas decorations and going to the Tip later. Making? Tip? Do explain! 😁

    @northgeorgia Just remember: what you eat is because it’s what you choose to eat, not because you “can’t” eat what you want. You don’t WANT to eat all that food… That, at least, is the thought I work hard to hold on to.

    @ccco What a mess of commotion you’re dealing with today; I hope it all sorts itself out in a timely fashion!

    Okay, I’m off to be productive, move this body, and avoid food! Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 27🍏

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Well done @stitchincarol I know a lot of hard work has gone into that loss

    Ha ha yes definitely a touch of the challenge Anikas going on 🏃‍♀️@jaifaim

    Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving- I’m guessing it may be a short list tomorrow but I’ll be aiming for my 2nd FD of the week

    Day 28 🦃 🇺🇸 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Eerily quiet here! And we’re almost at the end of the month. Does anyone feel like hosting Naughty December..? 😅

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American forum friends 🇺🇸 Spare a thought for us Thursday fasters 😏

    Greetings from Gwynne, aka @songbirdme who is spending this week on the Caribbean island of Antigua 🏝

    I’ve got zero chat in me this morning. I’ve spent the last couple of hours downloading music for one of my techno-phobic neighbours, so I’m going to get away from this laptop & go & take of advantage of a couple of pre-Black Friday bargains. Nothing exciting, just cat food & coffee

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥚

    Day 28 – Ireland – FD 🚫  ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾 
    155.6lbs ⬇️

    Happy Thanksgiving 🇺🇸 @ccco, @excelsior12309, @northgeorgia, @songbirdme, @stitchincarol – did I forget any of you all out there in No-Nonsense November – hopefully not but wishing the same to all those old-timers who aren’t with us this month.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day and forget about the kcals for the day. It is just one day (or four if you are celebrating for the weekend) and any gains can be shed easily next week with a bit of focus.

    Fantastic numbers @stitchincarol! I’m happy to say that the really good FD yesterday seems to have helped matters for me. So I am just near the tip of the maintenance range I want to get back into it but I must keep the focus as the weekend, then December and then Christmas is coming up way too fast.
    @funshipfreddie it seems to me that you are a fantastic neighbour to have there – you seem to often be helping out those people around you who just need a little dig out from time to time. I’m not surprised as we see that here too. Happy shopping!
    Great to hear via South Africa that @songbirdme is having a lovely time in Antigua, (what a group! 🌍) oh so envious as I look out on our foggy, icy day here! 🏖️ Enjoy Gwynne and have a swim for me!
    @molij I hope you had a lovely day at the tip! It feels great doesnt it.😆🛻
    I have been enjoying a bit of decluttering recently but have realised that some things I’ve just decluttered from one room to another so the final step has to happen quickly before the Christmas tree goes up etc.
    @merryapple I am very tempted to try your cake with GF flour.. I need to find some nice recipes which work well for Christmas and just generally to bring to people’s houses when visiting. Hope all is ok there as you were quiet yesterday. Maybe you were just out enjoying that heatwave! ☀️

    Better dash off again, I’m going to aim for another FD but am hungry already so shall see..

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥚
    @merry 🍎

    Day 28 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    I had a busy day yesterday which made for a well controlled NFD. I also had a trip to the dentist for a check up, all was good and no work needed…..I found my relieved self thinking about @flourbaby and hoping you’ve been able to visit the dentist and are no longer suffering 🤞

    It seems incredible that today is my last FD of No Nonsense November, better make it a good one…..I want to see results!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating and to today’s fasters stay strong!

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥚
    @merry 🍎

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Happy Thanksgiving! – 155.8

    Oooo…yesterday was NOT good. Or, at least, once it was time for my OMAD FD supper. I didn’t stop. Gah. And this morning, I’m still stuffed, and the idea of a big Thanksgiving meal holds zero appeal. I kept trying to tell myself I was going to regret all those food choices, and I do–but it didn’t stop me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ What causes us to ignore every warning we give ourselves??? Who knows, but today’s a new day, and it is only the second Thursday since early September that I’ve weighed 155-something (last Wednesday being the first), so it’s not all bad.

