No-Nonsense November

This topic contains 290 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Arghya77 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 291 total)

  • Day 20 NE England IF 16/8 DTF

    Weight static, I’m somewhat surprised, yesterday was spent entertaining a 2 year old all day so no brisk, long walks and I had more bread than usual so was anticipating a rise. Today has been better, so I’m hopeful of a good number at the end of this week!
    Weather has been cold and frosty for a couple of days, so all my summer annual garden plants are looking rather grim now. Need to get out and tidy up but weekend forecast is rain. Thankfully I’ve already been out and collected some seeds to sow in spring. Can’t come soon enough, I hate winter and not a huge fan of Christmas either!

    Day 21 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    157.9 ⬇️

    Hi all thanks for the support yesterday and thanks for keeping me company @ccco! The evening time is tricky for me at the moment so seeing your post reinforced my willpower. Thank you!

    I’m late today so rushing now but have a good day everyone! @iona72 I’m sure you will see a drop soon! What a lovely way to spend the day though 💕💕

    Have a good day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @stitchincarol – that mosaic ball is stunning, but it’s actually a pot; it’s upside-down. She (Sandi) already spent about a week working on it at home. Her last project was a huge toad There are usually a couple of dogs in the studio too – because of course there’s always plenty of food there, which gets sneaked to them under the tables 😅

    @ccco – I’m glad to hear you’re having success with your FDs 🎯 and congrats to @jaifaim to on a successful Hump Day FD! 💪

    @iona72 – I feel for you with your weather. But winter in the UK has barely started! 😅 I guess no-one told the sun. I’m not a fan of Christmas either. I would be if it was for the recommended six days rather than the 60+ it’s turned into. And then the deluge of people coming to the coast. We had kids here singing carols in the residents’ lounge yesterday, & again tomorrow. When I pointed out to someone that it’s still November, I was told, ‘but people start going away in December’ (summer hols). So they don’t have carols where they’re going..? 🤔

    @flourbaby – don’t be a stranger 🤗

    I’m off to the animal hospital with Popsie, my neighbour’s cat. She’s a sweet little calico and Boo Boo’s nemesis. She’s got a problem with her kidneys but hopefully they can treat her 🤞

    RESOLVE to all of us Thursday fasters 🎯💪

    “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” ~ Jim Rohn

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑
    @missybear ?

    Day 21 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Hoping for a good fast day. It’s so cold all I can think of is stew and dumplings 😩

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑
    @missybear ?

    Day 21 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @molij this cold weather is making me want winter food too! Let’s hope hot fruit tea and marmite tea hit the spot today 🤞

    Have a successful day Thursday fasters.

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑

    Day 21 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Steady for three days, let’s see what happens for tomorrow morning 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑

    Day 21 UK NFD

    I’m taking a few days out , my mind is just not in the right place for fasting , I’m hoping I’ll be raring to go Monday See you all soon ❤️

    USA. Day 21. FD

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑

    Hurray! I am down again this morning! I think I have a found a way to lose weight. I only eat a meal late afternoon or early evening. That time of day seems to be critical, especially since that is my witching hour time! I seem to have killed two birds with one stone, the need to snack and the need to lose weight. I have been very good about it and have really stuck with it. Since me go down on the scales has also been a huge incentive to stick with it. 👍🏻

    I have to go out right now but I will try to return and read everyone’s posts. Hope everyone is having a great day! 🙂

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I’m still in the 155s this morning, so think that 154-something is inevitable tomorrow morning, and am so pleased–finally!! I’m sorting out my eating plan for the next week, and it’ll be a challenge because I clearly won’t be WF on Thanksgiving next Thursday, and this Sunday is the annual performance of Messiah in Omaha, with two couples going along and then coming here for soup and dessert afterward. That day should be fine because I simply won’t even BE here to snack, LOL. But fitting in a second WF to compensate for Thanksgiving looks pretty tough, so I’m thinking a FD500 on both this Saturday and next Wednesday. It would be very lovely to wake up to 154 on Thanksgiving! 🤞

    @funshipfreddie Wow. If you’d told me you were going to show me a picture of a toad and I would LOVE it, I would not have believed you. It’s gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve yet caught the bug and want to start doing it myself, but I’m sure enjoying vicariously!

    @ccco I’m so glad it’s working for you. 👍

    @molij Or, instead of stew and dumplings, how about a lovely hot bath??

    @brightonbelle What’s up? Something is troubling you more deeply than any of us realized. We’re here with love and support.

