No-Nonsense November

This topic contains 290 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Arghya77 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 291 total)

  • Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Last night was flat-out FUN! The Bob Devaney (named after a beloved coach from decades ago) Center holds 8,000 people for a volleyball game, and it was sold out–they all are. Our women’s volleyball team is ranked #2 in the country, and has won a good number of national championships, so the game was a great display of skill, and while our opponent isn’t ranked as high, they made us work for the win. The season ticket seats we were in are fairly far down, and are seats, not benches, and the particular seats were the top seats in that section, so not only did the seat provide a back rest, but the wall behind us provided a head rest, LOL! The people on either side of us have known for years our members who gave us the tickets, so we had a grand time chatting with them throughout the game.

    The toughest part of the whole experience was all the food surrounding me (three people in front each had a hot dog. I adore hot dogs. I could smell those hot dogs. I wanted a hot dog. I refrained.) So I ended up with a true water fast, and didn’t even resort to gum or sparkling water. My weight this morning is a pound and a bit higher than the last two weeks, so clearly my NFDs need to be reigned in. I’ve been giving myself a talking to for several days, so am hopeful I’ve persuaded myself to easily disply better RESOLVE; we’ll see how much discipline it requires and how much of it is already determined.

    @jaifaim Tons of great thoughts on alcohol and its effect on our bodies. I’m not alcohol dependent, but I’m certain “special drink” dependent–that’s where my mocktail comes in. I hate pop–it’s all too sweet for my taste–so finding something to drink in social situations that isn’t alcoholic is a challenge. And I too find that the 4am wake-up is far too common in my life. Or 1am, or 2am, or 3am! The thing I’ve found, however, is that while too much alcohol almost guarantees it, even when I’ve had no alcohol at all, it still happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I’ll continue to drink my mocktail, and I’ll work at being more committed to my sparkling water cans that have juice in them and nothing else, but I’ll still enjoy wine–perhaps simply on fewer days of the week, LOL.

    @funshipfreddie LOL, okay, I’m officially scolded.

    And on the topic of daily weighing, I often weigh myself three or even four times a day, monitoring what impact food/water/hard works has on my weight. If you’ve not done that for decades as I have, I can fully understand it could be discouraging, but I know so well what’s going to happen based on various behaviors, that I can usually predict my weight each morning so, for me, the constant weighing is beneficial. What’s more, while I used to constantly come across articles saying how awful it is for people to weigh daily, I’ve come across an increasing number of articles recently saying that, for many people, weighing daily is helpful and encouraging. So, it’s neither good nor bad, but entirely dependent on who you are. Rather like the topic of eating breakfast: it is NOT the most important meal of the day, but many people have bodies that simply don’t cope with their day well if they don’t start out with food. I’m much better waiting several hours before I eat. I’m also much better weighing myself frequently.

    @northgeorgia Nice number this morning!

    Wow, so few posts this morning…I miss all the rest of you!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 15 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Mid way point and I feel I’m doing well this month. The mojo is with me, FDs are disciplined and NFDs are moderated! Yesterday’s FD was around 600 and I was hungry at bedtime but didn’t give in and as if by magic woke this morning not at all hungry and quite energetic, so I cleaned the house before brunch at 2pm. PFDS!!

    @stitchincarol I’m with you on continuing to enjoy wine but not every night of the week. When I got to goal last time I always enjoyed a weekend tipple and I didn’t trade food calories for alcohol, I was just careful to keep to TDEE on NFDs…..behaviour I’m working towards this month.

    Strength to any Friday fasters out there and to the rest of us, TGIF 🥂

    Day 15 second post

    @missybear Well done to have mojo, disciplined FDs and moderated NFDs! I’m almost pleased with my choices so far today…almost, LOL. But no alcohol! (Yet)

    I came on to say how tough it is to plan my cookie baking when I’m trying to control my nibble instincts, LOL! A friend is going to come bake four of the double batches with me, and we’ll make two candy recipes, and then I’ll make four other recipes, and I’m thinking I’ll make some for Sunday’s coffee fellowship to ensure I want to sell them at our church’s Cookie Boutique on 7 Dec, and there’s a “Thanksgiving Cobbler” (with pumpkin) I’m trying to figure out when to make and see if I’m adding it to my permanent fall roster, and all I want to do is go eat some of this stuff I’m imagining and thinking through!!! 😋🥰❤️😋😠

    Losing weight is a huge battle when there’s so much baking to be done, LOL!

    But for today, at least, I’m okay, and all I can do is control today’s choices.

    Just had to say, however…

    Day 15 NE England NFD

    Today is my day for donating blood so I have to eat 3 decent meals!! WooHoo 🤣
    I feel the month is not going as well as I had hoped. I’m up and down the same pound or 2 but no progress on the end of Oct number…….yet!
    I have a much better relationship with alcohol now than I did in my younger years. I can leave it when I have to/want to, but I do enjoy a few drinks at the weekend.

    @funshipfreddie I love the NYT Wordle everyday and play WWF too, I like to keep the brain ticking over in retirement.

    @merryapple My sympathies with your hand situation, hope you are coping. I smashed my elbow when I fell on the ice a few years ago and the recovery was not pleasant.

    @missybear I admire your resolve, can you come and clean my house, I hate doing it!

    @stitchincarol I can’t do any baking, its just too tempting. Maybe when I’m in maintenance 🤔

    @northgeorgia I hope your numbers are still looking good, well done.

    Got to dash now, will try and catch up with everyone over the weekend.

    Day 16 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    We’re half-way through No-Nonsense November already!

    @missybear – I hope some of your no-nonsense mojo rubs off onto those who’re looking for some.