    It’s nice to read all your chatter, and I laughed along with you, @jaifaim, that we heard about American Gwynne’s trip to Antigua via South Africa, LOL!

    For meals like today’s I always type out a timeline so I know what time to do each task (start the dressing, start the cranberry sauce, etc.) and I have 40 minutes before the timeline starts…I could just start early, but think I’m going to sit quietly, drink my coffee, enjoy my music, and knit for those 40 minutes.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥚
    @merry 🍎

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235. @stitchincarol My NFD yesterday also didn’t go so well. Anyway, as we head into December, we’ll find our resolve again! Goodness, have I forgotten how to cook? My cakes overflowed into the oven yesterday, and one stuck to the pan even after cooling, so I’m bringing a half cake instead. Then I somehow dump what tasted like a cup of salt into the coleslaw. EGADS! I tried squeezing a lime into it. It’s less like a salt block now, but I don’t know if people will care for a lime tasting slaw… If not, I’ll get some more cabbage when the stores reopen tomorrow and fix it up. I would like it with some ginger and a bit of honey and convert it to an asian-style slaw… hmmm…

    Anyway, here’s to Thanksgiving — at least I haven’t burned myself!

    Thanksgiving second post

    @northgeorgia EGADS! is right, LOL. My pie dough has been chilling and it’s time to roll out the dough, except when I started my bread machine for the dinner rolls, I realized I barely had the half cup of sugar I needed, therefore, I have NONE for the pies! So it’s a trip to the convenience store a mile away, and if they don’t have any, it’ll be into town ten miles away. I planned so carefully to have all the ingredients I needed, but never once thought of or noticed sugar levels! 🤷🏻‍♀️ That, however, is the beauty of cooking for just DH and me, is that there is simply no stress, so I’m still smiling in contentment and joy. Good luck with your cake and slaw meeting everyone’s expectations–and that is indeed a weird experience you had with your cakes!

    DAY 28 – UK – FD

    A good FD today with an aerobic class this morning and an evening Pilates – I have brushed my teeth and firmly closed that virtual kitchen door

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American 🇺🇸 friends – hope you all had a fab day

    @jaifaim and @funshipfreddie – loved the film – a very interesting version, this was a subdued but absorbing and eventful film and rather different from the extravagant “The Magdalene Sisters” and also from the bittersweet dramedy ‘Philomena” – Cillian Murphy shows us once again his sightless stare of fear and pain, as the witness to something terrible not just in the real world but within himself.
    @merryapple – thank you very much for sharing that recipe – it’s on my list to do very soon
    @stitchincarol – your comment about my walks 🤣 I do love a good walk and am very lucky to be fit enough and to live somewhere that has amazing scenery and lots of ⛰️ to wander up and around
    @funshipfreddie – thank you for adding me to the Pocket List – it certainly motivated me to stick to my planned FD

    If no one else has volunteered to set up the December Challenge I’ll put up my hand – suggestions for the name of this last challenge for 2024 would be greatly appreciated…..

    Pocket List – Day 28 🥚
    @merry 🍎

    Day 29 NZ NFD 69kg

    One failed and two fab FDs this week and here I am at 69kg!!
    I haven’t even cooked my pumpkin cheesecake with the ginger nut crust yet because the Texan, who leads a Search and Rescue team, hasn’t been free. I’ve made New Orleans red beans. Not very Thanksgiving-ish but he grew up on beans. I hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving dinner wherever and however you celebrate it! I spent one Thanksgiving on a sharecropper’s farm out of Austin, Texas thanks to an invitation from an Oakland friend’s family making a lovely nostalgic memory.