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥑
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 22 NZ NFD 68.7 KG

    It’s cool here today. Yesterday evening we had crackling thunderstorms with sheets of rain coming in at 45° 🥶
    I managed to get through the FD yesterday. I’m hoping I can stay in the 68s through to the end of the month and on! More vegetables and more fish on the menu me thinks!!
    @ccco well done! If you start feeling too hungry don’t forget you could have a boiled egg as a top up!
    @stitchincarol and @northgeorgia Because you’re both doing all the right things I’m sure your WOOSH is just round the corner!!
    Thanksgiving!! I’ll have to get organised so I can make my pumpkin cheesecake recipe for the Texan. After all it is only a once a year thing and it’s delicious – The crust is made with smashed ginger nuts and butter and I add more ginger in!!
    @molij Yum!! Stew and dumplings!! just use a smaller plate!!
    @missybear I hope that your FD went well despite the cool weather. As @funshipfreddie says, you’ve got a ways to go before spring turns up for you again!! But sure as eggs it will!!
    That’s a tremendous toad. Not my favourite reptile because I always think of those cane toads in Australia which are poisonous.
    On that note I’m wondering where @penz is?? Nothing personal just location word association!!
    @iona72 I don’t mind Christmas but it really is for children except for Christmas puddings!! I make my great grandmother recipe – a proper pudding with made with suet!! At least you have Christmas in winter time when you can actually eat quite a lot. Our Christmas is in the summertime and we’re always torn between tradition and summer food!!
    @ Brightonbelle See you Monday. Have a lovely relaxing weekend
    @excelsior12309 Will you be back for Monday as well? Hope so!
    You too @jaifaim!! Relaxing that is. Maybe prepare some soup so you have something filling as a backstop in the evening?!

    Let’s all be Weekend Warriors!!

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 71 kg

    Friday morning PFDS for me 😇

    @merryapple – a new low for you this month! 🎯🥳️ I WILL be a weekend warrior this week 💪

    @iona72 – I meant to say ‘recommended 12 days of Xmas’, not 6, duh? I’m not a complete grinch 😅 I think ‘6’ was in my head because Christmas is supposed to officially be over on Jan 6

    @brightonbelle – hope you’re okay. You do seem to have been unsettled since you got home. Hope to ‘see’ you on Monday 👀

    If anyone else bows out before month-end I’m going to get a complex! 😳 I believe @at & @michelinme are still with us – on the spreadsheet anyway. People seem to either have tons of mojo or none this month. Maybe this time of year & the change of seasons is unsettling for some of us 🤔

    I see the UK is bracing for Storm Bert this weekend? Keep warm, fellow Brits ☃️❄️

    Happy Fri-yay everyone! 🍹

    “Don’t wait for the perfect moment; take the moment and make it perfect.” ~ Zoey Sayward

    Day 22 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    159 ⬆️ 😩

    I have no idea why that number is that number…. Good FD yesterday… now what I will say is my tester trousers are looser on me so… so patience is key. I hope this gives hope to others…

    So glad it’s working for @ccco and others… ⭐️

    @funshipfreddie it’s not you… it’s us 😂😂 you are a fabulous host scooping us up and keeping an eye on both the posts and the spreadsheet and popping people on the pocket list. ⭐️

    @brightonbelle enjoy the break and see you next week!

    @stitchincarol you are where I want to be! Only one thing for it… pull up my big girl pants and get on with it.. with a bit more effort.

    @merryapple ah thank you! I’ll have a quiet and relaxing one one after this evening which is…. Our departmental Christmas night out… don’t even ask… December tends to be way too busy for our group so tonight it is… enjoy your Thanksgiving prep!

    Have a good day everyone! 🎄😂😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. Well, yesterday was more OMAD than FD. I had the last of my stew when I got home, but my mom had made chicken and rice in homemade broth, and I just couldn’t say no… Still, I’m down a couple of pounds over yesterday, so no harm done. I do hope a Woosh is coming. Next FDs are Sunday and Tuesday, but Thanksgiving lurks LOL

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    What a number to celebrate this morning: 153.8!!! I was sure yesterday’s WF would get me into the 154s, but I never expected the 153s, even if it is the very highest one, LOL. That number makes the thought of a FD500 on Saturday and next Wednesday (in addition to my WF on Tuesday) seem joyful…nothing like success to beget motivation! Today’s challenge is to eat minimally enough that my weight doesn’t shoot back up by tomorrow morning, my official weigh-in. For lunch I’m having a salad, I may make a skinny latte for myself mid-morning, and then I must resist all the cookie dough of the four double batches a friend and I are mixing up, scooping and freezing. And tonight, DH and I go out to a lovely pasta restaurant. So the carrot of that should carry me through the resisting of cookie dough, and if it’s simply too hard, I’ll put on a mask! 🤣🤣🤣

    @merryapple Despite being a far distance from my goal, I’ve been close to goal often enough to know the final pounds are the hardest, so you’re doing a great job of persevering, and fish and veggies is a great way to blast through to your goal. 💪

    @funshipfreddie No complex needed; you’re doing a great job. I miss all our absent people as well. ❤️❤️❤️

    @jaifaim That is indeed very peculiar to be up after a FD! And I laugh at you saying so sadly that I’m where you want to be, because you must keep in mind that my number is a perfect number for you, but is still 20 lbs overweight for me!! 😂😂 I can’t help but believe you’re going to have a big whoosh here shortly, given your stellar behavior most of the time!

    @northgeorgia Any way you could slip in an additional FD to compensate for Thanksgiving, so that you could then relax a bit on that day?