    @stitchincarol – that sounds like a lot of work?! Not to mention temptation. I’ll stick to mosaicking; no matter how good they turn out, I’m never tempted to eat them 😅 On the subject of alcohol/improved sleep; it can take months to experience all the benefits of quitting. So stopping for just a couple of days might not improve sleep. In fact, insomnia is a withdrawal symptom of stopping drinking. Some people will notice an improvement after a week though, & after around 3 months, sleep patterns should be completely regulated.

    @northgeorgia – 231?! 🎯💪

    @iona72 – where do you think you could improve to reach your goal? You’re so close to it anyway. Is it realistic? I’ve no idea how tall you are, but at 145 lb I’m guessing you’re at a healthy BMI already 🤔 I love Wordle too, even when it baffles me. Yesterday after my 2nd attempt I had one letter in the wrong place & no correct letters in the right place. Then I solved the whole word on attempt 3 – pure luck! My WWF username if you’d like to challenge me – Davidjohnh 😈

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤🌈

    “Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind”. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍇

    Day 16- Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    157.3 ⬆️
    Good morning all,
    I had a fab fun day yesterday, some mocktails and good food… and a little bit of impromptu dancing 💃🏻.
    Today I’m meeting two friends for a hike and lunch in our garden county, Wicklow and will cycle tomorrow.
    Rushing to get organised and out the door so have a great Saturday all and in particular, @molij and the weekend warriors 🏹

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 16 North Wales FD

    I have had a busy week. We went to the Occasional Cinema on Wednesday night to watch a Cuban film called. ‘LA HOJA DE LA CALETA’
    A story based on the simplicity and humility of a Cuban fishing village. It was very good. When we go to this cinema we have a meal based on the country the film came from. We had Cuban Ropa Vieja and a flan which was very much like a crème caramel. What was particularly good about this showing was the man who wrote the film gave a short presentation about conditions in Cuba and the difficulties he had making the film.
    I had my COVID jab on Thursday, I had my flu jab a few weeks ago. I always get a bit emotional having my Covid Jabs as it reminds me of how I felt in the Pandemic and how horrible it was not to see loved ones.
    I managed this week to sew 3 tops and 4 pairs of leggings for my youngest Granddaughter and get them in the post. Hope you can see the picture in this link of an outfit I made a few weeks ago for her which is the same style as I have been sewing this week.

    I have been reading your posts on the drinking of alcohol. I do enjoy a glass of red wine. I have mixed feelings about alcohol. I keep reading how bad it is for you but when I was a secondary school teacher I was so stressed at times that I felt a glass of wine helped me to relax and calm down after a particularly difficult day. I felt the stress was worse for me than the glass of wine. I try very hard not to drink in the week and just keep it for the weekends. I am not always successful but I try not to worry about that. There is nothing nicer than a meal with a wine and good company. I have not drunk wine for many months in the past and found it did nothing to help my sleep unfortunately.

    I am now managing to walk for at least 3O minutes each day which I think is doing a lot of good for my mental health.

    I have struggled with poor sleep for years. I have recently been doing something called Cognitive Shuffling. It really does seem to work

    @jaifaim so glad you are trending downwards.

    @funshipfreddie I used to do wordle but I haven’t for quite a while now.

    @merryapple your fracture sounds very bad, I can’t remember how you did it. Perhaps I wasn’t in the forum when you said. I do hope it heals soon.

    @missybear you sound incredibly motivated this month so hopefully you will have a good downward trend.

    Have a brilliant weekend everyone ❤️

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍇

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. My weekly average weight has returned back to mid-September levels. Pretty good number for a Saturday morning. I plan to fast tomorrow and Monday 🙂

    USA. Day 16. WFD

    I haven’t done a water fast in a long time, so I decided I would try one. I am inspired by the success of everyone here this month, as I have not been doing so well. Evenings are still a killer for me. I took into consideration everything I just read about alcohol drinking and sleep issues. I read what MollJ wrote about why she liked having an evening drink of wine because I have been there, lately because of my brain surgery. I thought it did help me relax. I don’t know how much I would have to drink to cause sleep problems, though. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep but I don’t think it is from drinking a glass of wine. I do try to only to have a drink on weekends. I think that the time I go to bed plays more of a part in my falling asleep. If I go to bed late, I seem to suddenly have a second wind and suddenly I have all this energy. I need to sleep earlier, which would probably help my newest bad habit of eating in the evening.

    BTW, MollJ, I like what you said about going to the Occasional Theater and then making meals to match the country portrayed in the movie. That really sounds like fun!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍇

    @ccco W

    Wish me well on this WFD. I think I do better when I don’t eat at all! LOL

    Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD1100/AF – 157.6

    Fourth Saturday in a row I’ve weighed 157-something, so I have neither lost nor gained. No loss makes me sad, but no gain is a relief, and it’s also the motivation for what I’ll allow food-wise today. Limiting to 1100 is plenty of food, and won’t feel restrictive except mentally, and I’ll just employ RESOLVE to deal with that; AF should be easy since I finally got some more fruit juice (grapefruit this time) to make my mocktail, which amounts to somewhere between 200 and 300 calories, depending on which brand of ginger beer (which is not alcoholic; do you all know that? thinking of @funshipfreddie‘s chocolates here…) I use; depending on brand, I end up with 2 or 3 drinks that I adore, so that will make AF a breeze.

    @iona72 I very, very seldom bake anymore–haven’t for a number of years, in fact. Which is quite a change from when I used to bake at least once a week, and sometimes more. But back then I had three kids at home, so that does make a difference. But all the baking I’ll do over the next few weeks is church-related; I’ll make only two or three recipes for ourselves, one for DS28, one for all of us, and one in particular that my mom always made, and now I always make, both because I adore it, and because one of my sisters is joining us for Christmas, so she’ll be thrilled to have our family Date Nut Swirls. Boy. That is a serious run-on sentence, but I’m just going to leave it, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Good thing you’re not trying to eat your mosaics; you’d chip a tooth and then just think where you’d need to go!!!!! 😉 Yeah, the temptation of all that baking is real, but I’ve developed tricks that help and the bulk of the baking is for a fundraiser that I’m determined to participate in, so…. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    @jaifaim I do envy you your dancing. I LOVE to dance, and used to do so lots when I was young, but then I married a dear and wonderful man who has zero sense of rhythm, and zero love of dancing, and so the only dancing situations I’m ever in are the occasional slow dance where all he has to do is hug me and slowly move, LOL. Oh well, eh?