    @jaifaim I know that decluttering trick😂
    I’m sure you could sub out the flour in the recipe. It’s not a high rise cake!!
    Or use only almond flour? Or use a cornflour? With this I would think about using 2/3 BP (activated with liquid) and 1/3 baking soda (activated by acid) like in a corn bread recipe
    If you don’t like the flavour of Olive Oil in baking I would substitute with a lighter oil. All up though the method would certainly suit gluten free baking. Let me know how you get on!!
    @northgeorgia LOL!! I have only had one cake boil over and that was a very wet ginger bread mixture… The kitchen smelt gorgeous but the oven was a mess…
    @stitchincarol I hope managed to stay with your timeline 😃 and served up a delicious dinner!!
    Thank you @at for leading us through Dodgy December!!😁
    @missybear Congratulations on the perfect trip to your dentist!!
    @ccco I hope you had a lovely time sitting back and eating with your family! And didn’t have to go near the dishes!!
    @molij I remember those trips to the tip – Dad and the three kids in the Rover90 with Mum standing on the doorstep waving at us and saying “now don’t you come back with more than what you’ve left with…” !!
    @stitchincarol Tip = rubbish tip. You’re probably not allowed in them in the USA. There was always a tip shop where the staff sold perfectly good items that had been chucked out.
    My friend picked up some art works there two years ago from an estate clearance from someone who had lived in London in the 1960s and sold them at auction for $80,000. There was an early Yayoi Kusama watercolour amongst them!!
    @funshipfreddie I still use CDs or listen to the radio and YouTube… I don’t like being held hostage by subscription based companies. It’s bad enough having to pay for Adobe’s creative suite when I use about 10% of the suite for images and publishing.
    Have a great Friday one and all!!

    Thanksgiving third post

    I’m proud to report that I stuck to my zero-calorie ginger beer with lime juice until twenty minutes before I served dinner, and I barely ate anything in the process of preparing all. And I did indeed serve it all at three o’clock as planned. And now that we’ve eaten, I’ve had a large piece of cherry pie, but no more than two glasses of wine, and I’m thoroughly done eating and drinking and it’s only 5:30. So, a victorious day, especially since the kitchen is nearly clean thanks to my and DH’s determined efforts all day long.

    I made my usual dinner rolls (a recipe from one of my mom’s cookbooks published in the 30s or 40s) and used GF flour. They were fine, and with cranberry sauce on them, they were perfectly lovely, since cranberry sauce makes anything lovely (especially when cooked from berries and not just emptied from a can). But they certainly weren’t like my dinner rolls made with regular flour. We’ll see what my GFson thinks of them before I decide if I’ll ever try that again.

    I also made the classic green bean casserole and actually used the french fried onions, but did NOT use the cream of mushroom soup, instead following a recipe that called for sour cream instead. The recipe suffered for the lack. I think I know how to make it work nicely, but I’m thinking that, once a year, is not too often to have a can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. 😂😂 Some recipes just shouldn’t be messed with, huh?

    @merryapple “Rubbish tip”?? As in a trash container that’s been fished through and items put into a store? I’m still stumped. OH. It just occurred to me to google it since I had the word “rubbish” to add to it, and it’s a DUMP! A place where you take your trash, LOL! Okay, now I know! 😂😇❤️ And thanks for enough information that it finally became clear. 👍

    Okay, back to my knitting; I had a ten minute nap an hour ago, so should be good to knit the evening away. Talk to you tomorrow!

    Oh, and thanks @at, for taking on December!

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 69.9 kg

    Yay! I finally had a bit of a whoosh after my 3rd FD of the week. Down nearly a kilo from Wednesday’s weight.

    @merryapple – I listen to the radio too, usually in the mornings or when I’m driving. But my neighbour was using up her mobile data at the gym to listen to music on YouTube! She had no idea how to use a music app, or even that she had one on her phone already So now she’s got a load of music on her Samsung Music app & she’s delighted 🎶 I do subscribe to YouTube Premium though. Boo Boo insists, but it’s only R 70 a month & I think it’s worth every cent to dodge the ads.

    @at – I’m glad you enjoyed the movie. Thanks for offering to host December 🙏 I think @merryapple‘s ‘Dodgy December’ might be appropriate. Last year I think it was Dangerous December? But there are a lot of options for the most precarious month of the year – Dreaded, Dastardly, Deadly, Demonic.. 😅

    @stitchincarol – so funny you were stumped by ‘going to the tip’! 🤣 Although I think ‘dump’ is used more here too. Congrats on a controlled & victorious Thanksgiving dinner! 💪 I must admit I hate feeling so full that I couldn’t eat another morsel 🤢

    @missybear – I do hope you’re pleasantly surprised when you get on those scales! 🙏