    I made a list yesterday of all the things that need doing between now and Christmas, and it’s a daunting list, as it is every year. However, having it written down makes it feel far more achievable than the faint fear I was feeling before, so I’m off to cross the first thing off the list: clean out the fridge. Appropriate as we head into the holiday season, isn’t it?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 22. FD

    Oh dear! I had a disappointing FD yesterday! After a stressful day, I indulged! Today I will try to even out those calories, so I can stay on tract moving forward.

    Merryapple, your right! I have turned boiled eggs, especially hard boiled, many a time! It does help!

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I hope you don’t get a complex! LOL.I will not bow ought. The holiday season is hard to do something like this!!

    Jaifaim, I need to get a tester pair of trousers on board for this. I don’t know why I haven’t done that yet!

    NorthGeorgia, while I would love to have someone who likes to occasionally cook something special for me, maybe it is a blessing that I don’t. This way I have no excuses but I love that your mother does that for you.

    Stitchincarol, Congratulations on your loss! I love surprises, too! I also have a daunting list before Christmas. I have discovered that in my case at my age having this list raises my blood pressure. My remedy is to do everything early. For example, I have already made out my Christmas cards and bought most of my presents. Now I just have to navigate Thanksgiving! For the first time in 45 years, I am not hosting the dinner. My daughter is but I am helping her. She has never done this before and is having her husband’s family, as well. I will supply her with the turkeys, which I have already ordered, along with napkins. I told her I would get her anything else she will need. She just needs to ask. It will be interesting to see this play out. I don’t know why I fret over my children being able to do this because I did this for 25 to 30 people every year, starting out very young. I managed and learned.

    I didn’t see a pocket list, so I will start one in case anyone wants to join.

    Onward and downwards! 👍🏻

    Day 22 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was around 800 calories but I’m content with that given I was feeling cold and hungry. Losing weight is harder than ever at this time of year, not only does the weather make me want to eat but ‘tis traditionally the season to indulge! Christmas does start far too early in my opinion, so much temptation around already.
    I shall be very mindful for the next month, no mince pies, chocolates or Baileys before 23 December which will be my dad’s 88th birthday so a good day to begin the festivities 🥳

    Have a lovely weekend everyone 🤗

    USA. Day 22 FD

    MissyBear, I will be right behind you urging you along! This time of the year is so hard to do this. Good luck! 🙂

    Day 22 NE England NFD

    You would think I would be grateful that my DH insisted on making lunch today? I urged him to make me a small meal but I imagine you can guess, that didn’t work out! Then after resisting fresh raspberries and cream after dinner, I finally gave in at 10pm and ate them. I do much better when I keep meals small but keep the vegetables plentiful. Must try harder tomorrow. On a positive note, I did not partake in the usually Friday night glass of wine but stuck to mineral water instead. I’ve made a big batch of vegetable soup, bulked out with pearl barley and spiced up with chilli and ginger. It will keep me away from any other carbs at lunchtime for a few days. I will get on the scale tomorrow to see the damage. 🤨 Determined not to Wander at the Weekend again!

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It was a toasty 27 C yesterday; it feels like summer has finally arrived. 21 already today, & it’s only 8:15 🌞

    @jaifaim, @stitchincarol, @ccco – thanks for sticking around, & for reassuring me that I’m not a terrible host 😅

    @stitchincarol – 153.8!! Awesome! 🥳️

    @ccco – you’ve been doing a lot of fasting lately, more like 2:5 than 5:2! So indulging once in a while won’t hurt. Maybe that’s just your body telling you it needs a little more nutrition. Do you have a goal in mind?

    @missybear – I can take or leave mince pies. And as they only come in boxes of six or more I don’t buy them. I wish I could say the same for chocolate 😳

    @iona72 – well done for resisting the Friday night 🍷🥇

    I’ve got a Saturday morning mosaic class, so I’m off…

    Have a great weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    Day 23 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Really struggling to eat sensibly on a NFD. The cold weather has not helped me at all. I have managed to avoid the stew and dumplings but I have been snacking when I shouldn’t. It’s not helped that I have not been able to go out the last two days. The weather has been awful. The winds overnight were in the high 50’s and we have already had a power cut that lasted several hours. I have got a lot of nights out coming up. It’s the Dog club’s Christmas dinner this Friday and the week after we are going away for over a week to visit family. Christmas is with my eldest daughter and for the New Year we will be going to my sisters for 5 days. I am really going to struggle being sensible over Christmas. I just hope I don’t put weight on.

    @funshipfreddie your mosaic is wonderful. You have been a brilliant host. I think it’s the time of year that is causing so many of us to struggle. Everyone will be back with avengeance in January. Very jealous of your warm temperatures.

    @missybear we too have not had much snow since we lived here. We did have a lot of snow about 16 years ago. It even snowed on the beach. I admire your resolve at avoiding Baileys, chocolates and mince pies. I have already had a mince pie, hopefully I will be able to avoid the rest of them. Luckily I don’t like Baileys but I do enjoy a small glass of Sherry around Christmas time. My downfall will be chocolate and nuts, especially the chilli nuts from M and S. I really struggle to say no to them.