    @molij Cute outfit! My daughter gets so many clothes from cousins on her husband’s side that I just don’t bother, but seeing pictures like yours tempts me to sew for my three granddaughters anyway; such a joy, isn’t it? And the cognitive shuffling is a great idea; I’ll try it!

    @northgeorgia It’s so good to see you returning to the motivation level you had when I first came on the second time…back in May 2020, I think.

    @ccco I will only wish you well on this WFD if you promise to eat healthy meals on Sunday and Monday. I worry about how often you’re fasting, and thinking you are not snacking on carrots, broccoli and protein in the evenings, so are likely not getting the nutrition you need. Can you reassure us???

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 16 🍇
    @ccco WFD
    @stitchincarol CD1100/AF

    Day 16 second post

    Huh! I just discovered, when your name didn’t turn into a link, that you are Iona72 not Lona72! That will take awhile for me to stop calling you Lona in my mind, LOL!

    And @merryapple, Where are you? And @michelinme? @flourbaby you’re usually gone on the weekend, so that’s okay, but @brightonbelle, Have I forgotten a holiday for you?

    There are more of you as well, and don’t think you’re not everyone of you missed. AT, I’m thinking of you!!! 🥰

    Day 16 NE England NFD

    @stitchincarol haha call me what you wish I don’t mind! I also used to bake weekly when the girls were at home, I do miss all those goodies but find it hard to regulate so just not worth it. The girls love the family recipes too, bring back so many memories.

    @ccco How is your WFD going? you have more will power than me, I’m still trying to do OMAD but just can’t manage it yet.

    @funshipfreddie I am 5’7 so yes 145 is a normal BMI but I feel I still carry too much around the middle so that is what I’m trying to get rid of, although my waist to height ratio is ok.

    @molij the outfit is delightful, I haven’t done any sewing for years but I used to make my own clothes when I was young and single. Takes me all my effort to do a bit of knitting at the moment.

    @northgeorgia Good weekend numbers sets a good mood, keep up the good work.

    USA. Day 16. WFD

    Amazingly, I still haven’t eaten a single thing and I am full on into my witching hour. The temptation is growing, though! Maybe I will go to bed early to squash the temptation. It takes work to do a WFD.

    Iona72, I am hoping to turn my days into OMAD but once I taste food, I seem not to be able to stay on course. I am hoping I will gain some discipline from a WFD and turn it into an OMAD. I will let you know, if that works.

    I know what you mean Stitchincarol. My problem is that my fasts are falling apart in the evening and ruining my goal. I am going to try another plan, which I hope will help me.

    Hope you are all doing well today! 👍🏻

    USA. Day 12. WFD

    MollJ, I was able to get into that site to see the little outfit you made for your granddaughter. It is adorable! 👍🏻

    Day 17 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾

    Hi all,

    @molij I literally just learned about cognitive shuffling and think it works for me too… only a few nights in but there’s hope… all we can do is try what might work for us based in the learnings of others and it’s very definitely a case of different strokes for different folks. 💕💕
    Your Cuban outing sounds like a lot of fun 🇨🇺and the outfit you made is just gorgeous…

    @ccco same as ⬆️…. hopefully you can find what works for you sleepwise as you rehabilitate.

    @stitchincarol you will whoosh soon with your WFD – you will you will. ⭐️ Ah I do love a boogie particularly to good rock music if out with friends🎸💃🏻. I’m a good value guest at a wedding or party as you will find me on the dance floor most of the night… so the dance floor isn’t empty 😂

    @iona72 that is a good ratio ⭐️ but it’s all about how we feel in ourselves isn’t it?

    Ok off out 🚴‍♀️ . Have a happy ☀️ day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others

    Day 17 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @molij – cute baby clothes! – My First Christmas 👶 💖 Cognitive shuffling seems to work! I tried it after I woke up to use the bathroom. No idea what time it was, it was still dark though. Then what seemed like 10 seconds later it was 7 am! 💤

    @ccco – going to bed at the same time every night is a great habit to get into. I usually read for 30 – 40 minutes first, but I’m out like a light as soon as my head hits the pillow. They say each hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after. I doubt that, but I’m nearly always asleep before 11 pm.

    @stitchincarol@brightonbelle is back in Sicily 🇮🇹 🍕

    @iona72 – I think we’re going to be well-matched WWF opponents 🧩️

    @northgeorgia – let’s make it a 🥇FD! 💪🎯

    Glorious spring weather here again today, around 23 C, not a cloud in the sky & a slight breeze. Perfect FD walking weather

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Pocket List – Day 17 🥚

    Power to the Sunday warriors 🏹🏹

    USA. Day 17. FD

    Good morning, everyone! I weighed myself this morning and I am down 4.7 lbs.! Finally, I am moving in the right direction. Now to keep that going. To this end, I will put myself on today’s pocket list. I wasn’t even hungry during my WFD. It seems that if I don’t eat anything at all, I don’t feel hungry at all. If I eat even a little bit, it seems to awake the hunger demons. I also went to sleep earlier and slept well. Maybe I am on to something!