    @flourbaby – hope you’re doing okay & that you got your toothache sorted out? You did say your posts may be a bit sporadic – 10 days ago. Just sayin’ 😜

    It’s a lovely, sunny late spring day here. I’m off to Angelo’s on the sea front for brunch later. Happy Fri-yay y’all 🍹

    Day 29 – UK – FD

    Good morning – Dodgy December 2024 Challenge is set up and ready for you all to join in ❤️

    Well I had a great FD500 yesterday – so decidedly having PFDS this morning and have decided to go ahead with a B2B FD – but will be aiming for FD800 to ensure that I don’t fall off the wagon today 🤞

    Short post as I have to go get ready to drive for our Friday walking 🥾 group meet up – this time we are trying somewhere away from home, the starting point is about a 45mins drive away.

    I hope to have some company 🤗 on today’s pocket list so I have started one

    Pocket List – Day 28 🎯

    Day 29 – Ireland – CD 🚫  ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾 
    155.6lbs ⬇️ ⬆️

    Well, I would have loved a drop after another good FD yesterday…. But I know that would come if I had a good CD today… but I won’t be weighing tomorrow as I’m back to mum’s and also have some catchups planned so what will be will be and at least I know that I am on the right track now.
    Lovely to hear the Thanksgiving 🇺🇸 updates and even to see the posts on such a special day.
    @at I loved it too although a grim reflection of Ireland in the 1980s and the control the Catholic Church had over the community back then..thank god not so much anymore.. It was such a subtle, meditative film and you really are in the moment watching it.. Set and filmed very close to where I am from and the cinema was full of some of the extras so that was funny! I did prefer the book and what you learn towards the end is explored a little deeper in the book so recommend that as a short beautiful read.
    @funshipfreddie bravo on your whoosh! You deserve it particularly for abstaining during mosaic class!

    @missybear it is always a relief to hear there is no work needed. I have a clean and check up every 3 months now as had some problems a number of years ago which were connected to autoimmune conditions… it’s worth it for me to keep on top of it and not have “the fear”. @flourbaby as @missybear says, I hope you are ok and managing the pain or have been seen already.
    @merryapple what lovely memories of Thanksgivings past… and memories of trips to the tip.. you have reminded me of a huge social event in Ireland in the 90s which was called Féile or the “Trip to Tipp” – how funny to be brought back to that memory through the forum ☀️ Just love it!
    I’ll try the substitution and see how the cake goes – hopefully over the next few weeks. @stitchincarol we have some very good GF flours here which work well and I’ve seen some recommended on US/Interational GF Facebook groups so will search them out and let you know. Your son is blessed to have a mother who loves to bake/cook and experiment.

    Thanks @at for raising your hand to host.. ⭐
    Until tomorrow for and remember NO NONSENSE today!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    2nd Post – Day 29

    Wow, @at – no flies on you! Thanks for posting ‘Dodgy December’ already! Have a good FD800 🙏

    Here’s the link for next month’s Challenge

    Day 29 UK NFD

    2nd fast of the week successfully completed yesterday so onwards and downwards as @jaifaim would say

    Love the sound of the cake @merry🍎 might give it a go over Christmas

    Thanks for Dodgy December @at

    Day 29 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Last Friday of the month weigh in day and I am 4.4 pounds down from the beginning of November. That’s just a bit more than the weight gained from my holiday in October. So for me it’s a case of easy on and slowly off with a lot of discipline! A timely reminder to be careful over Christmas.

    There are 2 more days of this month left and I intend to make them count. A no nonsense end to the month before we begin Dodgy December.

    USA. Day 29 WFD

    Today is a water fast to help me recover from Thanksgiving! 🙂

    Pocket List Day 29


    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Actually down a few ounces over yesterday. Go figure 🙂

    Day 29 Pre-post

    I forgot to suggest yesterday “Determined December” so there’s that, but I have to get the duck legs into the sous vide and THEN I’ll come and post for Friday.

    3rd Post – Day 29

    Pocket List – Day 29 🎯
    @at FD800
    @ccco WFD

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD/CD? – 155.4

    I’m so thrilled with that weight, as it’s down 0.4 from yesterday, but isn’t the result of determined restraint, but of reasonable restraint–the kind I accept as reasonable for all my life, not just when I’m wanting to lose weight. Now if every day were to go like that, I’d make dramatic progress, LOL!