    @ccco glad you have found a plan which is working for you.

    @iona72 I hate winter too. It’s the dark that gets me down the most. I love the lead up to Christmas rather than the day itself.

    @stitchincarol glad the cognitive shuffling helped. Glad your mojo is strong. Can you send some my way please.

    @brightonbelle sending you a virtual hug and hope you are able to join us again soon.

    “It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up”. (Vince Lombardi)

    Have a good weekend everyone 💪💪💪💪💪

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    Dinner last night was glorious, and I even managed to get through and afternoon of mixing up, scooping, and freezing four double batches of cookies without nibbling even a single cookie’s worth of dough–perhaps a first for me, LOL. I had a latte in the morning (skim milk) and a salad for lunch (approximately 350 calories), and dinner was halibut, some bread, and a beet salad. Oh, and I shared a bottle of wine with DH. So how am I up three full pounds this morning??? 😂😂😂 Thus, I’m holding on to yesterday’s PWFD weight and ignoring this morning’s number; tomorrow’s number should be much more to my liking.

    @ccco Loved your chatty post this morning!

    @missybear Yeah, I sure get colder on WFDs in the winter than I do in the summer! Even a FD500 is harder–temperature-wise–in the winter than in the summer. Oh well, just ask yourself if being cold is too high a price to pay to lose weight, and the speed with which you say, “Heck, no!” will help you persevere. 👍

    @iona72 Wow, what a concept…a husband insisting on making a meal? Is that clear enough that mine doesn’t cook at all? If I were to die first, most of his meals would be cheddar cheese on crackers. I am not exagerating. He will eat veggies and fruits if I put them in front of him, but he’s entirely content with crackers and cheese. Or crackers and peanut butter. 😂😂😂 So, I get your frustration since the meal sabotaged your eating plan, but I’m still in awe, LOL.

    @funshipfreddie While you’re finally warming up, we’re finally getting cold: we’ve only hit freezing a couple of times so far–until the last three nights when we had a hard freeze of a few degrees below, and nights of 7 and 9 are coming later this week. I do appreciate the freezing temps during the holiday season, however, as that makes my “refrigerator and freezer” SOOO much larger, LOL! One time I had cookie dough on the front porch to freeze before I put it in the actual freezer (it was a roll, and I didn’t want it to get mishapen in my freezer) and a badger–yes, a BADGER–found it and was eating off of it! I was NOT happy as that particular cookie is a family heirloom recipe, and so I heartily hoped that badger had a stomach ache from the sugar and the date/nut filling! 😠😂

    @molij I’m concentrating really, really hard and sending you as much mojo as I can squeeze out…feel it???? 🥰❤️😉👍💪 Even so, all your time coming up with family sounds joyful!

    I have a long list to accomplish today, and then a Husker (Nebraska University of Nebraska at Lincoln Cornhusker) football game at 2:30. We’ll lose. But perhaps we’ll play well enough not to be embarrassed. We used to win national championships or at least compete in them many years, and our new coach is getting us closer to that norm, but we’re still a distance away, sadly. Anyway, I’m off to be productive.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 23 Pocket List 💪

    USA. day 23. FD

    Day 23 Pocket List 💪

    Maybe tomorrow or Monday, I will try another WFD.

    I kinda fell a little lucky that I don’t have to cook anything for Thanksgiving this year. That will keep me away from the nibbles. Christmas dinner, though, might be a different story! 🙂

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. It is cold here. I would really prefer FUNSHIPFREDDIE’s weather!

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. A little up this week, but not much. Will fast tomorrow and Tuesday. That’s about all I can manage for Thanksgiving week, but I’ll just have to be more mindful on days like today 🙂

    Day 23 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    159 🔂

    Hi all, I haven’t had a chance to check in today but doing so before the day closes out and I’m not going anywhere @funshipfreddie not that I am back on form. Fun times had last night 💃🏻 🥂
    Travelled early this morning and with mum and catching up with our carers today. As I always say we are so blessed with wonderful people to help us at this most difficult of times. This is a very long goodbye and I know that might sound a bit dramatic and you might wonder how you can manage to have normal day to day life and fun times around the gentle fading of your most loved one but that is our normal right now. Sometimes the emotion of it all hits you in the gut as it has done for me today but we still have some precious moments. 💕💕

    Oiche Maith, Bonne Nuit! Night all! 🌙 🛌

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 23 second post

    @jaifaim 🥰🥰🥰

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I really enjoyed the class yesterday, though there were only 6 of us & it was a totally different vibe. One of the women at yesterday’s class has her own studio, ‘Classy Glass Art Studio’. Um, no. I think one obsession at a time is more than enough 😂

    @molij – I saw on the news the awful weather you’ve been having?! I hope it bucks up before all the travelling you have to do. And I hope people don’t wait until January to eat sensibly. I really think we can enjoy a few treats without going mad & undoing months of restraint. It just takes a bit of planning & self-discipline. But, yeah, I know the cold weather doesn’t exactly help. Lots of soup maybe, but stay away from the bread 😅