    Pocket List – Day 17 🥚
    @ccco 👍🏻

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Too many carbs last night — nothing I prepared for myself, but I should have resisted the extra bread and the soft drinks. It’s starting to be that time of year…

    Pocket List – Day 17 🥚
    @ccco 👍🏻

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I’m smiling with PFDS: yesterday’s 1100 calorie CD turned into a 415 calorie OMAD FD. I didn’t eat lunch until almost 3pm, and then the turkey sandwich I had was sufficient to last me until 7 or 8, at which point I relied on RESOLVE to get through the rest of the evening. Today’s plan is to eat another turkey sandwich–I do love them, LOL, and this is the season for them–and have a huge salad in an hour or two or three; that should turn into the 1100 calories I was planning on yesterday. And I ended up not baking anything, a combination of too little ambition and knowing I had too little restraint to ignore anything I baked, so I’m free from temptation for another week.

    @molij & @jaifaim I’d already forgotten entirely about congnitive shuffling until your comment, @jaifaim, and suddenly realized I tried it last night. So I was mentally preparing what I’d say, and was going to start out with, “I don’t know if it actually worked–” until I remembered that I was six or seven words into my first letter last night and then I must have been asleep because I remember nothing more! 🤣🤣🤣 So thanks for sharing that tool!

    @funshipfreddie So glad Cognitive Shuffling worked for you as well, and thanks for the reminder about @brightonbelle.

    Okay, I’m going to pick up my knitting now, watch a movie, and wait until later to eat. I’m hopeful that will allow little food to feel like plenty! 👍

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 18 NZ FD 69.6kg

    What a frenetic time… My family ended staying 3 days longer than anticipated (washed the house and tidied up most of the garden). I took them out to dinner at a wild food restaurant and my nephew selected a vegetarian dish on the menu👀. That was the most expensive slice of pumpkin I’ve ever paid for… We went clothes shopping with me as tour guide. I provided 3 lots of Coldplay at Eden Park parking and aprés concert entertainment; and managed a Saturday night dinner party; and went to the NZ premiere of a new Chinese movie that has just been accepted to Cannes…
    Saturday night dinner: melted Italian Taleggio cheese on sourdough toast topped with a wild pork burger (made with sweated down onions, a grated Granny Smith apple, garlic and fresh sage mixed in) then added truffle oil on top plus spinach and potato salads. Yum if I do say so myself 😁. You will notice my daily weight is aaalll over the place!! I have done a successful FD today so fingers crossed I’ll be back below 70kg!!! All will be revealed!!!

    STEELY RESOLVE to everyone!!!

    Day 18 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    159.3 ⬆️
    Hi all, more fun, more food, more exercise yesterday…but more numbers ⬆️
    That’s how it goes… let’s see how the week pans out.
    @ccco that’s often how it goes for me although I find WFDs super tough… but once I eat the floodgates of food open up 😂 Well done to you! 💪

    Woke at 4, thought briefly about all those things that rush to my brain… started shuffling and thought this is never going to work tonight… next thing I knew… ⏰ 6.30.
    Hope everyone has a good day and that the only challenge is good food choices.
    I’ve a busy one and busy week ahead so going into it in the right frame of mind is great. 🤗

    Just spotted your post @merryapple! I sometimes choose vegetarian options when I’m out but often am so shocked 😮 at the price of those dishes so make a call on it – if it’s a rare veg or really intricate dish it might be worth it but most often it’s not… 🫣it sounds like you showed them an amazing Auckland time!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Ok must dash.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 18

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 70.8 kg

    I survived the deluge of junk food again at the Sunday afternoon card game, although I’ve got a couple of things stashed away that someone insisted I take home ‘for tomorrow’ 😱

    @merryapple – That burger sounds amazing! 😋 You’ve had a busy few days?! It must be nice to have your home back to yourself, & your injured hand certainly doesn’t seem to be slowing you down. Down a kilo after a NFD – you’re back on track! 🎯

    @stitchincarol – an unplanned Saturday FD?! 🥇

    @ccco – almost 5 lb down! 🥳️ 🎯 I’m the same on FDs with eating & hunger. I can’t have small meals throughout the day. So I have to delay my one meal for as long as possible.

    I’ve had my first mosaic ‘commission’. A neighbour has asked me to make his house numbers, so I’d best get busy.

    “Achievement requires more than a vision – it takes courage, resolve and tenacity. All you have got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality.” ~ Earl Nightingale

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳

    Day 18 UK FD

    Morning all , got back from hols late Saturday and spent yesterday in a weird state , it’s only a 3.5 hr flight but with getting to the airport etc etc I find it takes its toll these days , scales seem to have died so I’m in blissful ignorance so I’ll hunt out some batteries, try and catch up on posts and do a bit of gentle yoga and I think that’ll be about it for today

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳

    Day 18, London, UK, FD800

    I’m not sure what will happen this week as I have had a toothache since Day 15!! I’m currently on hold with the dentist📞 but 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 that I get an appointment ASAP.

    Short post today as the pain shooting up to my temple is literally & figuratively getting on my nerves!🤭😳😭😭😭

    Hopefully I’ll see y’all tomorrow, I’m off to look for some drugs to help!!

    Day 18 NE England IF 16:8

    A frosty start to the day but easing now. After my coffee I’m out dog walking, my step count was down last week. 🫤
    We had a hectic weekend with family here, dashing about trying to fit everything into a short couple of days! Glad to see there is no increase on the scale so this WILL be the week I make downward progress.
    I’ve not heard of cognitive shuffling so I will look it up.
    Catch you all soon. 👋🏼

    2nd Post – Day 18

    Oh crikey, @flourbaby?! 🤞🤞 you get an appointment soon! 🤗

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    Day 18 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Enjoyed a relaxing weekend and very glad we had a long beach walk yesterday because it’s absolutely pouring down here today so I’m not likely to get much outdoors exercise today.

    @molij thank you for mentioning cognitive shuffling. I hadn’t heard of it so as an experiment I tried it last night and fell asleep really quickly. I sometimes find it difficult to get to sleep because of an over busy mind so it’s a technique I shall use now 🙂

    @merry🍎 sounds like you have had a great time with family, good you managed to do so much despite your injured hand.

