no longer confused. yay! :)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • jeanius i had 2 changed topic
    thank u so much for ur post and giving me a specific date 4 ur history that was so helpful because it is so hard 2 read it all.

    r u a writer in real life? if not, u should b. i am a reader of all things & admire people who can write.

    impressed with how much u have lost and ur enthusiasm.
    ur comments about exercise where is that specifically?

    based on what u have said, i guess i’m doing everything ok. ur right people are not aware of intake.

    based on how my body is reacting to hunger (very hungry) which has never happened b4 in this fastday diet. i think i will do intermittently 4:3 and never the 1 meal @ night.
    even though i always ave 1300 cals ave in week since the beginning no matter which way i do it 5:2 4:3. it is still fun to play w/ the numbers and the different diet philosophies.
    this fastday lifestyle is the one 4 life that i have chosen. why? it feeeels gooood nanananana.
    so just very recently 1 day was 2300 ugh not unfortunately to sweets or a great dessert or a big pizza but a stupid avocado (even eating diabetically and healthily it adds up) ugh ugh ugh so the next day u adjust always averaging 1300 the week 1 day low carb nonfastday or fastday I’m going to try 1 vegetarian day. Maybe 1 day mediterranean maybe 1 day paleo based on the latest info low carb (not w/all the fat) and vegetarians live longer. it’s hard, the vegetarian way, i tried it many years ago and no matter how good the food was i needed eggs cheese any meat something.

    Can’t wait 2 b that elitist who says oh I’m losing 2 pounds a week so now I’m on the maintenance 6:1 no longer have diabetes, my high blood pressure & cholesterol is gone.

    I really wish u success w/ ur dr and hope they figure out how 2 help u live without the pain and meds.

    You’ve caught me out, wiltldnrUSA! My promised comments about my exercise regime are still in my head, not yet written. Sorry if you’ve been fruitlessly hunting around for them. I will try to write something soon, as I think it’s an important topic. Writing doesn’t come easy to me but I just spend a lot of time on it, trying to sculpt my sentences as best I can. Luckily, I do have the luxury of more free time than most other people, as I am retired. Like you, I really value the written word.
    For ethical reasons, I have been a vegetarian for over 35 years but in the past year I have (queasily) started to eat eggs and, now, fish too, as I felt I needed better nutrition. So, actually, I am just a non-meat-eater now – and meat really is a bridge too far for me. Never wanting to bother much with shopping, cooking or washing-up, my approach to food has always been rather desultory, so researching the various 5:2 approaches has been a real education. I imagine diabetes very much forces you to fully attend to the whole subject. To offset hunger, of course, protein plus masses of low-carb vegetables are meant to be on the menu. I’m sure you’ll find your way through the maze, to discover what best suits your needs and, hopefully, you will have fun doing it. Won’t it be great, when you ARE that 6:1 elitist?! I will certainly celebrate with you. With all best wishes.

    Jeanius had 2 look up desultory . i love how google lets u highlight the word then r clk and searches. great word. is that what Gerd does. u can’t have all the spices and sauces. is it just bland food no jalapenos?

    this fastday way makes me experiment
    from eel seaweed onion fig sauce. i always pick 1 thing i have never tried.
    i will b trying a can of? (was written in a foreign language) tomorrow next week i will choose a fruit i never heard of or eaten.
    fave fave is the kelp noodles i prefer them from al dente pasta they r crunchy no fishy taste don’t have to cook them.

    wish u continuing success and will be celebrating w/ u

    will not b responding 4 a while as rapidly as i used 2. due 2 online courses and exams. thought i was going 2 retire but lost it all. i don’t know how ur economy is doing. used 2 read the economist. there is 2 much 2 read.

    i thought about ur comment on the new york zoo. it reminded me of my dad. i set him up on his computer to visit the famous museums of russia france etc.. and walking through pompei as if he were there (google earth). listening in on harvard lectures through google edu. technology has been amazing. especially downloading every diet, cookbook, magazine even uk ones 4 free from the library no more dusting and living in a labyrinth of books/magazines/papers.(exaaagerating)

    write a book or an article a journal a blog. maybe instead of weightwatcher magazine u will be the editor of fastday way or life. u r very good. i will always write in a ee cummings way

    from a future 6:1 elitist i’m definitely having fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun! this fastday life is 4 me:)

    Many thanks,wiltldnrUSA, for your kind words. My gullet trouble means stomach acid can burn the tube that runs from my throat down to my stomach – after any food, when lying down to sleep or if I bend down to pick up an object, etc. – giving a hot sensation of heartburn or indigestion. I just have to not eat, not sleep and not move and then I’m fine.
    I hope all goes well with your studies and exams. I do like your style and look forward to reading more whenever you are free. E.E. Cummings certainly made a name for himself – although, as I understand it, HE didn’t actually use lowercase letters to write his name! Publishers, eh? Enjoy your food-fun.

    just checkmarking
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    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 😀
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

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