    @jaifaim – I can imagine what you’re going through with your mum. A friend of mine here is going through the same with her mum. Except her mum is over in England & she’s here in SA. Her mum is being well cared for but really doesn’t want to be around anymore & the ‘long goodbye’ has been going on for a couple of years already 🤗🤗

    @stitchincarol – well done for resisting the cookies/dough! Yeah, I’d ignore that number too 😅 That’s why I don’t weigh every day, it would drive me crazy. You really can’t blame that badger for thinking you’d left him a Christmas present! 🤣 🦡️

    It’s the last week of No-Nonsense November. I’m aiming for 3 FDs this week. Haven’t done three for ages & it won’t kill me. And I think it’s good to get out of a routine & keep our bodies guessing

    Happy S🌞nday everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍋

    Day 24 NFD 69kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I forgot to post y’day’s entry… Duh!!
    Friday night turned into a party night… Saturday was filled with dog walks with out-of town-friends. Today it was morning dog walks and a trip to my old Alma mater art school to look at the graduating students’ exhibitions. On the way home I turned left onto the main drag in the Mini and found myself amidships in the Santa Parade floats that were returning to their warehouse 😂
    @stitchincarol You are on a roll!!💪
    Thank you Yes I will get there !! 4 kg to go!! Just a wee bit more to go from around my midriff!!🤞
    Love the thought of a Badger eating your cookie dough. He must have thought all his Christmas’ had come at once!!😂
    @jaifaim “tester” trousers😅 I presume they don’t have any give!!
    I’m sure your mother feels surrounded by ♥️even if she can’t express it😘
    @molij It’s tough restricting your intake in cooler weather especially as one seems to feel the cold more. But it is lovely snuggling into big jerseys etc!!
    @funshipfreddie You’re great at the helm – inspiring quotes, sage advice and a wee bit of sparkle 💖 from your mosaics!!
    And don’t forget your ability to lead by example – refusing offers of endless biscuity temptations. Plus staying within your maintenance zone is what we all aim for😘
    @ccco Hope you’re managing wise eating patterns!
    Great that the next Gris taking over festive cooking duties!!

    Bedtime for me now that y’all waking up!!

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    159 🔂

    Hi all and happy Sunday!
    Thanks so much for all your thoughts and kindness. 💕I tend to just muddle on in day to day life and I don’t dwell to much when people ask how we are doing or how mum is as it’s really much the same except not so good as the days go on😊 … people are very kind but it’s a hard one to explain, particularly when people have not been through it or I can see them entering this phase with parents of their own, and we really do feel very grateful and privileged to have had this time with mum and to care for her in our childhood home and where she feels so safe and loved💕💕

    @funshipfreddie I feel for your friend as it’s hard to be far away at times like this. When I’m not here I feel some guilt but I know that’s just how it is and life has to go on too.

    @merryapple the tester trousers are very dressy and have 0 give 😂😂

    Ok lunchtime here so must get going 💕

    I may need 3 FDs too this week 🤗

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. There will be temptations today with some travel, but I don’t believe I will falter. Everyone knows it’s my FD. Next one will be on Tuesday.

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍋

    Day 25 NZ FD 69.6kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    I made a Korean Tofu dish last night which was quite salty so I’m hoping today’s FD will rectify my blip up. However I am going out for dinner at a friend’s and said I would take desert. I’m thinking a Spanish lemon olive oil cake since it can be mixed in my mixer.
    I did a jig to YouTube music videos last evening wearing my new UFC 1kg wrist weights. I waved my arms around like a dancing boxer. It’s my new way of trying to keep my muscles on my right arm. Will it work? Who knows but luckily there were no observers 😂
    @northgeorgia You sound fantastic and have a real sense of purpose 💪
    @jaifaim Are these your favourite pair from another era??? I recall the excitement of you fitting into them!!
    @ccco that was meant to read “great that the next generation is taking over festive duties”…
    @funshipfreddie Yes, one week to go…
    I have been all over the place this month but do want to get to the next jeans size 31×32 (I’m 32×32 now) and I’ll be happy 😃
    Hope to see you next month@excelsior12309

    Pocket List🍋

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    It was a very easy FD for me. I had another afternoon of card playing, & then I only ate around 8 pm after tearing myself away from one of my mosaic projects.

    @merryapple – I took myself off the list, I don’t do B2B FD’s 😱 I think you were looking at @jaifaim on the spreadsheet? But I’ll most likely be back on the list tomorrow 💪 I would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall during your dance routine 😅 I hope it works to get your hand back to normal 🤞

    @northgeorgia – loving your RESOLVE 🎯

    I have to take my car for its annual check-up. Have a good final week of No-Nonsense November everyone, & remember – it’s just food! 🍩 😅

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @at ?

    Day 25 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    158.6 ⬇️

    Morning all!