    @flourbaby sorry to hear you’re in so much pain, hope you’ve got a dental appointment booked 🤗

    I need to find something to do to keep me occupied. I’m starting to feel hungry and it’s too early for brunch….today’s FD is going to need willpower!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    Day 18 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Going for another FD today. Lots of lunch meetings this week, every day not including today and except on Thursday, where there is a function reception at night. Judging on past experience, I should be able to avoid Thursday evening’s food.

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    3rd Post – Day 18

    👆 Reported

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I say NFD but this is the day the Lincoln Food Bank truck comes to our church parking lot and DH and I and various members of the congregation help hand out food, which is surprisingly like a gym-workout with all the bending and lifting and stretching–and it happens between 1:30 and 3:00, which is a great way to to avoid nibbling during hours that are tempting. So who knows what the day will turn out to be food-wise, but after two days of stellar behavior and a lovely weight (156.6), I’m content to have a day that’s more about normalcy than about restraint…especially since it’s forecast to rain all day, so we’ll be doing all that in raincoats, LOL, and will be very ready for a treat when we get home!

    @merryapple Wow. Just wow. That’s a LOT you crowded into that week or so, and your dinner party menu sounds glorious (and you did it with one hand??? I’m hoping you had lots of help) and I’m amused that they washed your house for you in addition to cleaning out your gardens. Great guests, even if one ordered the most expensive slice of pumpkin ever, LOL! What was ON that pumpkin that made it appealing???

    @jaifaim Deep breaths to get through the week with aplomb! And, yup, the shuffling is working for me as well!

    @funshipfreddie I know! And not only an unplanned FD but I was AF both days–I knew that would get your attention. 😉😁 And how delightful you have a mosaic commission; I love what you’re doing so much that I’d give you one too if it weren’t all so complicated!!!!!

    @brightonbelle Welcome back; I missed you!

    @flourbaby Oh, no!!! You poor thing; I hope that tooth problem is resolved quickly and easily!

    @iona72 We all watched a link that @molij provided a couple of days ago; here it is:

    @missybear We too have rain today, but it’s far from pouring…and that’s my favorite kind as it’s what I grew up with in the furthest NW corner of California, and I do miss it. So when you get sick of it, think of me, and try to enjoy it for me, eh? 😁🤣🤣

    @northgeorgia Your week sounds very doable and “fastable.”

    Can I just say I’m sick to death of DH’s Fair Isle? I really don’t want to knit on it, but he’s getting impatient for it, which is certainly encouraging…but, still… I need knitting mojo, people, and need it desperately, LOL!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    USA. Day 18. WFD

    You all seem to have similar experiences with FDs and WFDSs as I do. For reasons unknown to me, if I keep fasting, I can retain the weight loss, so I am continuing today. I weighed myself and I was .4 lbs. up! In looking over the situation, it might because I ate bread, even though it was multigrain. It might also be I gained a little water weight back but that is still discouraging! :(. I won’t eat bread after this WFD and see what happens. To this end, I am putting myself back on the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍳
    @flourbaby FD800

    I really want this month to count! 👍🏻

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. My weather here is beautiful and inviting me to take a walk! 😊

    Day 19 NZ NFD 68.9kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Weight can be a roller coaster!!
    At last I had a big sleep!! Y’day I talked to two Californian nursing friends. One is a expat Kiwi and has just bought a house in a seaside township north of Wellington (Waikanae, on the Kapiti Coast). She is still working and I think will stay put until her son finishes Cal university before contemplating retirement.
    My other is a SF Chinese/ Tennessee mix!! I so want her to come and live here because we’re such great mates!!! It’s great can WhatsApp each other!!
    Well done @ccco You’re aceing it this month!! Enjoy the beautiful weather.
    @stitchincarol Think of me and you’ll get back to the cosy safety of knitting!! I am doing a lace edge to a shawl because it’s light – 15 st across on dpl sock needles. I stick one end in the hole of my belt and flick the wool off with my index finger while my left hand does the work. I’ve done 62 points, 10 to go!! Then I pick up 359 stitches…
    The pumpkin slice was roasted with pomegranate seeds etc.
    Our pumpkins are v solid – meaty?- unlike the more watery texture of the UK and USA.
    @funshipfreddie First commission. You’re on your way!!
    Congrats on pulling yourself back into your zone.
    Thanks for reporting the post trying to lure us into gambling!!
    @flourbaby Ooooh the symptoms of a tooth nerve going to heaven… Hope you survived the dentist…
    @iona72 Family’s are wonderful things!!
    I’m the only one in Auckland and not having a DH or Macintosh the Westie around makes home life quiet but I have close girlfriends nearby and we look after each other.
    @brightonbelle I’m green with food envy. I looove Spanish food!!!
    @northgeorgia Your numbers are fab!!💪
    @missy bear, @molij and @jaifaim Cognitive Shuffling seems to be just the ticket!! What a great tool!!
    @jaifaim Keep up the good work!! You’ll be back in your zone shortly!!
    Not that I’m quite there but maintenance seems to need a different skill set… like getting back on the wagon asap and having confidence in your body to adjust back to the zone when you apply yourself… I’ve done some great seesawing this week!! Previously I would have fallen off the wagon then gone for the EFS… 😬
    @excelsior12309 👋How are you doing? And the cats and dogs? And goldfish?
    @penz Of course!! Your Blue Heelers are the ultimate cattle dogs!!
    It’s my friends birthday on Wednesday and we’re getting together to make Stephanie Alexander’s Chocolate and Almond cake (which Carol put the link up for)😋
    Have a great day now you have all had enough sleep 😴 😁


    USA. Day 18. FD

    Steely Resolve! I think that must be what helped me today. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! Today was successful and the day is over!