    I’m using the Recipe Tin Eats recipe for the Duck Confit we’re having on Sunday, and I didn’t realize the frozen packages contained TWO legs when I bought them; that was quite a surprise yesterday when I opened the packages, LOL! So I have ten packages in the sous vide, and will be able to stick five in the freezer so duck confit will be fast and easy in the future.

    @at You are an amazing movie reviewer–reviewer of anything, actually. I’m going to watch for that movie to show up in the States; I didn’t find it when I looked a day or two ago, but am interested based on what you said. And DH and I have agreed one of our wish list items for our retirement home is to be close to a walking trail so we don’t have to go to a gym for a treadmill, or simply walk town streets. 🤞

    @funshipfreddie Yay for your drop below 70 finally; I’m sure you’re stoked! And I too am missing @flourbaby

    @at Oops! No point in that suggestion of mine; you are FAST. Thanks for setting up Dodgy December!

    @jaifaim I actually ran out of my usual Cup 4 Cup flour (in a white and blue bag; is that one you have available?) and had to substitute something else I had on hand (so that my freezer was empty of GF flour and I’ve ordered more and will have it tomorrow–can’t do Thanksgiving for the boys with no GF flour on hand!). DS28, the one who went to culinary school (so has all sorts of knowledge), says a good GF flour should simply be able to substitute. The problem, of course, is that dinner rolls are dependent on the gluten to develop the signature texture, and what I got yesterday was much closer to a biscuit. I’m going to ask my son when they’re here tomorrow if adding baking powder or baking soda would have helped. So much to learn about GF baking!

    @missybear Nice loss over the month!

    @northgeorgia YAY! You and me both! 💪👍

    I have my weekly zoom call with my three sisters in California in a little of an hour and also plan to set up the larger of our two Christmas trees today, and am looking forward to having little to do after yesterday’s mammoth tasks. My Fitbit says I burned 2300 calories yesterday, however, so I was clearly busy whether or not it’s true…I always doubt it, LOL.

    Have a grand one, everyone!


    Day 30 NZ NFD 69.3kg

    Up .3 due to discovering frozen jam strawberries in the freezer for jam but they turned into a smoothie… first one now we’re heading into the warmer months…

    Next month @at I’ll be dodging food every which way💪😂 It’s the first time I’ve ended up higher than the monthly start for a looong time.
    @funshipfreddie Your leadership is as always on point😄
    I’m just more relaxed around food which is good but need to exercise more restraint if I want to get to my magic number!

    I’m off to a two day weaving course this weekend that I booked pre hand but I figured I’d go anyway.

    Lovely to hear everyone’s news and views and I’ll see you in the morrow. Hope you turn up with great numbers!!


    Day 30 country west Australia NFD 85.2 kgs 😱😱 or 187.4 lbs.🙄
    What can I say ??? 6 weeks off work, eating, sitting around all day, binge watching TV, no exercise, feasting with family and friends, carb cravings like never before, not a single fast day and not posting for accountability …..🙄🤔🤪
    Anyway, thanks AT for hosting ‘ Dodgy, Dangerous, Don’t you DARE eat that,’ December (only my moniker for December !!) for me and others .
    Decided I had better crawl back towards the wagon which seems some way off in the distance.
    Anyway, it’s good to be back.
    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – CD

    Ending the month exactly a kilo lower than I started, so I’m happy 🙂

    I put up the new house numbers I made for one of my neighbours yesterday afternoon. Took me forever, but he’s delighted with them. I’m not saying they’re big, but I bet they’re currently being observed from the International Space station 😂 I think emails will be arriving from our complex manager Judge Judy any day now 😱 You can see the smaller, old number that I took down on the floor in the 2nd pic.