    @merryapple yes! the tester trousers are the ones I got back into in early 2023 and I was mid-150lbs and which I hadn’t fitted since 2001🤗 They still fit but are a little tighter on than earlier this year so that is my Non Scale gauge. Your dance weight session sounds fantastic and can only help with building back up your muscles. I hope dinner was fun 💕

    @northgeorgia bravo on a good Sunday FD – great mindset.

    @funshipfreddie well done to you too and thanks for the reminder I must look at the spreadsheet as it has been a few weeks. Good luck with the car check. Hopefully no work needed.

    Have a great day everyone! I have a busy day in work which is a good thing as I need both focus and distraction if that makes sense.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @at ?

    Day 25 UK FD

    Had a good talking to myself and had a major reset and I’m back and fasting today

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @at ?

    Day 25 – UK – FD

    Good morning all from a sunny (at last!!) Cumbria

    I have been lurking in the background all month – managing to do 2 successful FD each week but unfortunately my NFDs have not been very controlled so I seem to be maintaining at the same weight and not losing……

    I am logging for this last week to try and stay in control on the NFD and will aim for 3 FDs to see me end the month on a positive note

    I had a nasty cold (not Covid) in the middle of the month that left me totally lacking in energy and feeling very tired but now recovering and almost back to normal

    @funshipfreddie – my apologies for not contributing but it had nothing to do with your leadership 🤗 and I will join you for 3 FDs this week
    @molij – sadly I have been like you in struggling to eat sensibly on a NFDs – but we can try to make this last week a good one
    @missybear – I am hoping to have your resolve for the next 4 weeks at avoiding Baileys, chocolates and mince pies and I will add having more control on my NFDs – 🤞there is still time to lose a few lbs before Christmas week……makes me grateful that Thanksgiving is not a celebration here…..

    OH and I are not big into Christmas but I did make my Christmas cake at the end of November as we both love fruit cake – no marzipan and no icing though – we don’t cut into it until the weekend before Christmas – I am also planning to make a batch of Italian Biscottis and Amaretti biscuits sometime in December, we are not big on mince pies but these are both loved by OH…..

    As the sun is shining I’m going to aim for quick 5 mile walk at lunchtime before I meet with friends for our regular Monday afternoon tea/coffee/chat……

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. I made a chicken vegetable soup yesterday, and I wonder if that put me over my calorie limit (no rice or pasta)… probably a lot of it was bloat, as I used Veg-All canned vegetables (it did have some potatoes) as opposed to fresh vegetables, so I’m sure the sodium was higher than my normal soups and stews. If I’m not mistaken, I had to tighten the belt a notch on my “casual” trousers yesterday. That’s a good sign 🙂

    Another FD tomorrow.

    USA. Day 25 WFD

    Today will be another WFD. I think I should do that every Monday! To this end, I am joining today’s pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋

    I hope this compensates a little for the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. I plan to be careful with my serving sizes but I will try a little of everything. Apart from the turkey, I don’t really know what is being served this year. This is the first year in 45 years that I am not cooking and hosting that meal. I think my time has come! LOL.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 😀

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    The scales have been baffling me. Somehow, my Friday food was enough to shoot me up a full four (I said three in my Saturday post, but just checked my sheet, and it was 3.8) pounds on Saturday morning. I did FD500 on Saturday, although it was closer to 800-1000…because by evening I literally forgot I was fasting, LOL! Sunday, however, was very controlled because I had a couple of palmfulls of sunflower seeds after church before we left for Omaha for Messiah, and then had to wait until we got home at 6:30 to eat, when we had soup, bread, and a pumpkin dessert. There was wine. But the total calories were very, very reasonable for an NFD.

    And, finally, I’m down to 155.8 this morning, so two pounds above my post-WFD weight. And that’s the first time in months (a year?) I’ve been that low the day before a WFD, so I’m delighted with my progress. Tomorrow will be a WF and Wednesday will be a FD500, and Thursday will be Thanksgiving. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @brightonbelle I’m so happy you’re feeling about everything today!
    @at Good to hear from you!

    I have nothing on my schedule today other than typical life things, but am hoping to find some ambition and support from DH to put up Christmas lights outside. It will only be a few degrees above freezing, but the sign is shining–and it’s probably the best day for the next week, so, needs must…

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @ccco WFD

    Day 25 North Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Hoping for a good fast day today. Going to eat soup in a bit. Feeling more positive and hoping for a good week. Last week wasn’t a good week for me.

    @missybear oh noooo not marmite tea 🤢

    @stitchincarol brilliant weight loss.

    @brightonbelle glad to see you back and feeling more positive.

    @at nice to hear from you. Hope you last week is good.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @ccco WFD

    Day 25 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    I kept busy today so my FD has been fairly easy. Checking in for accountability. Hope my fellow pocket listers have had/are having a good FD.