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I didn’t have the most controlled day food-wise yesterday, far too much snacking. But I did clock up 12,200 steps after going into one of my afternoon cleaning frenzies. According to my tracker I burned up almost 3000 calories. I had the most bizarre dream last night; I was on death row?! No idea what I’d done though, & I’m sure it was all just a terrible misunderstanding 😅

    @ccco – congrats on mustering enough steely resolve for a successful FD! 💪

    @flourbaby – I hope you managed to get that nasty toothache sorted out?

    It’s laundry/mosaic day so I need to get moving…🚗

    Have a great day everyone

    “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure”. ~ Colin Powell

    Day 19 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    157.5 ⬇️

    Hi all, greetings from a cold and wet Ireland…

    @funshipfreddie – congratulations on your first commission! There will be lots of colour around the houses there soon! 💕💕 I am so sorry to hear you experienced death row 😂😂😂 what an awful dream!! That would be an interesting one to have analysed – or not 😂😂
    Thanks for reporting the post.. that was a particularly sneaky one 😮

    @stitchincarol I enjoyed our deluge for you..😂😂well I didn’t really as was cold too but was telling myself that someone somewhere would welcome this 😂 and I’m taking the deep breaths and will have to try catch you up at 156.6 – well done to you!

    Welcome back @brightonbelle – I totally understand but hope you are back on track now… holidays knock us a little out of kilter.

    @flourbaby thinking of you as tooth issues can affect everything… a little like back problems … I hope you have found some way to manage with the pain… it may not help but I find a mouth wash with alcohol can help at those times… 🙏

    I didn’t see @molij’s link to cognitive shuffling but isn’t that funny that we are obviously tuning into the same types of information – I had heard of CBT as an aid for sleep and menopause symptoms and started looking into it and bingo! Cognitive shuffling came up as something many people found useful. I had another great sleep last night but I am still very tired..

    Cold and wet here and I’ve a lot of work to do today as focus was off yesterday… I have been trying Kefir recently and I’m not sure it agrees with me… I think it may be causing some sinus issues… will see.

    Have a lovely Tuesday everyone. I’m back on the list today as yesterday turned into a FD800 as some pistachios brought from Turkey were sent to test me.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 19 🌰

    Day 19, London, UK, FD800

    So, the toothache has settled down to minor sensitivity, which is lucky because it’s 4 weeks until my appointment!!!😳 It will certainly need looking at before it returns with a vengeance!!

    My posting may be a bit sporadic from here on as, despite promises that nothing would change, my role seems to have been the only one to suffer major upheaval in the company buy/sell out!!! I’m being transferred from the office to manage a site again ………………. just as the weather turns to 💩!!! I thought I had left that all behind, but apparently my salary & skillset are more valuable elsewhere!! I’m livid and feeling like a commodity!!! I’m going to suffer this winter outdoors!!🥶🥶

    It’s time to move on I think. I was considering retraining to be an NVQ assessor which would enable me to work from home and properly be my own boss…………. the choice seems to have been made for me!!!

    I’ll try to post, but I’m a bit down in the dumps right now, a bit rudder-less, a bit despondent and just a tad peeved!!!.

    Perhaps I’ll become an evening poster!!!

    Keep the faith folks!!!

    Day 19 North Wales NFD

    Successful FD yesterday. I haven’t weighed myself. I prefer to weigh myself at the end of the month. If I see no weight loss I lose my motivation.

    So glad so many of you liked my post about cognitive shuffling. I really like Dr Amir Khan. He is on the TV in the daytime but I don’t watch daytime TV so I just follow him on Instagram . I also like Tim Spector and Zoe and Dr Rangan Chatterjee. They are on Instagram but they also have their own Podcasts which I listen to regularly.

    Thank you all for your comments about my Granddaughter’s first Christmas outfit. Still working on the dress. I will post a picture of that soon. I only have the label and hem to do.

    @jaifaim I have had one night where I found the cognitive shuffling not working as well but what was interesting was that I did not stay up the rest of the night stressing about things that might happen and I did after an hour manage to fall back to sleep. My mind does feel a lot calmer.

    @funshipfreddie jealous of your spring weather. It’s very cold here at the moment but we have a least managed to avoid the snow that a lot of places have woken up to this morning.

    @merryapple sounds like yo had a lovely time with your family.

    @missybear glad you had a relaxing weekend. Hope you haven’t had snow.

    @ccco you are doing so well with your weight this month stay strong 💪

    @iona72 I used to love baking when I was not watching what I eat. My husband loved what I made. He is one of those infuriating people who can eat whatever they like and not put a pound on. 😡🤬

    @stitchincarol well done on your CD turning into a FD

    @flourbaby nothing worse than toothache. I am sorry you have got to wait for treatment. I do hope the drugs work. Sorry you are down in the dumps re work. Hope things improve. Sending you a 🫂

    Have a good day everyone ❤️

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Yesterday was a disaster! I protested several times, but the meeting participants insisted on going to lunch together, so it was hard to say no. I could have, but it would have been as if I didn’t want to debrief with them after the meeting — isn’t it strange how food is strangely woven into human culture that refusing a meal feels like rejection of policy? I didn’t go crazy with my choices, but the few carbs I had did mess me up. I feel really bloated today. My next opportunity is Thursday. It is a shame, because I know I could have gotten a really good number on the scales this morning.

    @flourbaby How horrible about your work situation on top of the toothache! Have you spoken to your supervisor about other opportunities in the company? I wouldn’t blame you for moving on.

    Day 19 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I was so hungry yesterday, probably because the weather has turned colder, nevertheless I stuck with my FD so I’m enjoying PFDS today.