    @lilymartin – welcome to No-Nonsense November! Better late than never 😅 Wishing you oodles of success in Dodgy December 💪🎯

    @missybear – congrats on the 4.4 lb (2 kilos!) down 🥳️

    @merryapple – you didn’t do so badly, considering the month you’ve had. Enjoy your weekend away 🚗

    @jaifaim – enjoy the time with your mum 🤗

    @ccco, @northgeorgia, @stitchincarol – congrats on surviving Thanksgiving 🦃 🥧

    Well done to everyone who lost, maintained or just clung onto the wagon during No-Nonsense November. Hoping to ‘see’ everyone, including absent friends during Dodgy December with @at

    “Success is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort, vigilance, and reevaluation”. ~ Mark Twain

    Day 30 NE England NFD

    Where has the week gone? Sorry I’ve been not been posting, just busy I guess but I don’t feel any more organised!
    Anyway ending the month at exactly the same weight as the start – which I’m taking as positive.
    Not got high hopes for December, but we will see. Looking at my log, it is usually it the weeks after Christmas when I struggle and gain weight but I will be mindful of that.
    I will try and catch up with all the previous posts I’ve missed but hope everyone is doing well 👋

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    155.6 🤗 Happy – nearly there….

    @funshipfreddie thank you so much for hosting us so superbly this month. You did a fantastic job and helped me get back to where I needed to be.
    Well done to you on your closing numbers! 👏
    The mosaic numbers are so lovely! ⭐️ I’m sure you’ll have more requests.

    @stitcincarol of course your son will know good GF flours… the one a lot of people use here is Dove’s Farm but there are others I’ve seen people recommend …I’ll come back with the names tomorrow..can you tell I’m not baking much these days 😂😂

    I had a long day yesterday in the most miserable weather, voting, working and travelling – but that all meant that it was a good CD sort of a day. So RESULT! 😂

    Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you all tomorrow in Dodgy December with @at ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 30 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Going to be busy today preparing the house for viewing…..again. Twice we’ve been on the cusp of suspending marketing for the winter and then got a viewing request so we went ahead and said ok. This will definitely be the last this year. And next year I think we need to get the agent to vet viewers more thoroughly. We have had some viewers who I felt had no intention of buying who have given the strangest feedback, I do wonder whether some people view houses as a hobby!

    @lilymartin lovely to hear from you, welcome back.

    @funshipfreddie thank you for being a conscientious and caring host 🩷 Delivery people and short sighted visitors will appreciate your neighbour’s beautiful big house numbers 😂

    Enjoy the weekend everyone. See you all in Dodgy December 🤗

    Day 30 – UK – NFD

    Weight this morning is exactly what I started the challenge with……a bit disappointed but not unexpected result as I knew that the FDs helped to make up for the NFD indulgences……must try to gain control of the NFD in Dodgy December……perhaps taking over the baton from @funshipfreddie will give me the required motivation…..

    Our group walk 🥾 yesterday was dry if overcast and we managed just under 5miles – good company and lots of chat as usual – friendships to be valued 🤗

    Good to hear that our American 🇺🇸friends enjoyed their Thanksgiving

    @jaifaim – I agree the book is better and a good read – I loved the cinematography
    @missybear – well done you on that drop of 4.4lbs 👏
    @ccco – I hope your WFD went well – I struggled with my B2B 2nd FD… ended up more like a CD
    @stitchincarol – I love duck confit and I have checked the recipe you used – sounds delicious – I would love to cook this but sadly OH does not eat meat and a lot of work of one person…..
    @lilymartin – lovely to see you back and hope to have you onboard for Dodgy December
    @funshipfreddie – beautiful mosaic numbers – great work! be interesting to hear “Judge Judy’s” reaction!! and Thank You for hosting us so superbly – You did a fantastic job and helped me get back to where I needed to be….FDs back on track… to control NFDs

    A bit damp here today so going to do some local shopping and catch up with home life

    See you all tomorrow for Dodgy December

    Day 30 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Delighted to find that I had lost two KG when I got on the scales yesterday. I have had a very busy few days. I finished the Christmas decorations for my eldest Granddaughter and did some more decluttering ready to put the house on the market in January. Last night was the Dog Club Christmas dinner so I had my first of many Christmas dinners. Prawn Cocktail to start followed by a Traditional Turkey Dinner and Raspberry and White Chocolate Roulade. Very nice it was too. Today I am going to wrap Christmas presents ready for our trip Thursday visiting our Children and Grandchildren. We are going to be driving many miles as they all live in different parts of England.

