I am 75 and have been trying to lose weight for 4 years. Now, god bless you Michael I have lost 1 stone and plan to lose another stone by Easter. I am very lame with arthritus, so can do very little exercise, but it still works.
Feel so much better already, not as tired or out of breath. I am very over weight, so there is a long way to go. But! It isn’t hard to do. I stick with fish for my two fasting days, fishy breakfast and a fishy supper plus lots of veg. I really hope the GPs will take this idea on board. I have been to dieticians etc and no one suggested a diet that would work for someone of my age. Infact they don’t even take age into it.
Anyway, onwards and downwards I say!
Thank you thank you thank you
10:20 pm
5 Jan 14