    Pocket List – Day 25 🍋
    @ccco WFD

    Day 26 NZ FD#2 69.8kg👀 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Really??!! We were served dinner – salmon quiche, asparagus and salad. I ate up what was on my plate – all good and healthy. It was baking that did me in. My friend said someone else is also bringing desert so just bring half. Well a cut cake is an available cake and slices just seemed to melt away with cups of tea😃 We both made lemon cake. Mine was a lovely Spanish recipe with olive oil, yoghurt, lemon zest massaged into sugar, lemon juice and almond flour added to the flour. Hers was a flour based lemon drizzle cake made with sour cream. The drizzle didn’t have any sugar in it (cooks choice) which meant it was a little sharp. Mine was better!! So I came home and had another slice to confirm with a wee glass of Stones green ginger wine on ice. Go figure…🙄 Today is another FD… On the upside I’m still under 70kg!! There is no down side…
    I’m off to physio shortly so had better get cracking.


    USA. Day 25. WFD

    WFD turned into a FD. I didn’t do too badly, though! Tomorrow will be a FD, as well, but it will be easier. Tomorrow morning will be Grandparents Day at my grandson’s school. There will be no food involved, so it will keep me busy all morning. I am looking forward to this, as last year I missed it because my grandson was sick.

    Every time I read these posts, I am amazed at how well everyone seems to cook with all sorts of complicated recipes. I never had that ability. My meals tend to be quite simple. My mother never let her children cook when we were growing up. When I got married, my mother gave me a cookbook! LOL. I looked at it and thought my meals were going to go the way of my high school chemistry experiments!! LOL. Nevertheless, I made sure that both my son and daughter could use the kitchen, if they wanted, and they are both excellent cooks.

    Merryapple, that lemon cake sounds sumptuous! …plus a lovely glass of wine! I love it!

    See you all tomorrow …except for you, Merryapple. It seems to already be tomorrow for you!!

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @merryapple – it’s ‘No-Nonsense November’ – Not, ‘No Worries – It’s Lemon Cake’ 😂 I just can’t bring myself to throw in the towel on a FD; I’d be too mad at myself the day after & would just have to do it all over again. Or maybe I’m just incredibly stubborn. But anyway, you ARE still under 70, & will be even lower tomorrow 🎯

    @ccco – I don’t cook either. Haven’t got the patience 😅 Enjoy Grandparents Day!

    @stitchincarol – a great number for you after a weekend! 💪

    @brightonbelle – good to see you were back on the pocket list yesterday

    @at – lovely to hear from you but sorry to hear you haven’t been well 🤗

    A sobering article about the dangers of binge-drinking, especially for women:-

    It’s a cool & cloudy 18 C here, but no rain. And it’s laundry/mosaic day so I need to get moving 🚗

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍒
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 26 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    157.5 ⬇️

    @merryapple always look at the upside 😊
    And you are doing brilliantly! Great result and your cake sounds divine!!!
    @missybear I’m glad you had a good FD- I did too but partly because I was so tired I got in from work and literally hit the bed and stayed there until this morning. I just needed it… feeling much better for it today although it is not something I would usually do.

    Welcome back @at, we missed you but I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. 💕

    Sorry to hear last week was not a good one for you @molij – I hope this one is nicer all round. I’m hoping for a better one too to close out the month. Let’s do this – holding hands across the Irish Sea. ⭐️

    @stitchincarol so crazy to learn you went up 4lbs overnight… much like me last week – it’s pretty radical isn’t it! I am delighted for you though on your downward trend – bravo to you!!

    @ccco same here! I’m not a natural baker but used to bake a little but not so much anymore although I really should as it would mean I could make my own gluten free treats but the problem is I would find It difficult not to eat the produce as soon as it was baked… 🤗 well done o your FD.

    Hi @funshipfreddie – I’m sure you’re posting as I post or may be along shortly.

    CD for me today as I have a lunch out but might try to fit two more FDs in this week. 🤞

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 26 UK CD

    Phew just had to run across London stations to catch a train ……absolutely done in , bit of a reminder how unfit I actually am, anyway delighted to have completed FD yesterday, probably just one more for me this week , catch up tomorrow when I’m back home , even typing is a struggle on this bouncy train 🚂

    Day 26 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. EWWWW! Proof that travel bloats AND that eating carbs begets eating more carbs begets craving more carbs and lots of empty carbs until you fall into a crushing carb-fattening black hole. Tame the carb beast before it’s too late!!! I know I ate twice if not three times the normal number of carbs yesterday, including pie, rolls, bread, gingerbread cookies, chocolate … tried to tame it with fruit and fiber but the damage had been done. Shame shame with Thanksgiving on Thursday. @merryapple I feel your pain!!! @funshipfreddie I’m so sorry I allowed some nonsense in! Of course here in the States, we have federally-mandated nonsense on Thursday LOL! Actually, I generally tend to eat more proteins and vegetables on Thanksgiving than processed stuff. I know there are desserts, but I don’t usually eat a lot of those on Thanksgiving. Got to make tomorrow’s NFD much more controlled, like a ZBC for sure.

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍒
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. Day 26. FD

    Decided to do a FD today and tomorrow, leading up to Thanksgiving dinner. I know that there will be lots of food and I don’t even know what it will be. That means I will try a little of everything but I don’t know how many calories that will be. Maybe Friday will have to be a WFD!