    @molij no snow here. I remember some heavy snow storms when we lived in Worcestershire, beautiful to see from the warmth of indoors but not so fun when you’re having to travel to work in it. We haven’t experienced proper snow since moving to Pembrokeshire and much to my surprise I miss it ⛄️

    @flourbaby sorry to hear your changing work situation is making you unhappy. I can empathise, I went through similar situations twice during my working days and it resulted in me making career choices I wouldn’t have made if I hadn’t been pushed into them…..and you know what, with hindsight it was all for the good. Stay with us, stress and upset can cause a lot of damage to the waistline……I’m thinking wine, cheese, etc. 😉 and the forum is a safe space to vent 🤗

    Time I got some fresh air and exercise, the grey sky and rain isn’t inviting but I have a raincoat and needs must!
    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Had another restrained day yesterday, so we’ll see how much magic today’s WF accomplishes…I’m eager to finally get down to 154.

    @ccco Your weight fluctuates because anything you put into your mouth has weight. Try this: weigh yourself, then drink a large glass of water and weigh yourself again. Clearly, since it’s water, you didn’t gain weight…but the scale will say you did. Hold on to that knowledge when you see the scale fluctuate and know that it’s all okay.

    @merryapple Thank you, your words did the trick: I knitted with contentment and willingness last night finally. I can envision what you mean about you knitting with the knitting belt. Have your normally held your yarn in your LH or is that changed because of the circumstances? That’s the way I was taught, although I can also throw it from my RH now, which I use when I’m doing FI.

    @funshipfreddie Wow, your post has so many details packed into it. First, three thousand calories? I’m thrilled when I get to 2200, which I only do one or twice a month. And death row? Yup, I’m SURE it was a misunderstanding; your lovely link a couple weeks back to the CNN people proves your kindness. 😁🥰😉 And that Colin Powell quote is so very, very good.

    @jaifaim You would have laughed to see me volunteering at the food bank truck yesterday. It rained most of the time, and was very wet the entire time, so to stay warm, I had on my cashmere turtleneck swweater, with a thick two-color wool sweater over it, and my rain coat over it all, hood pulled over, and a baseball cap to keep the rain off my face, and then Uggs to keep my feet warm. Unfortunately, by the time we were done after two full hours, my Uggs were soaking wet, and still are this morning. But everyone was either reasonable as they drove up in the cars to have the food put in for them, or were hugely kind…all except for one woman who had an attitude with some to spare, tried using 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC as her address (did she really think I wouldn’t know it’s the White House??), and cursed me out when I told her we’d need a local address. I’ve been thinking of her a lot, wondering what made her so angry and unpleasant…amazing. So, yeah, we shared wet weather yesterday!! 😁🤣🤣🤣⛈️🌧️☔⛈️

    Oh, @flourbaby, I’m so sorry your job is in such turmoil and making you so unhappy!! If nothing else, continue to post just so we can hold you close as friends do. ❤️ And that is WAY too long to wait to have your tooth looked at!! It’s so weird to me that the dentist can’t find a way to fit you in. Or, what about a cancellation list? When it’s not an emergency, but I just need to get in, I ask to be put on the cancellation list, and then when they get a cancellation, they call me to see if I can fill it. I’m glad the pain is at least manageable.

    @molij What’s funny to me about the cognitive shuffling is that I’m no good at it. You just TRY to make me come up with a word that starts with a particular letter, LOL! But in my efforts trying to find one–I fall back to sleep! So it’s clearly effective for me, and I’m so thankful you mentioned it!

    @northgeorgia One time when I was in California for a family event, when I was faithfully doing 18-6, so didn’t eat until the afternoon, a dozen of the family decided to go out for breakfast. So I went but warned them I wouldn’t be eating. And I didn’t. The table had enough people at it that the waitress didn’t mind, and my family just rolled their eyes at me, and it worked fine. Perhaps next time people push you to go out, try saying no because it’s a FD, and then agree, but insist you won’t eat. I suspect people will be so entertained it won’t be a problem at all. Of course, it will require a great deal of RESOLVE from you, but I know you have enough to pull it off.

    @missybear Yup, I too would miss snow if we moved away from it.

    Okay, time to get my day fully started and be on my way to Omaha. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 19 🌰
    @flourbaby FD800
    @stitchincarol WFD

    USA. Day 19. WFD

    Fourbaby, I certainly understand your dilemma! I would be disappointed and upset, too. Maybe training to be a NVQ assessor is a good idea. It sounds promising. Also waiting four weeks for a dentist appointment when you have a toothache is tough. I am glad the pain has settled down a bit.

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, I can’t imagine what would have prompted such a dream!!

    Missybear, good for you sticking with your FD yesterday.

    MoliJ, I am with you. If I see no weight loss, I, too, lose motivation. I don’t weight often but when I do it’s always in the morning before eating anything. I get the best results then.

    I don’t see a pocket list, so I will start one.

    Pocket List Day 19


    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 20 NZ NFD 69.2kg🏃🏼‍♀️

    Just been up Mt Eden and got soaked on the way back… Why does it not rain when you wear a raincoat and does when you don’t?! I‘m heading into the shower then getting glamed up for my friend’s birthday lunch.
    Hmm @flourbaby If you have a tooth abscess 4 weeks is toooo long to wait. Hope you have put your name down for a cancellation… What is an NVQ??
    @stitchincarol Good to hear! Your DH will be so appreciative!! I was taught the English – Queen Victoria method but use different styles now depending on what I’m making. I’m on the make it up as you go along style at present 🙂 Ugh boots in wet weather??!!
    Cognitive shuffling makes me think of CD players and shuffling songs!!
    Hmmm Death 💀 Row aye @funshipfreddie… And ridiculous cleaning… the two do seem to go together… Kinda like doing it over my dead body🤣
    @excelsior12309 Where for art thou???
    Got to jump into the shower before I freeze…

    Onward and downward!!