    @missybear glad you didn’t have to have any dental work done. Good weight loss too. Hope your viewing goes well this weekend.

    @stitchincarol glad you are losing weight. I made my granddaughter a Gingerbread Christmas Tree decoration. It was of a gingerbread lady wearing a swimming costume standing on a diving board. I embroidered her name on the diving board. I made two as she wanted one for her friend’s birthday.
    The Tips here are now called Recycling Centres. You take all the things you don’t want and recycle them. I could have tried selling some of it on eBay, Vinted or a Facebook page but I just wanted to get rid. When I have watched certain American TV series I have always wanted to try an American Cherry Pie. My favourite pie is Blackberry and Apple as it reminds me of my Mother.
    I love the Recipe Tin Eats recipes. They are really good. I have her first cookbook and I follow her on Instagram.

    @at thank you so much for hosting the Dodgy December Challenge.

    @lilymartin welcome to the group.

    @merryapple your weaving course sound very interesting. Looking forward to hearing about it.

    @jaifaim having been really serious about my decluttering recently I realised that I was like you and had been decluttering in the past by moving things from one room to another or one cupboard to another. It’s shocking how much stuff you accumulate.

    @funshipfreddie would love to subscribe to YouTube but it is £13 a month. We already subscribe to Prime, Kindle Unlimited, Netflix and Now TV. All these subscriptions keep mounting up. Thank you so much for hosting this Month Challenge you have been brilliant and helped motivate me on many occasions.

    @northgeorgia hope you managed to rescue your slaw.

    Have a brilliant weekend everyone. 🤩

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
    Thomas A. Edison

    Day 30
    Hello wonderful fasters. I am thoroughly enjoying a fabulous vacation in the Caribbean island of Antigua. I have no doubt I will be back with you for December as I am eating everything I want to on this trip. Our resort has a fabulous restaurant, and apparently hubby booked us for “all inclusive” — whew. Yes, we are walking and swimming a plenty, but probably not enough to offset my intake.

    Dodgy December it will be! Happy end of November to you all.

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Ewww. And I have a couple more NFDs to go. But my behavior yesterday was deplorable. Why do the holidays make us do stupid things like, “I think I’ll munch on some potato chips” or “Lemme have several classes of Coca-Cola.” And we don’t even WANT them… I have to do better. I know over half my clothes no longer fit me, and I need to get back there. Dodgy December indeed … but I’m going to start accounting for merrymaking and feasting times and may have to implement a 16:8 style NFD situation on certain days! Let me find @stitchincarol‘s reasonable restraint. @molij I bought a cabbage, and we’re having a mini-Thanksgiving meal today or tomorrow, so I’ll attempt a better repair!

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD – 156.8

    Like @northgeorgia I went nuts yesterday. The dressing was far better than Thursday because I cooked it another half hour, so needed (HAH!) two servings at lunch. Then needed some cherry pie for dessert. Then I’d bought already-prepared Lobster Mac and Cheese at Whole Foods, so we had that for supper, and I baked further the Green Bean Casserole (HEY! despite all the french fried onions onit, that’s a veggie, remember!!!) and it was also far better than Thursday. And I had a glass of wine. And then I needed (I don’t use that word loosely) cherry pie.


    So lots and lots of carbs and calories and quantity, so it’s entirely understandable why I shot up so much. Today will be better behaved and I’ll take tomorrow’s weight as the official end of November number.

    I’ve skimmed everyone’s posts (Apple and blackberry? A combination I’ve never seen! COOL house numbers, @funshipfreddie It’s wonderful to have you back, @lilymartin and I look forward to seeing you in December @songbirdme!) but am distracted by all there is to do today so tomorrow can be relaxed and pleasant. Oh, and @at, do you have a sous vide?

    So I’m off and will be as productive today as I know how and distract myself from eating, and burn off the calories I do eat!

    @funshipfreddie I echo everyone’s comments that you’ve been a stellar and unflagging host this month; thanks so much!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 30. CD

    Today I am taking a rest with a CD. See you all in December!

    Day 30 + 1 UK

    Thank you for guiding us through November @funshipfreddie 👏👏💐

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