    Thank you for putting me on the pocket list, FUNSHIPFREDDIE. I definitely belong there. I can’t believe that November is almost over! Also, thank you for the article. Sometimes I am not able to read the British articles but this one let me in. I used to be able to get into all of them.

    Stitchincarol, sometimes I do that, too, but generally it means I ate too much salt.

    Northgeorgia, I forgot about the reaction we can have to eating carbs. It would expect why some days I just want to eat more even though I don’t need it.

    It’s been raining, which we need, but we are entering a real cold spell. Looks like Winter is right around the corner. I am not loving that. I am a Spring and Summer person.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful day!

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I ate exactly what I planned to yesterday. And more. Today will be that much tougher because of that “and more” (carbs…that remaining pumpkin dessert had a surprisingly loud siren call…) and also tougher because the final three lessons are cancelled because of a Thanksgiving trip, so I’ll be done that much sooner. But I’ll arrange my day to leave many errands for after lessons, so I am not home to temptation too soon; I need to be okay in my timing choices today to contrast with how I WASN’T okay in my eating choices yesterday. 😠

    Okay, enough self-flagellation; I’ll be nice to myself now. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @molij Those weeks of poor success are frustrating, and we all have them, but be careful not to fall into the trap and mindset of it being “luck” that makes for a good FD. It’s pure determination and discipline (which I had zero of yesterday) that brings success…or, as Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.” 💪💪💪

    @merryapple Ahh, those lemon desserts would do me in as well… Take heart; you’ll do better the rest of the week!

    @ccco Your mom missed out on some lovely times that she didn’t work with you in the kitchen and teach you to cook–lovely times you had with your own kids, you wise woman.

    @funshipfreddie That’s a sad and sobering article. I’m not in the category of a woman at risk, but it’s enough bad news to ensure I stay out of that category!

    @jaifaim You clearly needed all that sleep, and I’m glad you were smart enough to give in to the inclination, and that you feel so good this morning!

    @brightonbelle Even my physically fit hubby was puffing last night when he made a third trip up from the basement carrying things; a sprint like you had would do that to anyone! 😉

    @northgeorgia Yup, ouch. I’m there too. We’ll both behave today, right??

    @ccco We also are finally getting cold weather. We had our first hard freeze only three days ago, which is shocking for this area of the country. Now we’ll pay for the mild temps, LOL.

    Just heard that one of the boys’ friends is going to be able to join us for dinner this coming Sunday, so I have an extra duck leg to buy today when I’m in Omaha and easily able to go to the ONLY grocery store I could find in a 50-mile radius that had duck! It’s not a normal thing in this area, obviously! Balancing the joy of holidays and of cooking lovely dinners with determination, will-power, and won’t-power is so tough. I have learned that when I start to feel sorry for myself that I can’t eat whatever I choose, that’s the emotion I have to immediately stomp out. It’s my CHOICE not to eat whatever I choose–or, really, to actually eat whatever I choose, but to choose wisely and not with abandon. So I’m going to luxuriate in that mental attitude today and hope that I do so with such success that I can coast through the next few days with complete control, rather than having to use record-breaking levels of self-control, LOL!

    Okay, time to get ready. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 26 🍒
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 26 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    A lot of distracting life stuff going on this week, nothing major just the house and DH’s health occupying my headspace so not leaving much room for thinking about 5:2ing. Lucky then that I got back into my 5:2 rhythm last month because I seem to be doing Monday and Thursday FDs and ZBC NFDs without giving it much thought. Clothes fitting better but I’m already nervous about stepping onto the scales at the end of this month after reading about the cruel fluctuations some of you are experiencing…..those fluctuations are the reason I only weigh in once a month, I find the undeserved gains wreck my motivation.

    @merry🍎 your lemon cake with a glass of Stones ginger wine sounds divine! I’ve never drank ginger wine on the rocks, I always think of it as a warming winter tipple so drink it at room temperature….something new for me to try.

    Strength to the Tuesday fasters 💪

    Day 26 – UK – NFD

    A good FD yesterday and a 6 mile walk – trying for a CD today but will definitely keep to TDEE

    A lovely 5 mile walk this morning with my regular walking group

    Going to see “Small Things Like These” early this evening with a group of friends, Cillian Murphy is the devoted father Bill Furlong in this film based on the best-selling novel of the same name by Claire Keegan – the plan is then to go for a pizza and a glass of wine 🤞 for self control

    @merryapple – your lemon cake sounds delicious – any chance of the recipe please?? I used ginger wine in my Christmas cake last year, had never tasted it before but was forced to try some of the leftover – very nice too!!

    Catch up tomorrow

    Second post

    I came on to renew my focus…not a bad day and a nice lunch out… healthyish… maybe it will be a OMAD today…

    @at enjoy your evening! I will be very interested to hear what you think of Small Things Like These. The book is just beautiful and I’ve seen the film. Claire Keegan is a fabulous writer. If you haven’t read Foster or seen An Cailin Ciuin (The Quiet Girl) I would highly recommend reading/watching that. ♥️🎥♥️

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