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @flourbaby – Oh no?! November is turning out to be full of nonsense for you! 😟 At least you’ve got options though. But, ditto what @missybear said. I was miserable at work back in 2002. I liked the job, but the 24 hour operation/shifts were really getting me down. So I quit, & it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I fell in love with the cruise industry, I got to see the world & I don’t regret it for a second. I just wish I’d done it sooner 🤗

    @molij – I like Dr Rangan Chatterjee too. He’s a fellow Mancunian & has over a million subscribers on YouTube. I spoke too soon about the weather – it’s pouring today ☔️

    @stitchincarol, @merryapple, @jaifaim – we don’t even have the death penalty in SA?! I think I was about to take a shower just before I woke up. Cos, obviously you want to look & feel your best just before you have a lethal injection 😂

    @stitchincarol – I agree with what you said about going to a restaurant & not eating. I’ve done that a few times – maybe not in the evening though – & just had coffee while others were eating. If it’s a FD it’s a FD & it’s not negotiable. They really don’t care, & you don’t need to give a lengthy explanation. Just a, ‘I’m not hungry/I ate earlier’ is enough if you think they’ll get weird about it. Reminds me of the Eleanor Roosevelt quote, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realised how seldom they do”.

    A couple of pics from yesterday’s mosaic class, & side 3 of the plant pot I’m working on. The place has such a great vibe. And ‘Socks’ the cat. I love him, but I don’t think Boo Boo would 😳

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Day 20 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾
    158.5 ⬆️

    Oh no… the ebbs and flows of weight gain/loss… back up again and that will be because a very kind colleague brought in the most delicious GF treats yesterday… we go again! You’ll be fed up of seeing me on the list 😂🙄

    @flourbaby I’m really sorry for you… after the past few years you really deserve to be able to settle gently into your lovely new home without having to worry about changes in the workplace or a looking for a new job… but life never throws us these challenges at the right time (if there ever is a right time). So I really am thinking of you and I do hope that you can have the tooth looked at sooner… as @merryapple says if it is an abscess it really should be treated asap – you poor pet. Could you try another practice or a dental hospital maybe? 💕

    @excelsior12309, @michelinme, @at and others who are quiet this month, I hope you are ok and will be back with us soon…

    @funshipfreddie – too funny! Of course you do – one must look their best on exit 😂😂 🚿

    @molij yes I love listening to Dr Rangan Chatterjee too ⭐️

    @stitchincarol, @merryapple it looks like we are all getting saturated – not today though here – it is freezing and frosty 🥶 @missybear and @molij you probably have the same weather so keep warm and safe today.

    @iona72 I hope you are on the downward trend after your busy weekend

    Have a good day everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 20 🐪

    Great pics @funshipfreddie 🤗

    Day 20 UK NFD

    Lost a day yesterday to catching up on tv ( Great British Bake off and Masterchef are not ideal when trying to cut down on calories!!) and feeling very meh , think a lot of it was the horrible grey cold rainy weather Still cold but suns out today feeling much more with it so trying to get my act together and go for a fast day tomorrow and be fully present

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. Status quo, and another lunch meeting today.

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s WF went fine, although I’m not quite as low this morning as I’d anticipated…as I’d hoped. My body hasn’t completely woken up yet, however, so perhaps I’ll like the number better in an hour. And I say today is an NFD, but it will be a CD1000-1200 because my actual plan is a salad for lunch, perhaps with some turkey breast if I’m still hungry, and then some of that turkey noodle soup I made last week; there are two portions in the freezer and I think that’s what we’ll have for supper, although we may decide to have yet another turkey sandwich…the turkey is seemingly never-ending, LOL! Regardless, I will again be AF today; regarding both food and drink, my mojo is astonishingly strong at the moment, so I’m seizing on with both hands and holding tight!

    @merryapple You think my Uggs were a bad choice for the wet weather? I always wear them in snow, and figured they were my warmest choice for that day, but I guess two hours of being out in the weather was too much for them. They have finally dried, however!

    @funshipfreddie I enjoyed reading your agreement with me about not eating in a restaurant until I got to the Eleanor R. quote and then I really laughed; great quote and great quote for the situation! And Socks is gorgeous! Your third side is looking even more polished than your first did, and is that a mosaic BALL I see? Really pretty; thanks for sharing the photos! Socks reminds me of my lesson with student Theo yesterday, whose dog Star loves attention; I wasn’t petting her enough to make her happy, so she resorted to licking my ankle while I was listening to Theo play…made me snort with laughter! Star is an American Eskimo/Shetland Sheepdog mix, weighs about 12 lbs, I’m guessing, and is the softest thing I’ve ever felt!

    @jaifaim Nope, never fed up; we’ve all been there and done that, and I’m sure I will again. At the moment I have strong mojo, but just remember I was here and not losing an ounce for well over a YEAR–and that was after a year of steady weight GAIN. So, nope, not fed up, merely sympathetic for your frustration. But I remain convinced you’ll get back down, and long before Christmas. 👍💪

    @brightonbelle We all need those lazy days once in a while…but I agree that your shows of choice were some of the toughest to watch! 🤣 I’m glad you’re feeling more, as you said, “with it” today!

    @northgeorgia I know you’d rather be hovering close to the 220s, but status quo is at least better than up a couple pounds, so hold on to that.

    One of my sisters is coming for 11 days at Christmas, so on top of all the other things I’m plannig out over the next few weeks, I’m focused on getting the guest bedroom back to a lovely state…it was lovely for a long time, but gradually we’ve been putting stuff in there that we didn’t know where else to put. This house is just a bit tinier than I want and some of the roles I’ve taken on came with more “things” than I’d realized. So today I have to do my typical tidying for the housekeeper, but also tidy some paperwork so it’s in two neat bags instead of a spread-out pile, LOL!

    So in that spirit, I better get moving, huh? Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 20. FD

    I must have accidentally found a plan that is working for me. I only slipped up once. Ironically, if I don’t start eating, I don’t feel hungry. I can go all day like that and be perfectly fine!!

    I am joining jaifaim on today’s pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 20 🐪

    Whatever works to take off that weight!!

    Have a great day!

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